Results for «Satellites»

Space Debris, a Foreseen Disaster?

44m 48s

More than 4000 satellites orbit the Earth, and the services they provide are part of our everyday life. But space debris is a major threat to satellites, and already managed to bring the Hubble space telescope to a standstill. How can space debris be disposed of? We take a look at the possibilities and the latest findings in research.

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Space Debris, a Foreseen Disaster?

44m 48s

More than 4000 satellites orbit the Earth, and the services they provide are part of our everyday life. But space debris is a major threat to satellites, and already managed to bring the Hubble space telescope to a standstill. How can space debris be disposed of? We take a look at the possibilities and the latest findings in research.

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Trajectory, Milestones in space exploration - Episode 6

24m 00s

Project Gemini – Docking and EVA - In the final phase of the Gemini program NASA struggles with docking and spacewalks; Curiosity - Roving Mars - On the surface of Mars the Curiosity rover is changing the way we think about the red planet; Swarm - A constellation of satellites is trying to discover why the Earth’s magnetic field is diminishing rapidly.

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Trajectory, Milestones in space exploration - Episode 5

24m 00s

Project Gemini Advances - NASA refines the techniques needed for rendezvous; Cassini At Saturn - In the Cassini probe’s final years of activity, its handlers are asking it to do more complex and risky assignments; Learning More About Mars - An interlinked group of satellites and rovers are paving the way for a manned mission to Mars

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