Results for «Rocco»

Crazy for Madonna

43m 05s

A biography of a universal icon of music and Hollywood, Madonna, better known as the Queen of Pop. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates Madonna’s illustrious career spanning more than four decades, always pushing the boundaries of entertainment. Not afraid of controversy, the Material girl, through her talents, redefined and reshaped pop culture history.

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Inspiring Women - Madonna

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Talam, a Musical Odyssee - Morocco

51m 50s

Talam is a journey through the roots of mankind, a tour of man’s both welcoming and hostile abodes. It is an investigation of the colours and primeval sounds of Music and an attempt to capture their communicative power.

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