Results for «Symbol»

Overdose - Run for a dream

52m 24s

As the carrier of a nation's hopes, there is a lot riding on Overdose. The successes of Hungary's premier racehorse have provided welcome relief from a decades-long legacy of fiscal austerity. But with Big Business cashing in on this symbol of optimism, the horse soon becomes a pawn in a game of egos and politics.

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Inspiring Women - Marilyn Monroe

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Marilyn Monroe : Fascination

48m 07s

Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous and adored icons of the 20th century. Like no other Hollywood star, she won the hearts of millions around the world. It’s been said that: “Monroe played the best game with the worst hand.” Her journey to stardom stemmed from a childhood of poverty, neglect, and loneliness. 'Fascination' tells the remarkable story of Marilyn’s life. From birth to her premature death she endured criticism, insecurities, drug dependence and numerous miscarriages.

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Marilyn Monroe : Fascination

48m 07s

Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous and adored icons of the 20th century. Like no other Hollywood star, she won the hearts of millions around the world. It’s been said that: “Monroe played the best game with the worst hand.” Her journey to stardom stemmed from a childhood of poverty, neglect, and loneliness. 'Fascination' tells the remarkable story of Marilyn’s life. From birth to her premature death she endured criticism, insecurities, drug dependence and numerous miscarriages.

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Inspiring Women - Elizabeth Taylor

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Teutonic Knights

52m 49s

In 19th century Germany, the Order of the Teutonic Knights had a romantic image and Prussia, their territory, had the allure of the land of heroes. So much so, that Hitler had been tempted to use their “image” as the symbol of national identity; their discipline and fighting spirit as the model for a conquerors’ mentality. But who really were the Teutonic Knights? This docu-drama sheds a new light on the fate of the order in the 13th and 14th century.

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Teutonic Knights

52m 49s

In 19th century Germany, the Order of the Teutonic Knights had a romantic image and Prussia, their territory, had the allure of the land of heroes. So much so, that Hitler had been tempted to use their “image” as the symbol of national identity; their discipline and fighting spirit as the model for a conquerors’ mentality. But who really were the Teutonic Knights? This docu-drama sheds a new light on the fate of the order in the 13th and 14th century.

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Owl's Odyssey

48m 11s

When a female barn-owl's home - an old disused barn - is demolished, she has to seek a new place to live. On the way, flying through forests and across grasslands, she encounters most of the common owl species in Central Europe: long- and short- eared owls, little, tawny and eagle owls, some she can live peace- fully beside, others she must shun or risk becoming their prey. During her journey, the film shows how owls fly so silently and hunt so efficiently.

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52m 48s

In the heart of Lithuania stands an astonishing hill completely covered with crosses.Since its origin, dating back to the 19th century, the hill has been a symbol of the Lithuanian people's resistance in the presence of their oppressors. Facing attacks, Lithuania put up a spiritual resistance.Indeed, in that country, faith is an act of resistance and the Hill of Crosses, standing as Lithuania's living memory, is to today's world a reminder of the great history of our 20th century...

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