Results for «Technology»

Dream of the future S1 Ep7 - MUSIC

52m 28s

See how new technologies will transform music by 2050: robotic and intelligent instruments, intuitive composition software, virtual artists, collaborative composition and more. Tomorrow, music will be capable of adapting to our moods and offer us more than just entertainment.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep7 - MUSIC

52m 28s

See how new technologies will transform music by 2050: robotic and intelligent instruments, intuitive composition software, virtual artists, collaborative composition and more. Tomorrow, music will be capable of adapting to our moods and offer us more than just entertainment.

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The Future of Work and Death

1h 30m

World experts in the fields of futurology, anthropology, neuroscience, and philosophy consider the impact of technological advances on the two 'certainties' of human life; work and death. Charting human developments from Homo habilis, past the Industrial Revolution, to the digital age and beyond, the film looks at the shocking exponential rate at which mankind has managed to create technologies to ease the process of living.

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The Future of Work and Death

1h 30m

World experts in the fields of futurology, anthropology, neuroscience, and philosophy consider the impact of technological advances on the two 'certainties' of human life; work and death. Charting human developments from Homo habilis, past the Industrial Revolution, to the digital age and beyond, the film looks at the shocking exponential rate at which mankind has managed to create technologies to ease the process of living.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep6 - HOME

51m 20s

This episode will show how innovations in construction are burgeoning: 3D printing, material salvaging... In cities, homes will be modular and 'Äúintelligent'Äù, and the growing population will lead us to explore new spaces on Earth and even other planets...

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Hunting for Hedonia

1h 27m

Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is a revolutionary tool in neuroscience and as a treatment it is crossing over from movement control in Parkinson's to alleviating mental illness.

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Hunting for Hedonia

1h 27m

Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is a revolutionary tool in neuroscience and as a treatment it is crossing over from movement control in Parkinson's to alleviating mental illness.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep2 - ART

48m 02s

Art is undergoing a revolution brought about by advances in technology. Digital techniques, data flows, calculating power, and 3D visualisation are some of the tools that open the way to new ways and forms of expression and new artistic Practices.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep2 - SPORT

50m 49s

As we embark upon the 21st century, sports now occupy a central role in our lives. They set the pace of our daily routines, influence our lifestyles, and maintain our health and general well being. This episode will show how the athletes of 2050 will be spoiled with technological choices.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 3 - Mind and Consciousness

52m 30s

Human consciousness is the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. Not only does it exist; it is sophisticated beyond understanding. The big issue: does the immaterial reality of human consciousness point to an immaterial mind behind the universe? Examining the evidence from ‘the God gene’ to near death experience, this episode brings the final clash of views of this God question series.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 2 - Life and Evolution

52m 45s

If ever God had an undertaker, it surely must be Charles Darwin. Yet, says his biographer James Moore “Darwin was never really an atheist”. He has, nevertheless, become its patron saint. The evidence for evolution is compelling. Indeed its achievements are so spectacular that they lead to underlying questions about why it is so successful if there is no over-arching mind. In this episode champions of the view that Darwin has buried God clash with their theistic counterparts.

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Rise of the Trolls

52m 03s

Smartphones have put the internet into our pockets and billions of people around the world are now connected online. Our lives have improved greatly, but this “freedom” has also made us vulnerable to a new kind of predator – the internet troll.

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52m 01s

The documentary film #myescape assesses the journey that refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Eritrea chose to undergo, as the circumstances in their home-countries became increasingly unliveable. Hundreds of thousands are leaving their countries, families and old lives behind, in search of some basic safety and freedom. In most cases, the mobile phone became a quintessential tool to facilitate the organisation of ones escape and the constant companion.

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How I Became Invisible

57m 14s

Camera, tracking, data, homeland security, NSA… Can we really get over the technological control? How to become invisible in 2016 ?Listened, watched, tracked, Alexandra Ranz travels the world searching for new techniques to get rid of private life intrusion, to erase her personal data from the internet and get a total freedom again.This documentary gives you the keys of internet surveillance...

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Dream of the future S2 Ep10 - FARMING

51m 56s

In 2050, demand for agricultural products will have increased by at least 70%. To meet these needs, we will have to produce more, but also more cleanly and using less energy. New technologies will help farmers meet these challenges. Connected robots will support them in their daily tasks self-sufficiently.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep9 - MEDICINE

50m 00s

This episode will reveal how medicine in 2050 will be perfectly targeted and adapted to the individual as well as accessible to everyone. Just as science fiction already imagined, medicine in 2050 will be reparative and regenerative.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep10 - SEX

52m 53s

In our modern society, having a successful sex life is now an obligation. If the Internet has changed the way we meet or flirt, and increased the number of potential partners, a new revolution is coming with the dematerialization of the sexual act.

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At the Heart of Robots

1h 06m

The distance between mankind and machines has never been so narrow. We and they are so close in fact that doubts are being cast as to what it is to be human. Mankind's future is being played out now. What if robots could make us immortal?

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Dream of the future S2 Ep7 - CITIES

52m 39s

Cities are now the heart of our societies; as economic and cultural centres, they attract more and more people. So, what will our cities look like in 2050? How will they be able to accommodate the one million additional people who arrive every week?

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Cold War Peacemaker: Story of the Convair B-36

56m 03s

Cold War Peacemaker is the amazing and unique story of the development of the B-36 very-long-long-range nuclear bomber. From its beginnings during WWII, through construction in a former wild-west cattle town and deployment into the Cold War, the story of the Convair B-36 and how it intimidated the Soviet Union is a fascinating study in politics and technology.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep9 - OCEANS

51m 32s

The oceans are at the heart of the terrestrial climate machine. Without them, there is no life. However, they are subjected to significant changes: heating, acidification, pollution, a loss of biodiversity. In 2050, we will do all it takes to preserve them.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep9 - OCEANS

51m 32s

The oceans are at the heart of the terrestrial climate machine. Without them, there is no life. However, they are subjected to significant changes: heating, acidification, pollution, a loss of biodiversity. In 2050, we will do all it takes to preserve them.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep8 - HERITAGE

48m 15s

Our cultural heritage is one of humanity’s most precious assets: how can we pass it on to the Future? It’s a crucial challenge: sharing it with the greatest number but also help it stand up against threats of destruction. New technologies and virtual reality open up unprecedented perspectives, like that of a digital memory.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep3 - WORK

48m 05s

In 2050, there will be seven billion workers and five generations working together. Beyond the nature itself of future professions, it’s our relationship with work that new technologies will reshape and force us to rethink.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep1 - ENTERTAINMENT

49m 05s

Theme parks, cinema, video games...Today, virtual reality headsets are reaching the masses and can already let users dive into spectacular new worlds. From our couches, we can now float through space, fly over New York, or zip along roller coasters.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep8 - FASHION

50m 18s

See how new technologies will transform fashion in 2050: 3D textile printing, intelligent clothes, new fibers, new sustainable materials that adapt to the body's needs. With a special guest JC de Castelbajac, the fashion designer.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep5 - ENERGY

50m 24s

To respond to global demand and population growth, energy production will have to increase by 75% by 2050. The fossil fuels that we currently use on a massive scale are becoming increasingly rare and are highly polluting, wreaking havoc on the climate.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep4 - COOKING

48m 33s

Cuisine meets a vital need, but it is also a way of expressing pleasure, emotions, and sharing. With an hour on average spent every day cooking, it is also at the heart of our daily lives. In 2050, cooking will also have to respond to environmental challenges: be sustainable, preserve the planet's resources and cope with the overconsumption of Meat.

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Packing for Mars

52m 50s

National space agencies, scientists and private businesses are competing to find pioneering ways to be part of the adventure to Mars, and are investing colossal sums of money to achieve their goal. Competition is fierce and sometimes cut-throat. They all have their sights set on finding the solutions to the problems raised by what is billed as the greatest expedition of all time. This documentary film presents the most influential scientists, engineers and adventurers in space exploration today.

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Packing for Mars

52m 50s

National space agencies, scientists and private businesses are competing to find pioneering ways to be part of the adventure to Mars, and are investing colossal sums of money to achieve their goal. Competition is fierce and sometimes cut-throat. They all have their sights set on finding the solutions to the problems raised by what is billed as the greatest expedition of all time. This documentary film presents the most influential scientists, engineers and adventurers in space exploration today.

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Space Robot Revolution

52m 27s

Robotics is everywhere, and humans have already been working closely with robots, if not replaced by them. But today, robots are clearly key actors in the future conquest of the space. While some androids have already been sent into space, other finer prototypes will soon join or replace them.

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Space Robot Revolution

52m 27s

Robotics is everywhere, and humans have already been working closely with robots, if not replaced by them. But today, robots are clearly key actors in the future conquest of the space. While some androids have already been sent into space, other finer prototypes will soon join or replace them.

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Origami Code

51m 55s

Everything that develops and changes in nature is folded: mountains, blossoms, the brain...Life is an unending series of folding and unfolding. Researchers in robotics, medicine, nanotechnologies, are embracing this "origami philosophy", trying to understand and duplicate nature's folding principles.

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I Am Human

1h 30m

Meet several of the world's first "cyborgs" - a hospital-bound tetraplegic, a blind retiree, and an artist with Parkinson’s - and the scientists and entrepreneurs on a quest to unlock the secrets of the brain.

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Techno Sapiens - The Future of the Human Species

51m 36s

The boundaries between man and machine, between technology and nature, are becoming increasingly blurred and might even disappear completely in the future. Information technology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are not only making considerable inroads into society, but also more and more directly into human nature. The day when Homo sapiens is able to consciously design and radically change himself is not far away.

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Techno Sapiens - The Future of the Human Species

51m 36s

The boundaries between man and machine, between technology and nature, are becoming increasingly blurred and might even disappear completely in the future. Information technology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are not only making considerable inroads into society, but also more and more directly into human nature. The day when Homo sapiens is able to consciously design and radically change himself is not far away.

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Raising Resistance

54m 22s

Beautifully shot and interweaving interviews with scenes from soy fields in Paraguay, Raising Resistance explores Latin American farmers’ struggle against the expanding production of genetically modified soy in South America. Biotechnology, mechanisation, and herbicides have radically changed the lives of small farmers in Latin America. For farmers in Paraguay this means displacement from their land, loss of basic food supplies, and a veritable fight for survival.

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Raising Resistance

54m 22s

Beautifully shot and interweaving interviews with scenes from soy fields in Paraguay, Raising Resistance explores Latin American farmers’ struggle against the expanding production of genetically modified soy in South America. Biotechnology, mechanisation, and herbicides have radically changed the lives of small farmers in Latin America. For farmers in Paraguay this means displacement from their land, loss of basic food supplies, and a veritable fight for survival.

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Raising Resistance

54m 22s

Beautifully shot and interweaving interviews with scenes from soy fields in Paraguay, Raising Resistance explores Latin American farmers’ struggle against the expanding production of genetically modified soy in South America. Biotechnology, mechanisation, and herbicides have radically changed the lives of small farmers in Latin America. For farmers in Paraguay this means displacement from their land, loss of basic food supplies, and a veritable fight for survival.

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