Results for «Serial killer»

Serial Killers | Tenneson

57m 14s

One fateful night in 1987, in a quiet neighbourhood of Lacrosse, a whole household of three people was wiped out in a matter of minutes. The killer Michael Tenneson, leaves the scene and heads northbound in his victim’s car in an attempt to escape his actions and start a new life. However the missing car raises suspicion and when two more people are killed, the police realize there is a serial killer on the loose.

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Serial Killers | Tenneson

57m 14s

One fateful night in 1987, in a quiet neighbourhood of Lacrosse, a whole household of three people was wiped out in a matter of minutes. The killer Michael Tenneson, leaves the scene and heads northbound in his victim’s car in an attempt to escape his actions and start a new life. However the missing car raises suspicion and when two more people are killed, the police realize there is a serial killer on the loose.

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Taboo - S01 E04 - Monster

49m 37s

Luis Alfredo Garavito – known as ‘The Monster’ – is by every measure the most feared and reviled murderer living today and perhaps ever to have ever lived . He has confessed to have killed, raped and tortured 140 children between the ages of 6 to 16 years old, though experts put the number at 172. He is currently imprisoned in a Colombian prison where Sistiaga, in scenes reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs, has gone to conduct an extended interview with him.

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Serial Killers | Spahalski

56m 45s

After 15 yeas on the run, repeatedly escaping justice, Robert Spahalski does something completely unexpected – he hands himself in and admits to five unsolved murders which have perplexed the police for years. The victims were acquaintances, close friends even lovers of Spahalski, but why did he kill them?

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Serial Killers | Spahalski

56m 45s

After 15 yeas on the run, repeatedly escaping justice, Robert Spahalski does something completely unexpected – he hands himself in and admits to five unsolved murders which have perplexed the police for years. The victims were acquaintances, close friends even lovers of Spahalski, but why did he kill them?

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Dementia 13

1h 14m

A scheming widow hatches a daring plan to get her hands on her late husband's inheritance, unbeknownst to her that she is targeted by an axe-wielding murderer who lurks within the family's estate.

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Blood Prisme

1h 16m

A successful artist and local art museum coordinator ("Cecilia") hears voices telling her to release 'troubled" individuals from this earth and into the serenity of the afterlife. However, Cecilia meets a man ("Lucas") who just may fill the void in her heart she has been missing her entire life.....the problem being Lucas is a suicidal man. Cecilia struggles between what her heart is telling her and what her voices are telling her about him. A story of love, life, and death.

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Spotlight Murder - The Sadist

41m 27s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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Spotlight Murder - Real Murders, Real Investigators, Real Thrills

41m 59s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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Almost Perfect Crime - The Violette Noziere affair

55m 01s

"This series investigates the most notorious and infamous crimes in French history. These cases didn’t merely capture the public’s attention, but the events would go on to inspire some of the world’s most chilling films and novels.Police Commissioner, Danielle Thiéry, goes on a journey to reveal the darker side of human nature."

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Almost Perfect Crime - The Papin Sisters

52m 00s

This series investigates the most notorious and infamous crimes in French history. These cases didn’t merely capture the public’s attention, but the events would go on to inspire some of the world’s most chilling films and novels.Police Commissioner, Danielle Thiéry, goes on a journey to reveal the darker side of human nature.

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Almost Perfect Crime - The Henriette Caillaux Affair

55m 02s

Joseph Caillaux, Minister of Finance, underwent a violent press campaign carried out by Le Figaro and led by Gaston Calmette. On 16th March 1914, after her husband had endured months of vicious attacks, Henriette Caillaux, his wife, bought a firearm and went to the headquarters of Le Figaro, gun hidden in a fur sleeve.

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Almost Perfect Crime - The Bommiers Killings

51m 33s

In July 1946, the Carteron family was found murderered at their family farm, les Ajoncs-Barrats, near to the town of Bommiers in the Indre department. The father, the mother and the eldest child as well as young Claude, an adopted orphan, were all slaughtered. The killings had all the ingredients of an assassination, but the superintendent of the enquiry got lost amongst some bad leads and his investigations made no headway.

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Almost Perfect Crime - The Bluebeard Case

53m 00s

"This series investigates the most notorious and infamous crimes in French history. These cases didn’t merely capture the public’s attention, but the events would go on to inspire some of the world’s most chilling films and novels.Police Commissioner, Danielle Thiéry, goes on a journey to reveal the darker side of human nature."

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Stranger than Fiction: the Nanny Killers

54m 33s

The murder of French au-pair Sophie Lionnet by her employers made headlines all over the world. From the horrible circumstances of her death, to the obsession of her killer with a pop-star ex-boyfriend and their crazy delusions of celebrity paedophile rings, it was a case that seemed too unbelievable to be true. It all began in Wimbledon, London, when a neighbour noticed black smoke coming out of a garden and called the fireman.

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Daphne, a pen too sharp

45m 20s

On 16th October 2017, Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in a car bomb attack close to her home. Her career focused on investigative reporting into government corruption and money laundering, and all of her findings were published on her personal blog Running Commentary. Attracting over 400,000 views per day, her blog was read more than all of the country’s newspapers combined. But with these high-profile revelations came relentless harassment and intimidation.

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Daphne, a pen too sharp

45m 20s

On 16th October 2017, Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in a car bomb attack close to her home. Her career focused on investigative reporting into government corruption and money laundering, and all of her findings were published on her personal blog Running Commentary. Attracting over 400,000 views per day, her blog was read more than all of the country’s newspapers combined. But with these high-profile revelations came relentless harassment and intimidation.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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Faces of Terror

59m 36s

Why are Europeans, children of immigrants like Coulibaly or the Kouachis brothers, attacking their countries of birth? What leads them to reject the values of the nation in which they grew up, to be reborn as extremists of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. What role does religion play and which religion? What propaganda and mental mechanisms are being used to convince this generation of killers that they must turn vigilante on behalf of their victimised Muslim world?

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I Killed JFK

55m 45s

Answering the decades-old mystery of who really assassinated President John F. Kennedy this explosive documentary features a shocking confession from James Files, the man who claims to be the killer. The film presents compelling forensic and eyewitness evidence, previously unavailable to the public, supporting Files’ contention that he, and not Lee Harvey Oswald, fired the fatal shot at America’s 35th president.

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Fog Island

1h 08m

An inventor recently released from prison invites a group of former business associates to a holiday in his island home, intending to exact revenge on them.

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