Results for «SAG»

Inspiring Women - Meryl Streep

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Welcome to Angkar

49m 43s

This documentary film tells the saga of Thell, a 28-year-old Cambodian, snatched from her home by the Khmer Rouge, and a survivor of the Cambodian genocide (1975-1979).The director uses the camera and a pencil to redraw these fragments of history, resurrecting them to recount the horrors endured and to fly the flag of freedom.

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Frankfurter, Viennese, Hot Dogs - It's All About the Sausage

32m 29s

Viennese ham on the bone is more and more considered to be a delicious MUST on the international breakfast table. But the most famous creation of the Viennese butcher is the Frankfurter sausage, probably also known under other names too – famed worldwide as "Vienna sausage" it is the main ingredient of the hot dog. The hot dog was born, perfect for the public at football and baseball games.

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Frankfurter, Viennese, Hot Dogs - It's All About the Sausage

32m 29s

Viennese ham on the bone is more and more considered to be a delicious MUST on the international breakfast table. But the most famous creation of the Viennese butcher is the Frankfurter sausage, probably also known under other names too – famed worldwide as "Vienna sausage" it is the main ingredient of the hot dog. The hot dog was born, perfect for the public at football and baseball games.

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