Results for «Science»


1h 00m

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: A digital revolution in waiting? Already plays a major role in the developed world; from transport logistics to healthcare and national security. But we're only just scratching the surface. From Ireland's 'smart cities' in Europe's Silicon Valley to China's dystopian Social Credit system, Dataland shows us the breadth of latent potential being unleashed by the world's top data scientists.

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1h 00m

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: A digital revolution in waiting? Already plays a major role in the developed world; from transport logistics to healthcare and national security. But we're only just scratching the surface. From Ireland's 'smart cities' in Europe's Silicon Valley to China's dystopian Social Credit system, Dataland shows us the breadth of latent potential being unleashed by the world's top data scientists.

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Solar Power - Dream or reality?

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Energie Solaire : Illusion ou Réalité ? (2ème partie - L'Afrique)

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Migraine Solution

50m 21s

For anyone who has experienced a debilitating migraine headache, this condition is no mystery. But for the rest of the world, it’s one of the least funded, least understood, and most confounding chronic conditions. The Migraine Solution unravels the mystery and debunks the myths, looking toward a world without migraines.

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Migraine Solution

50m 21s

For anyone who has experienced a debilitating migraine headache, this condition is no mystery. But for the rest of the world, it’s one of the least funded, least understood, and most confounding chronic conditions. The Migraine Solution unravels the mystery and debunks the myths, looking toward a world without migraines.

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Incredible Ageing

52m 07s

Everyone ages — but there is a new vanguard in scientific research that is challenging everything that we think we know about this. These researchers are suggesting that it may not be set in stone, but something that can be modified or altered by simple changes in our own lives. In this brand new approach, researchers are tackling the biological process of aging itself and are transforming how we all view longevity, disease and the human lifespan forever.

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An Invisible Threat

1h 11m

An Invisible Threat looks at the relationship between microwave technology and health, investigating the conflicts of interest among industry representatives, politicians, scientists and consumers that leave us unprotected to the effects of radiation.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 5 : Unexplained Messages

26m 15s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Brain Secrets

51m 17s

There is a revolution underway in neuroscience – and it’s centered around the incredible concept of brain plasticity, or the ability for the brain to change itself. The latest secret of the brain is that you can direct that change to improve your life. Dr. Michael Merzenich, renowned researcher and grandfather of neuroplasticity, expands on how the brain works, how it can change throughout your life and how you can use this information to target and improve your focus.

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Brain Secrets

51m 17s

There is a revolution underway in neuroscience – and it’s centered around the incredible concept of brain plasticity, or the ability for the brain to change itself. The latest secret of the brain is that you can direct that change to improve your life. Dr. Michael Merzenich, renowned researcher and grandfather of neuroplasticity, expands on how the brain works, how it can change throughout your life and how you can use this information to target and improve your focus.

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Hunting for Hedonia

1h 27m

Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is a revolutionary tool in neuroscience and as a treatment it is crossing over from movement control in Parkinson's to alleviating mental illness.

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Hunting for Hedonia

1h 27m

Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is a revolutionary tool in neuroscience and as a treatment it is crossing over from movement control in Parkinson's to alleviating mental illness.

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We're All Astronauts

26m 40s

Mankind has been searching for the elixir of life for centuries. This goal seems closer now than ever before, with the average age having more than doubled over the last hundred years. While developments in medicine are allowing us to live longer, scientific advances are revealing the mechanisms behind ageing.

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Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up

56m 22s

The modern biographical story of Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD who discovered an innovative patent-protected cancer therapy currently enrolled in FDA clinical trials. This story sheds light on the current regulatory and industry roadblocks preventing these life-saving medications from reaching the market as of 2016.

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Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up

56m 22s

The modern biographical story of Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD who discovered an innovative patent-protected cancer therapy currently enrolled in FDA clinical trials. This story sheds light on the current regulatory and industry roadblocks preventing these life-saving medications from reaching the market as of 2016.

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The Altruism Revolution

1h 31m

For generations, we have believed that man is driven by ruthless self-interest. But over the past decade, this idea has been increasingly challenged. New research from fields as diverse as political science, psychology, sociology and experimental economics is forcing us to rethink human actions and motivation.

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The Altruism Revolution

1h 31m

For generations, we have believed that man is driven by ruthless self-interest. But over the past decade, this idea has been increasingly challenged. New research from fields as diverse as political science, psychology, sociology and experimental economics is forcing us to rethink human actions and motivation.

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The Altruism Revolution

1h 31m

For generations, we have believed that man is driven by ruthless self-interest. But over the past decade, this idea has been increasingly challenged. New research from fields as diverse as political science, psychology, sociology and experimental economics is forcing us to rethink human actions and motivation.

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Data Mining The Deceased

56m 50s

More than half of North Americans are fascinated by genealogy. Some gain a sense of identity by uncovering their ancestors, their culture, and their country of origin. Others find it disorienting when they discover that their history differs from what they have always believed. But there is another side to the rise in genealogy that goes beyond human interest. It is arguably the largest historical enterprise in the world, driven by big religion, big business and big technology.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 1 - The Cosmos

52m 27s

Its origin shrouded in mystery, operating according to its own laws, described with the precision of mathematics, there is nothing as impressive as the cosmos. Life on earth is supported by forces finely tuned to an astonishing degree. So is it all luck? Or does the evidence suggest something more behind our ordered universe? In this episode atheism and theism are on a collision course. Where does the truth lie?

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Gober - On the Fate of an Orang-Utan Mother

52m 00s

Over the course of years, we follow the dramatic life of Gober, the orang-utan mother. This is a scarcely believable but true story from Sumatra, the large Indonesian island. Gober is first noticed by conservationists when she struggles to meet her daily nutritional needs. It soon becomes clear that she is suffering from creeping sight loss, and her daughter will still be dependent on her for years to come.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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Pleasure and Pain: The Science of Love

48m 21s

Love can change our lives - in the truest sense of the word. Recent scientific studies prove that love is more than just an emotion. It is a drive that transforms our brain and our body profoundly. This film shows the fascinating science behind what love is, what it does to us - and whether it is good for us at all.

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Beak & Brain - Genius Birds from Down Under

52m 04s

These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills! The Keas of New Zealand like testing their brains and challenging tourists: they unscrew bottle-tops and tear open rucksacks. In New Caledonia crows are able to produce a whole set of tools, each designed for a particular purpose – the most intricate tool culture in the animal kingdom! These high flyers compete against each other: Keas vs Crows - the ultimate avian I.Q. test, with surprising results.

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Prescribing Death

54m 47s

Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to Big Pharma’s impunity. How did it happen? Midwest City, Oklahoma. Family doctor, Regan Nichols, is on trial charged with five murders for over-prescribing opioids.

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Prescribing Death

54m 47s

Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to Big Pharma’s impunity. How did it happen? Midwest City, Oklahoma. Family doctor, Regan Nichols, is on trial charged with five murders for over-prescribing opioids.

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Predict My Future - Our Genes and Us - Making it in a Tough Environment

45m 01s

The Dunedin Study has identified a fundamental developmental mechanism that completely rewrites the nature versus nurture argument. It is a genetic switch which is thrown by life events – nature loads the gun but nurture pulls the trigger. This episode tracks the hunt for the mechanism using three specific examples - violence in men, depression, & cannabis induced schizophrenia.

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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Nature's Keepers Bolivia

46m 36s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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The Superpowers of the Bear

50m 13s

Human civilizations throughout history have always lived in fear and admiration of the wild bear. Now, scientists are on the verge of discovering the biological and physiological secrets of these elusive creatures to help solve human health problems associated with kidneys, neurological disorders, osteoporosis and obesity. We will meet scientists, visit laboratories and go out into the field to study these animals’ behavior, to discover how one day the bear might revolutionize our lives!

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Packing for Mars

52m 50s

National space agencies, scientists and private businesses are competing to find pioneering ways to be part of the adventure to Mars, and are investing colossal sums of money to achieve their goal. Competition is fierce and sometimes cut-throat. They all have their sights set on finding the solutions to the problems raised by what is billed as the greatest expedition of all time. This documentary film presents the most influential scientists, engineers and adventurers in space exploration today.

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Packing for Mars

52m 50s

National space agencies, scientists and private businesses are competing to find pioneering ways to be part of the adventure to Mars, and are investing colossal sums of money to achieve their goal. Competition is fierce and sometimes cut-throat. They all have their sights set on finding the solutions to the problems raised by what is billed as the greatest expedition of all time. This documentary film presents the most influential scientists, engineers and adventurers in space exploration today.

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Space Robot Revolution

52m 27s

Robotics is everywhere, and humans have already been working closely with robots, if not replaced by them. But today, robots are clearly key actors in the future conquest of the space. While some androids have already been sent into space, other finer prototypes will soon join or replace them.

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Space Robot Revolution

52m 27s

Robotics is everywhere, and humans have already been working closely with robots, if not replaced by them. But today, robots are clearly key actors in the future conquest of the space. While some androids have already been sent into space, other finer prototypes will soon join or replace them.

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Origami Code

51m 55s

Everything that develops and changes in nature is folded: mountains, blossoms, the brain...Life is an unending series of folding and unfolding. Researchers in robotics, medicine, nanotechnologies, are embracing this "origami philosophy", trying to understand and duplicate nature's folding principles.

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Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

50m 52s

This film explores the remarkable life and legacy of the late feminist author Ursula K. Le Guin. Best known for groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works such as ’A Wizard of Earthsea’, ’The Left Hand of Darkness’, and ’The Dispossessed’, Le Guin defiantly held her ground on the margin of "respectable" literature until the sheer excellence of her work, at long last, forced the mainstream to embrace fantastic literature. Her fascinating story has never before been captured on film.

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Ursula K. Le Guin

50m 52s

This film explores the remarkable life and legacy of the late feminist author Ursula K. Le Guin. Best known for groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works such as ’A Wizard of Earthsea’, ’The Left Hand of Darkness’, and ’The Dispossessed’, Le Guin defiantly held her ground on the margin of "respectable" literature until the sheer excellence of her work, at long last, forced the mainstream to embrace fantastic literature. Her fascinating story has never before been captured on film.

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The Mermaids' Tears: Oceans of Plastic

53m 51s

Oceans are rapidly becoming the world’s rubbish dump. Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A ‘plastic soup’ of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists researching the decline of the fulmar bird found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all samples; In Germany, chemicals leached from plastic have been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals...

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The Enigma of the Great Menhir

52m 00s

7000 years ago, the men who populated the shores of the Atlantic erected thousands of stones on which they engraved signs, long remained mysterious. An international team of researchers led by the anthropologist and archaeologist Serge Cassen (CNRS) managed to decipher this original symbolic language.

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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Shamengo - Yumi_Somei

2m 18s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Tom Szaky

2m 17s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Takao Furuno

2m 24s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Shane Chen

2m 29s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Radar Nishuli

2m 07s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Philippe Brousseau

2m 04s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Paget Marrapodi

2m 07s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Nina Raeber

2m 14s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Mohamed Hage

2m 08s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Michel Smit

2m 03s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Masaru Emoto

2m 22s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Martine Postma

2m 28s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Martine Le LU

2m 09s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Mariouche Gagne

2m 10s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Marcelo Villegas

2m 26s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Mansukh Prajapati

2m 29s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Madan Kataria

1m 59s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Luc Jonveaux

2m 09s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Katherine Freund

2m 26s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jérôme Salomé

1m 55s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Josh Nesbit

2m 00s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jim Denevan

2m 08s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jesus Manuel Aldrete

2m 30s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jean Kabuta

2m 05s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jason Chen

2m 16s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Jamie young

2m 15s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Isabelle Quéhé

2m 00s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Illac Diaz

2m 30s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Henry Liang

2m 29s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Harrison Dillon

2m 01s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Guilherme Bampi

2m 05s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Grant Gibbs

2m 08s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Gazi Babayarova

2m 03s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Francisco da Silva

2m 18s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Felipe Vergara

2m 07s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Eric Scotto

2m 22s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Denis Mukwege

2m 16s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Dara O Rourke

2m 11s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Daniel Hoffer

2m 09s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Claudia Hollm

2m 01s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Cheron et Choukroun

2m 13s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Charlie Todd

2m 18s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Cedric Carles

2m 11s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Carlos Espinosa

2m 12s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Britta Riley

2m 14s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Bright Simons

2m 04s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Beverly Blum

2m 08s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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Shamengo - Barthelemy Dominici

2m 08s

This collection is dedicated to the world’s most innovative and outstanding social, societal and green entrepreneurs : They create with a conscience, care for mind and body, preserve the environment and take action to help others ! These ordinary people, met on the 5 continents, relate their extraordinary stories and inventions with passion and conviction !

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