Results for «Security»

Space Debris, a Foreseen Disaster?

44m 48s

More than 4000 satellites orbit the Earth, and the services they provide are part of our everyday life. But space debris is a major threat to satellites, and already managed to bring the Hubble space telescope to a standstill. How can space debris be disposed of? We take a look at the possibilities and the latest findings in research.

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Space Debris, a Foreseen Disaster?

44m 48s

More than 4000 satellites orbit the Earth, and the services they provide are part of our everyday life. But space debris is a major threat to satellites, and already managed to bring the Hubble space telescope to a standstill. How can space debris be disposed of? We take a look at the possibilities and the latest findings in research.

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USA : Life in a high security prison

56m 59s

In the United States, there are more than 2 million people behind bars. That’s more than anywhere else in the world. 90% of prisoners serve time in one of the 1,700 State penitentiaries. One of them, the Anamosa State Penitentiary, granted us exceptional, round-the-clock access. Here, three quarters of the prisoners have been convicted of violent crimes and serve an average of 27 years. How is the prison managed?

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USA : Life in a high security prison

56m 59s

In the United States, there are more than 2 million people behind bars. That’s more than anywhere else in the world. 90% of prisoners serve time in one of the 1,700 State penitentiaries. One of them, the Anamosa State Penitentiary, granted us exceptional, round-the-clock access. Here, three quarters of the prisoners have been convicted of violent crimes and serve an average of 27 years. How is the prison managed?

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Air Force : The Sky Warriors

1h 29m

Elite corps of the French army, 56,000 men make up the ranks of the top secret Air Force. What are the precise missions of these soldiers? Air defense, public service missions, operations abroad: yesterday in Ivory Coast, they ensured the safety of the inhabitants during the crisis which divided the country. Today in Mali, they are an integral part of Operation Serval.

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