Results for «Saturnian system»

Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration Series 1, Episode 3

25m 52s

Saturn and its disc of rings has become more bewildering the more closely we are able to observe it. The dynamic system of moons, moonlets and orbiting dust are drawing scientific attention. This episode looks at the Saturnian system, its unique moons and the probes that have began penetrating this planetary mystery.

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Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration Series 1, Episode 3

25m 52s

Saturn and its disc of rings has become more bewildering the more closely we are able to observe it. The dynamic system of moons, moonlets and orbiting dust are drawing scientific attention. This episode looks at the Saturnian system, its unique moons and the probes that have began penetrating this planetary mystery.

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52m 04s

Consumerism has become the cornerstone of the post-industrial age. Yet how much do we know about what it is doing to us? Using theories of evolutionary psychology, this film takes a whirlwind tour through the "weird mental illness of consumerism", showing how our insatiable appetite has driven us into "the jaws of the beast". Both an apocalyptic and redemptive view of the human condition

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52m 04s

Consumerism has become the cornerstone of the post-industrial age. Yet how much do we know about what it is doing to us? Using theories of evolutionary psychology, this film takes a whirlwind tour through the "weird mental illness of consumerism", showing how our insatiable appetite has driven us into "the jaws of the beast". Both an apocalyptic and redemptive view of the human condition

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Water Is Our Future - The Emscher - The Miracle in the Coalfields

51m 51s

In the Ruhr district of Germany, we witness the comeback of a small river and an entire landscape. For decades, the Emscher was the most polluted river in Europe. Now, it’s being returned from an industrial sewer to a natural river system. With the help of waste water treatment plants, liberated river beds, and returning animal species, this unique natural region is blossoming.

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Gold rush in the deep sea

51m 14s

Manganese nodules do look like carbonized cauliflower and are supposed to be the new source of iron for our technologised society. But them lying on the floor of the pacific, approximately four kilometers deep, poses a big problem.

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On the Wild Side

58m 19s

What drives people all over the world to hunt animals, often driving them towards extinction? How does hunting affect our relationship with nature and impact fragile ecosystems? And how do hunting lobbies influence law makers and the media?Through the personal story of one ex-hunter, ’On The Wild Side’ unites the global anti-hunting movement, while also providing an overview of hunting throughout history.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Our Infinite Universe: Is There Other Life?

43m 15s

Our Infinite Universe is a new, entertaining and engaging, high quality documentary film, exploring one of the most significant unanswered questions of our time ‘Does infinity exist?’ and if so, what are the implications of an infinite universe. If our universe is infinite, then what is the likelihood of other life?

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Our Infinite Universe: Is There Other Life?

43m 15s

Our Infinite Universe is a new, entertaining and engaging, high quality documentary film, exploring one of the most significant unanswered questions of our time ‘Does infinity exist?’ and if so, what are the implications of an infinite universe. If our universe is infinite, then what is the likelihood of other life?

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Owl's Odyssey

48m 11s

When a female barn-owl's home - an old disused barn - is demolished, she has to seek a new place to live. On the way, flying through forests and across grasslands, she encounters most of the common owl species in Central Europe: long- and short- eared owls, little, tawny and eagle owls, some she can live peace- fully beside, others she must shun or risk becoming their prey. During her journey, the film shows how owls fly so silently and hunt so efficiently.

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Blue World - Season 6, Episode 609 - Searching for the Rare Blind Crayfish + Odd Shark Behavior + Exquisite Leafy Seadragon

24m 00s

Blue World goes on a search for a rare blind crayfish. Then we investigate why Hammerhead sharks tend to swim at an angle…tilted to one side. This “side swimming” behavior has only recently been scientifically studied. Finally, Blue World heads down under, to South Australia, searching for the rarest seahorse in the world…the exquisite Leafy Seadragon!

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 411

26m 50s

Jonathan travels from the St. Lawrence river to the Caribbean, looking at invasive species and their effect on the environment. Then he explores 1000 feet down in a special submarine and meets an astonishing variety of deep sea animals.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 411

26m 50s

Jonathan travels from the St. Lawrence river to the Caribbean, looking at invasive species and their effect on the environment. Then he explores 1000 feet down in a special submarine and meets an astonishing variety of deep sea animals.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 410

27m 12s

Jonathan joins a team of underwater archaeologists on a project to excavate the remains of Blackbeard the Pirate's ship. Then he travels to Hawaii to meet Manta rays that feed in divers’ lights at night.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 410

27m 12s

Jonathan joins a team of underwater archaeologists on a project to excavate the remains of Blackbeard the Pirate's ship. Then he travels to Hawaii to meet Manta rays that feed in divers’ lights at night.

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Nature's Keepers Bolivia

46m 36s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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The Mermaids' Tears: Oceans of Plastic

53m 51s

Oceans are rapidly becoming the world’s rubbish dump. Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A ‘plastic soup’ of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists researching the decline of the fulmar bird found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all samples; In Germany, chemicals leached from plastic have been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals...

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System Error

56m 33s

Politicians, economists and the media are obsessed with economic growth. But why do we still cling to this concept? Clearly it is impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet. In SYSTEM ERROR award-winning director Florian Opitz (“Speed, In Search of Lost Time” and “The Big Sellout”) examines the fundamentals of capitalism. He reveals unexpected correlations and lays bare the pathological nature of the current system.

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System Error

56m 33s

Politicians, economists and the media are obsessed with economic growth. But why do we still cling to this concept? Clearly it is impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet. In SYSTEM ERROR award-winning director Florian Opitz (“Speed, In Search of Lost Time” and “The Big Sellout”) examines the fundamentals of capitalism. He reveals unexpected correlations and lays bare the pathological nature of the current system.

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System Error

56m 33s

Politicians, economists and the media are obsessed with economic growth. But why do we still cling to this concept? Clearly it is impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet. In SYSTEM ERROR award-winning director Florian Opitz (“Speed, In Search of Lost Time” and “The Big Sellout”) examines the fundamentals of capitalism. He reveals unexpected correlations and lays bare the pathological nature of the current system.

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Lionfish - New Pirates of the Caribbean

52m 00s

The Red Lionfish is by far the coolest fish on the block: armed with eighteen venomous spines, he hunts, invisible to its prey, in packs. He has grand ambitions, too, spreading to new and unprepared waters: the Atlantic Ocean. The film sheds light on stunning abilities that let the lionfish conquer foreign waters, and by doing so threaten entire ecosystems. With stunning visual, high-speed footage, the film tells a suspenseful story, spanning over three continents and two oceans.

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Lionfish - New Pirates of the Caribbean

52m 00s

The Red Lionfish is by far the coolest fish on the block: armed with eighteen venomous spines, he hunts, invisible to its prey, in packs. He has grand ambitions, too, spreading to new and unprepared waters: the Atlantic Ocean. The film sheds light on stunning abilities that let the lionfish conquer foreign waters, and by doing so threaten entire ecosystems. With stunning visual, high-speed footage, the film tells a suspenseful story, spanning over three continents and two oceans.

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Gambling on Extinction

51m 35s

Unscrupulous investors, speculating on the disappearance of rare animals, and increased demand for animal products from Asia are pushing endangered animals into extinction. Worldwide, the illegal trade in endangered animals is booming. No longer just the work of individuals or small gangs, it is now dominated by well-organised and equipped international cartels. Wildlife poaching has become the most lucrative illegal business, after the trade in drugs and weapons...

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The Blue Realm - Whale Sharks: Gentle Giants

50m 00s

They’re not whales at all, but by far the largest fish in the sea. Yet at nearly 50 feet in length and weighing 20 tons or more, they eat only the smallest marine animals. They are not a threat to humans, but their numbers are dramatically shrinking. Like elephants slaughtered for their ivory tusks, whale sharks are relentlessly pursued by poachers. From Africa to Asia, they are targeted for their meat and immense fins.

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The Blue Realm - Whale Sharks: Gentle Giants

50m 00s

They’re not whales at all, but by far the largest fish in the sea. Yet at nearly 50 feet in length and weighing 20 tons or more, they eat only the smallest marine animals. They are not a threat to humans, but their numbers are dramatically shrinking. Like elephants slaughtered for their ivory tusks, whale sharks are relentlessly pursued by poachers. From Africa to Asia, they are targeted for their meat and immense fins.

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The Blue Realm - Toxic Invaders

44m 38s

They’re beautiful - and deadly, with venomous spines that resemble a lion's mane. They’re lionfish, a tropical reef species normally found in the Indo-Pacific. Now, they’re wreaking havoc in the Caribbean and Atlantic – all thought to have descended from a handful of aquarium fish carelessly released into the sea. In these regions, they are potentially a greater threat to coral reefs and commercial fish populations than global warming or pollution.

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The Blue Realm - Tentacles

47m 00s

Tentacles follows Dr. Jennifer Mather as she leads a team of renowned scientists to the beautiful Caribbean island of Bonaire. Their mission is to prove a controversial theory: reef squid speak to each other with a complex language they paint on their skin. The episode features the bizarre courtship and never-before-filmed egg-laying rituals of reef squid. Travel to the Pacific Northwest for an encounter with the world's largest Octopus.

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The Blue Realm - Tentacles

47m 00s

Tentacles follows Dr. Jennifer Mather as she leads a team of renowned scientists to the beautiful Caribbean island of Bonaire. Their mission is to prove a controversial theory: reef squid speak to each other with a complex language they paint on their skin. The episode features the bizarre courtship and never-before-filmed egg-laying rituals of reef squid. Travel to the Pacific Northwest for an encounter with the world's largest Octopus.

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The Blue Realm - Shark Nation

44m 44s

There's no doubt sharks have an image problem. And they're certainly in trouble globally. The population of some species has declined by more than 90% due to over fishing. But there's still one place in the world where sharks thrive – the Bahamas. Sharks not only prosper there, they are highly protected. It’s illegal to kill them.

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The Blue Realm - Shark Nation

44m 44s

There's no doubt sharks have an image problem. And they're certainly in trouble globally. The population of some species has declined by more than 90% due to over fishing. But there's still one place in the world where sharks thrive – the Bahamas. Sharks not only prosper there, they are highly protected. It’s illegal to kill them.

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The Blue Realm - Shark Divers

50m 01s

Sharks are BIG business in adrenaline eco-tourism. And some thrill seekers deliberately pursue close encounters with deadly sharks – without the protection of a cage. The bigger and more dangerous the shark, the better.

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The Blue Realm - Shark Divers

50m 01s

Sharks are BIG business in adrenaline eco-tourism. And some thrill seekers deliberately pursue close encounters with deadly sharks – without the protection of a cage. The bigger and more dangerous the shark, the better.

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The Blue Realm - Shark Business

47m 01s

Shark Business unravels some of the mysteries surrounding sharks with controversial behaviorist Dr. Erich Ritter. You'll witness divers testing the limits of shark-human interaction outside of cages with dangerous sharks such as lemon, bull and even great white sharks!

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The Blue Realm - Shark Business

47m 01s

Shark Business unravels some of the mysteries surrounding sharks with controversial behaviorist Dr. Erich Ritter. You'll witness divers testing the limits of shark-human interaction outside of cages with dangerous sharks such as lemon, bull and even great white sharks!

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The Blue Realm - Reefs of Steel

44m 52s

Around the globe, thousands of decommissioned naval vessels rot in dockyards. What can you do with these toxic time bombs? One solution is to clean them well, blow them up and sink them! Providing shelter and breeding grounds, countless fish and invertebrates colonize steel hulls.

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The Blue Realm - Reefs of Steel

44m 52s

Around the globe, thousands of decommissioned naval vessels rot in dockyards. What can you do with these toxic time bombs? One solution is to clean them well, blow them up and sink them! Providing shelter and breeding grounds, countless fish and invertebrates colonize steel hulls.

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The Blue Realm - Manatees and Dugongs

46m 00s

Each year, hundreds of critically endangered manatees are killed in U.S. waters by boats, disease and cold weather. 2006 was the worst year on record for manatee deaths – 416 animals perished. With only a few thousand remaining in the wild, mostly in heavily developed Florida wetlands, the clock is ticking in efforts to save this amazing mammal from extinction.

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The Blue Realm - Manatees and Dugongs

46m 00s

Each year, hundreds of critically endangered manatees are killed in U.S. waters by boats, disease and cold weather. 2006 was the worst year on record for manatee deaths – 416 animals perished. With only a few thousand remaining in the wild, mostly in heavily developed Florida wetlands, the clock is ticking in efforts to save this amazing mammal from extinction.

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The Blue Realm - Lions of the Deep

44m 41s

Since the 1970's, sea lion populations have declined more than 80% along the North Pacific coast. Scientists at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Aquarium are working together to help save Canada’s iconic and largest pinniped – the stellar sea lion. To help understand why their numbers are dropping, researchers work with the highly intelligent mammals at a unique floating laboratory.

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The Blue Realm - Lions of the Deep

44m 41s

Since the 1970's, sea lion populations have declined more than 80% along the North Pacific coast. Scientists at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Aquarium are working together to help save Canada’s iconic and largest pinniped – the stellar sea lion. To help understand why their numbers are dropping, researchers work with the highly intelligent mammals at a unique floating laboratory.

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The Blue Realm - Humpbacks: From Tonga to Antarctica

45m 59s

Singing louder than any animal on earth, humpback whales are famous for their haunting songs and jaw-dropping acrobatics. They were hunted to the brink of extinction until a moratorium on killing them was implemented in the 1960s. But after finally rebounding in numbers, whaling nations are exploring ways to re-open the hunt. In Antarctica, Japan is targeting minke, fin, and now... humpbacks. The tiny island nation of Tonga in the remote South Pacific is a haven for the magnificent mammals.

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The Blue Realm - Humpbacks: From Tonga to Antarctica

45m 59s

Singing louder than any animal on earth, humpback whales are famous for their haunting songs and jaw-dropping acrobatics. They were hunted to the brink of extinction until a moratorium on killing them was implemented in the 1960s. But after finally rebounding in numbers, whaling nations are exploring ways to re-open the hunt. In Antarctica, Japan is targeting minke, fin, and now... humpbacks. The tiny island nation of Tonga in the remote South Pacific is a haven for the magnificent mammals.

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The Blue Realm - Giants of San Benedicto

46m 59s

Giants of San Benedicto features Dr. Robert Rubin and his ground-breaking research of giant Mantas. You'll travel to the remote Socorro Islands off Mexico's Pacific coast and see breath-taking encounters with enormous manta rays. You're sure to love these majestic giants as you see how they invite human contact, and encourage certain divers to ride them. The film crew also travels to the Bahamas to visit 'Bubbles', a fifteen foot Manta in the worlds largest aquarium.

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The Blue Realm - Giants of San Benedicto

46m 59s

Giants of San Benedicto features Dr. Robert Rubin and his ground-breaking research of giant Mantas. You'll travel to the remote Socorro Islands off Mexico's Pacific coast and see breath-taking encounters with enormous manta rays. You're sure to love these majestic giants as you see how they invite human contact, and encourage certain divers to ride them. The film crew also travels to the Bahamas to visit 'Bubbles', a fifteen foot Manta in the worlds largest aquarium.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 3

23m 38s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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Wonders of Victoria

23m 14s

From Portland with its tuna fishing and swimming with seals. To Bendigo and its vintage trams. Also MILDURA and the mighty Murray River and its paddle steamers. To Falls Creek and yoga in the snow. As well, West Wyalong: historic wool sheds, sunset on Lake Cowal.

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The Legendary Pacific Coast

23m 37s

Greg Grainger visits the famed wine region of Hunter Valley in harvest time, explores the majestic waterways of Port Stephens by kayak, enjoys fresh oysters and fishing on the Great Lakes and has very special experiences with dolphins, seals and turtles.

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