Results for «Terrorism»

Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Crying for Justice

51m 18s

After 11 September 2001, the US government concludes secret agreements with European governments to fight terrorism. CIA will have powers to kidnap and torture suspects. It is a flagrant violation of international treaties and a slap to human rights. When the Washington Post revealed this secret pact in 2005, the Council of Europe instructs Swiss parliamentarian Dick Marty to investigate. This film is the story of this investigation.

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Crying for Justice

51m 18s

After 11 September 2001, the US government concludes secret agreements with European governments to fight terrorism. CIA will have powers to kidnap and torture suspects. It is a flagrant violation of international treaties and a slap to human rights. When the Washington Post revealed this secret pact in 2005, the Council of Europe instructs Swiss parliamentarian Dick Marty to investigate. This film is the story of this investigation.

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Somaliland : An Experiment in Democracy

57m 42s

In 1991 the northern section of Somalia declared itself an independent democratic state, since then Somaliland has struggled on its path to find international recognition while the rest of Somalia has become infamous for anarchy and violence. Somaliland: An Experiment in Democracy follows the 2012 election spotlighting the difficulties of running an election in an undeveloped country with a fragile infrastructure.

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My War

1h 37m

Attention shocking documentary! My War tells the daily life of Westerners who joined the Kurdish forces to fight Daesh in Syria. Need Glory? Adrenaline? Why leave a peaceful life to go to hell?

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Reportage series - S01 E04 - Holy Land

57m 46s

Half a million Israeli settlers live within the Palestinian territories forming the main barrier to a two-state solution. They do not see themselves as colonists or invaders, but rather pioneers. Some see themselves as the vanguard that will welcome the arrival of the Messiahs to the lands of Abraham, and others consider themselves a barrier against Islamic extremism.

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Reportage series - S01 E04 - Holy Land

57m 46s

Half a million Israeli settlers live within the Palestinian territories forming the main barrier to a two-state solution. They do not see themselves as colonists or invaders, but rather pioneers. Some see themselves as the vanguard that will welcome the arrival of the Messiahs to the lands of Abraham, and others consider themselves a barrier against Islamic extremism.

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Reportage series - S01 E01 - Blood Tusks

48m 34s

A hundred elephants die every day in Africa killed by poachers, members of the militia or of terrorist organizations like Al Shabab. Their tusks sell for €600 per kilo, and an emerging middle class in China demands ivory as symbol of their new wealth status and International criminal gangs are there to cater to them.

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Reportage series - S01 E01 - Blood Tusks

48m 34s

A hundred elephants die every day in Africa killed by poachers, members of the militia or of terrorist organizations like Al Shabab. Their tusks sell for €600 per kilo, and an emerging middle class in China demands ivory as symbol of their new wealth status and International criminal gangs are there to cater to them.

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Day Of Miracles

55m 24s

The true-life story of the Miracle Survivors of 9/11/01 when the World Trade Center was destroyed, the Pentagon hit, and a plane full of heroes headed for the White House crashed in Pennsylvania. Reenacted by Hollywood Notables.

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Afghanistan, the price of revenge

1h 26m

In October 2001 the United States launched the war against Afghanistan, with the whole world by its side, in an act of self-defence after the attacks of 9/11. Today, the troops of the coalition are gradually packing up. They lost over 3000 soldiers and leave behind a country on the brink of civil war and bloodshed… The official rhetoric has not stood up to the stark reality on the ground. Bin Laden? Found and killed…elsewhere, in Pakistan.

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ISIS, birth of a terrorist state

54m 26s

ISIS or IS, the so-called Islamic State - DAECH in Arabic - controls today a large territory that stretches over Syria and Iraq. ISIS is not just a terrorist movement, it has become something of an out-law state attracting militants and combatants from around the globe. The jihadist start-up born in Iraq under American occupation became a global corporation of terror which succeeded in making Al Qaeda look outdated.

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ISIS, birth of a terrorist state

54m 26s

ISIS or IS, the so-called Islamic State - DAECH in Arabic - controls today a large territory that stretches over Syria and Iraq. ISIS is not just a terrorist movement, it has become something of an out-law state attracting militants and combatants from around the globe. The jihadist start-up born in Iraq under American occupation became a global corporation of terror which succeeded in making Al Qaeda look outdated.

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Faces of Terror

59m 36s

Why are Europeans, children of immigrants like Coulibaly or the Kouachis brothers, attacking their countries of birth? What leads them to reject the values of the nation in which they grew up, to be reborn as extremists of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. What role does religion play and which religion? What propaganda and mental mechanisms are being used to convince this generation of killers that they must turn vigilante on behalf of their victimised Muslim world?

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Bashar Al Assad: The Master of Chaos

55m 00s

This documentary probes the life of Syria's despot, Bashar al-Assad. The country has been in the grip of a bloody civil war for more than six years, and although he's faced challenges from ISIS, the refugee crisis, and foreign governments calling for his removal, Bashar has stayed true to his one goal: to perpetuate his relentless power over Syria.

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Boko Haram: The Origins of Evil

51m 18s

How has the extremist group Boko Haram, which began as a small Islamic sect, managed to make Nigeria, the richest country in Africa, and all its neighbours, tremble with fear? Who are they and how did they become so powerful? Xavier Muntz spent a month in Northern Nigeria, in the heart of the red zone, to answer these very questions. He met with many people, all directly affected by this religious uprising. Victims, soldiers and even Jihadi sympathisers.

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