Results for «Sharon Tate»

Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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Reportage series - S01 E09 - Walking on Bombs

51m 13s

Afghanistan is full of landmines, which emerged as the most lethal weapon used against North American military forces and their allies. We travel to the south of the country – the most dangerous zone – to enter the world of bomb disposal officers; men and women that walk on bombs. None of them match the stereotype seen in The Hurt Locker and none of them are adrenalin junkies. In their own words, this is the quickest way of getting killed in Afghanistan. War is over but the bombs remain.

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Reportage series - S01 E07 - Riding the Beast

52m 41s

The Beast is the train running through Mexico that everyday carries Central American migrants who dream of a better life in the United States. The reality is that on this most dangerous of journeys, the threat of kidnap, rape, violence and murder is constant as carrying their worldly belongings makes them an obvious target for gangs.

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Water Is Our Future - The Netherlands - The Pact with Water

52m 49s

For centuries, the Dutch have tamed the sea with dykes and criss-crossed their country with canals and waterways. Lately, climate change is whipping up storms and raising the sea level and the Netherlands is now seeking a new pact with water in order to protect the low-lying country. They’re making use of state-of-the-art technologies and the power of nature and are systematically making space for the water elsewhere.

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51m 13s

In the 1970s, a hit soap opera broadcast on the leading Russian state channel, "17 Moments of Spring", served up Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. Stierlitz, the hero of the series, became incredibly famous in Russia and was the antithesis of James Bond, who promoted Western values.

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51m 13s

In the 1970s, a hit soap opera broadcast on the leading Russian state channel, "17 Moments of Spring", served up Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. Stierlitz, the hero of the series, became incredibly famous in Russia and was the antithesis of James Bond, who promoted Western values.

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Come On In We're Dead

1h 26m

The true story of the The Young Brothers Massacre, 1932. The record for the most lawmen shot dead in the history of the United States. 10 cops and one civilian in Springfield, Missouri went to arrest 2 small-time gangsters known as The Young Brothers. The young men (Harry, 25 and Jennings, 30) had been on the run for the murder of a town marshall 3 years earlier.

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USA : Life in a high security prison

56m 59s

In the United States, there are more than 2 million people behind bars. That’s more than anywhere else in the world. 90% of prisoners serve time in one of the 1,700 State penitentiaries. One of them, the Anamosa State Penitentiary, granted us exceptional, round-the-clock access. Here, three quarters of the prisoners have been convicted of violent crimes and serve an average of 27 years. How is the prison managed?

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USA : Life in a high security prison

56m 59s

In the United States, there are more than 2 million people behind bars. That’s more than anywhere else in the world. 90% of prisoners serve time in one of the 1,700 State penitentiaries. One of them, the Anamosa State Penitentiary, granted us exceptional, round-the-clock access. Here, three quarters of the prisoners have been convicted of violent crimes and serve an average of 27 years. How is the prison managed?

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1h 00m

War/Peace tells the story of the radical student activists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who founded the anti-Vietnam war group "The Weathermen" at the University of Michigan in 1969 and who's members carried out two dozen bombings of government building including an attempt to bomb the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, several major banks and police stations through out the US.

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1h 00m

War/Peace tells the story of the radical student activists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who founded the anti-Vietnam war group "The Weathermen" at the University of Michigan in 1969 and who's members carried out two dozen bombings of government building including an attempt to bomb the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, several major banks and police stations through out the US.

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ISIS, birth of a terrorist state

54m 26s

ISIS or IS, the so-called Islamic State - DAECH in Arabic - controls today a large territory that stretches over Syria and Iraq. ISIS is not just a terrorist movement, it has become something of an out-law state attracting militants and combatants from around the globe. The jihadist start-up born in Iraq under American occupation became a global corporation of terror which succeeded in making Al Qaeda look outdated.

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ISIS, birth of a terrorist state

54m 26s

ISIS or IS, the so-called Islamic State - DAECH in Arabic - controls today a large territory that stretches over Syria and Iraq. ISIS is not just a terrorist movement, it has become something of an out-law state attracting militants and combatants from around the globe. The jihadist start-up born in Iraq under American occupation became a global corporation of terror which succeeded in making Al Qaeda look outdated.

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Faces of Terror

59m 36s

Why are Europeans, children of immigrants like Coulibaly or the Kouachis brothers, attacking their countries of birth? What leads them to reject the values of the nation in which they grew up, to be reborn as extremists of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. What role does religion play and which religion? What propaganda and mental mechanisms are being used to convince this generation of killers that they must turn vigilante on behalf of their victimised Muslim world?

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CIA vs KGB: Battleground Berlin

52m 34s

For 50 years, Berlin was the symbol of the Cold War. The city at the heart of the intelligence war between the US and the Soviet bloc. Thousands of KGB or CIA, agents observed each other, cogs in the biggest information war in history. But the war between the secret services was one dimension of a much larger conflict. A confrontation that almost boiled over just under the surface of the cold war. Economic pressures, secret diplomacy and espionage were the hallmarks of this hidden war.

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Erdogan, the rise to absolute power

52m 29s

The documentary tells the story of the slow transformation of a man. Once democratic and pro-European, he is now a reactionary head of state with autocratic aims. From the abrupt cessation of Turkey's EU accession talks in 2010 to the colossal purges destabilizing the country today, we are studying the implementation of a ruthless strategy aimed at making the Turkish president the new Sultan of the Middle East.

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Erdogan, the rise to absolute power

52m 29s

The documentary tells the story of the slow transformation of a man. Once democratic and pro-European, he is now a reactionary head of state with autocratic aims. From the abrupt cessation of Turkey's EU accession talks in 2010 to the colossal purges destabilizing the country today, we are studying the implementation of a ruthless strategy aimed at making the Turkish president the new Sultan of the Middle East.

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Bashar Al Assad: The Master of Chaos

55m 00s

This documentary probes the life of Syria's despot, Bashar al-Assad. The country has been in the grip of a bloody civil war for more than six years, and although he's faced challenges from ISIS, the refugee crisis, and foreign governments calling for his removal, Bashar has stayed true to his one goal: to perpetuate his relentless power over Syria.

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Future Food - USA : Big or Small

28m 13s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits USA and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Future Food - USA : Big or Small

28m 13s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits USA and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Certain Adverse Events

52m 46s

Dangerous antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, have been destroying the lives of healthy people. For years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration turned a blind eye to this tragedy. Washington, D.C. consumer advocacy group, Public Citizen, successfully sued the FDA, in 2008, forcing stronger warnings on name brands like Cipro and Levaquin. How can 5 pills change one's life forever?

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Kennedy's II

48m 39s

Americans are fascinated by the royal status of the Kennedy’s, and their dynasty that has mesmerized generations. To this day, their legacy lives on. The Kennedy family has long been plagued by tragedy and scandal. Despite this, the Kennedy’s have long been thought of as America’s “Royal Family”.

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46m 12s

The Kennedy family is one of the most famous families in the world,but their history has been plagued by tragedies commonly know as The Kennedy Curse. The wealth, glamour and photogenic quality of the family members, as well as their extensive and continuing commitment to public service, has elevated them to iconic status over the past half-century and has led to their reputation as “America’s Royal Family”.

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Happy Valley

1h 37m

From acclaimed director, Amir Bar-Lev (The Tillman Story, My Kid Could Paint That), A&E IndieFilms, Asylum Entertainment and producer John Battsek comes the story of the paedophile scandal that rocked America. The town of State College, home of Penn State University, lies at the heart of an area long known as Happy Valley. Its iconic figure for more than 40 years was Joe Paterno, head coach of the school’s famous football team, known affectionately as “Saint Joe.”

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Boko Haram: The Origins of Evil

51m 18s

How has the extremist group Boko Haram, which began as a small Islamic sect, managed to make Nigeria, the richest country in Africa, and all its neighbours, tremble with fear? Who are they and how did they become so powerful? Xavier Muntz spent a month in Northern Nigeria, in the heart of the red zone, to answer these very questions. He met with many people, all directly affected by this religious uprising. Victims, soldiers and even Jihadi sympathisers.

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