Results for «Stop Motion»

Bricks in Motion

1h 27m 38s

BRICKS IN MOTION is a feature length documentary that explores the lives of people involved in the hobby of creating stop-motion animated films with LEGO® bricks and other building toys. Filmed in five countries around the world, the film is a journey through the creative life and struggles of a diverse community of storytellers as they bring their spectacular visions to life.

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Call Me Dad

1h 21m 35s

A group of fathers confront the pain they have caused, and take hold of a chance to transform their most precious relationships

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Body Language Decoded

52m 01s

Body Language Decoded features interviews with some of the world's leading experts in human communication. From San Francisco, Dr. David Matsumoto explains the hard-wired interconnectedness between our thoughts and emotions, our nervous systems, and our bodies.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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