Results for «Roadtrip»

Arctic Quest

56m 30s

Polar Adventurer Geoff Wilson plans to kite-ski the entire 2,200km length of the Greenland ice sheet. He’s expecting sub-zero blizzards, hidden mile-deep crevasses and predatory polar bears, but Geoff’s biggest challenge will be his partner: he’s bringing along a rookie – his son-in-law, Simon.

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Arctic Quest

56m 30s

Polar Adventurer Geoff Wilson plans to kite-ski the entire 2,200km length of the Greenland ice sheet. He’s expecting sub-zero blizzards, hidden mile-deep crevasses and predatory polar bears, but Geoff’s biggest challenge will be his partner: he’s bringing along a rookie – his son-in-law, Simon.

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Penny Black

1h 23m

Self-centered twenty-something Penny Black (Astra McLaren) travels around New Zealand in an attempt to save her job and opulent lifestyle. Along the way she meets a guy name Guy (Anton Tennet); who makes her slow down and question the world.

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