Results for «Real Story»


50m 46s

Mugu in Western Nepal is one of the least developed regions in Nepal. According to the 2011 Nepal Census, 90% of women in Mugu are illiterate. Sunakali Budha, a 13 year-old girl saw football for the first time in 2011 and in less than three years time she has become a star in her village.

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50m 46s

Mugu in Western Nepal is one of the least developed regions in Nepal. According to the 2011 Nepal Census, 90% of women in Mugu are illiterate. Sunakali Budha, a 13 year-old girl saw football for the first time in 2011 and in less than three years time she has become a star in her village.

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Boxing For Freedom

54m 59s

Sadaf Rahimi is the best female boxer in Afghanistan, but she must deal with her country’s traditions, fear and her own fate in order to be a free woman. Sadaf and her sister Shabnam joined the newly created women’s boxing team at the age of 13, when they returned to their country after being refugees in Iran.

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Boxing For Freedom

54m 59s

Sadaf Rahimi is the best female boxer in Afghanistan, but she must deal with her country’s traditions, fear and her own fate in order to be a free woman. Sadaf and her sister Shabnam joined the newly created women’s boxing team at the age of 13, when they returned to their country after being refugees in Iran.

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Meroes's Kingdoms - El-Muweis, a City Hidden in the Sand

50m 45s

In the heart of Sudan lays an ancient Egyptian royal city deep in the sand. Under the lead of archaeologist and Egyptologist Michel Baud, an international team has been granted the exceptional authorization to dig the area. Through modern and traditional archaeological tools, they unveil the little known times of the Black Pharaohs.

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Meroes's Kingdoms - El-Muweis, a City Hidden in the Sand

50m 45s

In the heart of Sudan lays an ancient Egyptian royal city deep in the sand. Under the lead of archaeologist and Egyptologist Michel Baud, an international team has been granted the exceptional authorization to dig the area. Through modern and traditional archaeological tools, they unveil the little known times of the Black Pharaohs.

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The Greven Mystery

51m 57s

Alfred Greven is still today an unsolved mystery for everyone. Who was this head of the Continental films, a French movie studio founded with Third-Reich money whose mission was one of propaganda but who ended up producing the most subversive masterpieces of French Cinema? Greven’s intentional disappearance after the war and his silence until his death in 1973 maintain a certain mystery around this elusive historical figure.

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The Enigma of the Great Menhir

52m 00s

7000 years ago, the men who populated the shores of the Atlantic erected thousands of stones on which they engraved signs, long remained mysterious. An international team of researchers led by the anthropologist and archaeologist Serge Cassen (CNRS) managed to decipher this original symbolic language.

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51m 30s

Marseille’s anchovy-cheese, the Bronx’s Neapolitan, Naples’ margarita… From the three cradles of pizza, this film is retying the knots of a worldwide history giving us the opportunity to gaze upon the glimmering lights of Times Square, explore the back alleys of Naples and land in front of a pizza van— an invention from Marseilles. There, we meet with loud mouth pizza chefs who have been mucking in, sometimes for five generations.

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Taiko Film

1h 13m

Taiko Film is a documentary that introduces us to the enthralling world of Japanese Taiko. We will learn about its origins, history and evolution throughout centuries, its many applications and styles, its expansion to the world and its influence in modern culture, both Eastern and Western.

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La Pemba torna a Goli

53m 16s

Pemba is a Himalayan Sherpa, however, she has never climbed a mountain; she is a folk singer who fled Nepal years ago due to the civil war in the 1990s, and that now has a new life in Spain. Twenty years later, Pemba decides to return to her hometown, Goli, a tiny village located in the heart of the Himalayas to organize a concert and discover what remains of the paradise where she grew up.

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24m 30s

In 1998, Zoilamerica accused her adoptive father of rape and sexual abuse. Almost 20 years later, she lives in exile while caring for her 10-year-old son. Her adoptive father is Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista revolution and current president of Nicaragua.

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Bihar Dok 13

1h 13m

At the Basque Culinary Center, 5 young talented students of cutting-edge gastronomy from all over the world will go back to the past to create the menu Bihar dok 13. They will travel to 1966 to discover the decade that would change everything in Basque culture. With five special events, we will discover the movements Gaur, Ez dok amairu and the spiritual father of the BCC, the Basque Nouvelle Cuisine.

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The Millinery Lesson

58m 10s

95 year old Marie O’Regan went from being a refugee to hatmaker to Queen Elizabeth II. Her extraordinary story starts in Istanbul in 1915. She escapes the Armenian holocaust by moving to Paris and working in the heyday of couture millinery. She continues to London and the House of Dior and passes on her wealth of knowledge to students at the London College of Fashion and the Royal College of Art. She becomes milliner to HM Elizabeth II but continues to teach students in her house in London.

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The Millinery Lesson

58m 10s

95 year old Marie O’Regan went from being a refugee to hatmaker to Queen Elizabeth II. Her extraordinary story starts in Istanbul in 1915. She escapes the Armenian holocaust by moving to Paris and working in the heyday of couture millinery. She continues to London and the House of Dior and passes on her wealth of knowledge to students at the London College of Fashion and the Royal College of Art. She becomes milliner to HM Elizabeth II but continues to teach students in her house in London.

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Hélène Berr: A Young Woman in Occupied Paris

52m 19s

April 1942, Hélène Berr, a 21-year-old student and a brilliant violonist, begins keeping a journal. She tells with great accuracy about the noose tightening: having to wear the yellow star, the Vel d’Hiv roundup, the daily consequences of the anti-Jewish law passed by the Vichy Government. Arrested with her parents, detained in the camp of Drancy and deported to Auchwitz on March 27th 1944, Hélène died in Bergen-Belsen at the age of 24.

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ArtQuake. L'arte salvata

1h 02m

The condition of Italy is unique in the world: it has a priceless historical and artistic heritage and is at a high risk of earthquakes. ArtQuake looks at this exceptional situation, discussing in depth the relationship between human communities, natural phenomena and artistic creation: a relationship that is upset and reasserted by every earthquake.

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The mysteries of the Holy Sepulchre

52m 23s

The historicity of Jesus Christ and his Resurrection has always been the subject of heated debates between atheists and believers, scientists, and religious people. There are, however, extraordinary findings to which even the most skeptical look

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The Quest of the Dead Sea Scrolls

50m 43s

The archaeological discovery of the twentieth century. The most ancient Biblical texts in the world. Seventy years after their recovery, the Dead Sea Scrolls are still a thought-provoking matter of debate.Who wrote those scrolls?

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The Mystery of the Holy House

50m 14s

An exclusive investigation on one of the most fascinating and controversial mysteries of Christianity: the translation of the Holy house of Virgin Mary from Nazareth to Loreto, in Italy.

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Secret Towns - Piriapolis

30m 28s

This beautiful city of Uruguay, that signs the border between the banks of La Plata river and the sea ones, was created by a pioneer who, along its shores, saw the path of spiritual evolution and energetic connection with the Universe. Its founder was Fra

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Mary Magdalene - The secrets revealed

45m 59s

Mary Magdalene, the faithful disciple of Jesus. She is one of the most important female figures in the Bible, resigned for centuries to the role of a repentant prostitute. According to an ancient tradition she died in France

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Mary Magdalene - The secrets revealed

45m 59s

Mary Magdalene, the faithful disciple of Jesus. She is one of the most important female figures in the Bible, resigned for centuries to the role of a repentant prostitute. According to an ancient tradition she died in France

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Welcome to Angkar

49m 43s

This documentary film tells the saga of Thell, a 28-year-old Cambodian, snatched from her home by the Khmer Rouge, and a survivor of the Cambodian genocide (1975-1979).The director uses the camera and a pencil to redraw these fragments of history, resurrecting them to recount the horrors endured and to fly the flag of freedom.

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Visconti, Imagine Music

1h 00m

A journey through the milestones in Luchino Visconti’s artistic life with a particular focus on music. Even though they adored his works and still adore them, most viewers are unaware that music was a mainstay, not only of his theatrical production but also of the narrative structure of every film he directed. Every piece of music in his filmography has been rearranged and performed by a string quartet and the crucial relationship between music and image is analysed and studied by experts.

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1h 02m

In the early 90′s, a photograph of a young boy dropping in on a huge unknown wave made the cover of Surfing Life. The photograph became iconic. 20 years later, the Fijian surfer the world had never heard of, earned the chance to compete against the best surfer the world has ever seen. This is his story.

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Shoot the Pier

22m 23s

Shoot the Pier, a true Maine surf story. A story about a generation of surfers that needs to be told. The film takes us to a time and place were the waves were undiscovered and a culture was misunderstood.

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3 Days

27m 59s

3 Days – Nias’ is the story of UK and British Champion Luke Dillon and the “”Century Swell or Muzza Swell”" that hit Nias, Indonesia for three epic days on 28th, 29th and 30th June 2015. Some of the heaviest barrels on the planet exploded onto the Indonesian reef and this film explores Nias, the wave and culminates in ’3 Days’ of pumping waves and heavy barrels from some of the worlds best surfers.

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The Borderless Sky - In Search of the Aurora Borealis in Canada

51m 04s

To the polar lights of Canada – Yuichi Takasaka has a dream. Since the Japanese-born astrophotographer read a book about northern Canada as a child, he has a picture that he wants to capture with his camera: the Aurora Borealis over the Arctic Ocean. Yuichi has undertaken many excursions around the world on the hunt for polar lights. Now he wants to fulfill his childhood dream: Travel through up the Yukon to Beaufort Lake on the northern edge of America.

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51m 40s

The Cidade de Deus, or City of God, has never had anything biblical about it apart from its name. The history of this favela in Rio de Janero has been marked by violence, poverty and drugs trafficking. In 2002, the eponymous film made it the best known favela in the world. But over the last 4 years, the City of God has been undergoing a minor revolution.

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51m 40s

The Cidade de Deus, or City of God, has never had anything biblical about it apart from its name. The history of this favela in Rio de Janero has been marked by violence, poverty and drugs trafficking. In 2002, the eponymous film made it the best known favela in the world. But over the last 4 years, the City of God has been undergoing a minor revolution.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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GALILEE the forger and the expert

52m 40s

In 2005, an Italian, Massimo De Caro, succeeded in deceiving the rare-book world by offering for sale a remarkable copy of "Siderius Nuncius" signed by Galileo himself, dating from 1610 and containing four watercolours of the moon painted by the astronomer. The "Sidereus Nuncius" or "Starry Messenger" is certainly Gallileo’s most important work and a scientific revolution for the time.

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Best Tricks

53m 09s

At only 21 years old, Louis Boniface is one of the best slackliners in the world. The film Best Tricks tells the story of a challenge that the young athlete has set for himself: Achieve a world first, a triple backflip rotation on a slackline.This unique dive into Louis Boniface’s daily life highlights the different stages of his physical and mental struggle against gravity, falls, and pain... We discover a sensitive, disciplined young man, determined to do anything he can to make history.

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The Second of May: The forgotten heroes

51m 00s

On the 2nd of May, 1808, the people of Madrid took up arms against Napoleon’s army. The events of that day represented the beginning of the Peninsular War, known in Spain as the War of Independence, and led the whole nation to become conscious of its identity. Two centuries later, with the aid of the most prestigious experts on that period, we will travel back to the Madrid of the early 19th Century to relive the day that changed the history of Spain.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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37m 24s

In home, stadiums, offices and pubs around the world, there is an ongoing generational debate over whose country had the best sports era. Sabbatical Entertainment settles the debate in this exclusive original production, Maradona and Messi from Argentina, Pelé and Neymar from Brazil, Valderrama and James from Colombia, Chicharito and Hugo Sánchez from Mexico. Their triumphs, defeats, unique characteristics and statistics. Between each of these pairs of stars, who is the best? What unites them?

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Andy Warhol, Fluorescent

42m 37s

A documentary on the legendary creator and victim of pop art. Warhol, revolutionary and controversial, was never afraid to break the mold and reshape the reals of art, advertising, and directing. But who was the real man being behind the colors in which he hid? Was it the art or the fame that controlled and spawned his unique creativity? Sabbatical Entertainment takes an in-depth look at the life and works of Andy Warhol.

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Empire Games - S01 E04 - The Chinese: Dynasties and Warlords

47m 33s

China is the longest continuous civilization on Earth, spanning 7,000 years of history. The Imperial past is filled with dramatic stories of tyrannical courts of emperors and eunuchs along with great philosophers, impressive inventors and merciless warriors. Successive dynasties developed bureaucratic systems that gave the Emperor of China direct control of vast territories and led to tumultuous in-fighting, jealousy and political intrigue.

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Empire Games - S01 E02 - The Greeks: Gods, Triumph and Tragedy

48m 47s

In the fifth century BC an obscure people banded together to repel an invasion by the most powerful army in the world. The Greeks incredible victory over Persia launched their quest for Empire. Along the way they laid the foundations of Western thought and literature. These revolutionary ideas were spread to the ends of the Earth by the most feared military commander of the ancient world… Alexander the Great!

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Empire Games - S01 E01 - The Romans: Born in Blood

49m 55s

Rome’s first dynasty, founded by Julius Caesar, ruled the Empire for 100 years. From Caesar’s murder on the floor of the Senate to the mad emperors Caligula and Nero, this chapter in the Roman Empire offers enough intrigue, betrayal, perversion and murder for an entire series!

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Death Penality

1h 39m

Death Penalty is a documentary film about the most spectacular police case in the history of Chile. A group of psychopaths murdered and raped, terrorizing an entire country. The story captures the evolution of a criminal mind that developed and expressed itself during the military government in the 1980s.

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Boys School

1h 26m

Abuse, rape, and murder, all to reform our youth. Boys School is the harrowing tale of a group of men that experienced unspeakable horrors at the infamous Dozier School for boys, in Marianna, Florida. After nearly 50 years in silence these men, along with a brave reporter serving as the narrator, tell their story.

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Swamp Zombies 2

1h 13m

The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars"...zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse.

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Swamp Zombies 2

1h 13m

The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars"...zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse.

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Slashers Gone Wild-Bloodbath

1h 52m

In 2006 the FBI uncovered a website where maniacs uploaded videos of their crimes. Actors were convinced that they were making a horror film and then murdered for real. This is the footage.

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1h 20m

ELDORADO is a story like no other as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets the wild west when two Las Vegas entertainers end up in the town of Eldorado. Watch Peter O'Toole guide you through this story as the horror engulfs our heroes. Will they be eaten alive by the town's occupants or will they manage to escape? With Michael Madsen giving chase as the local hoodlum. Steve Guttenberg as the crooked manager along with Rik Mayall as the cannibal chef. You'll die laughing...

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Spotlight Murder - The Sadist

41m 27s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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Spotlight Murder - Real Murders, Real Investigators, Real Thrills

41m 59s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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Come On In We're Dead

1h 26m

The true story of the The Young Brothers Massacre, 1932. The record for the most lawmen shot dead in the history of the United States. 10 cops and one civilian in Springfield, Missouri went to arrest 2 small-time gangsters known as The Young Brothers. The young men (Harry, 25 and Jennings, 30) had been on the run for the murder of a town marshall 3 years earlier.

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Dissolved: A Game of Truth

1h 10m

DISSOLVED - A new no holds barred game where truth should be told, plagues 4 friends with an already volatile history. But, when one of them takes the game too seriously, honesty will NOT be the best policy.

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COUPLES & DUETS - Jean Harlow & William Powell

25m 30s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Jane Russell & Howard Hugues

25m 00s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Gary Cooper & Patricia Neal

24m 37s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Ernst Lubitsch & Pola Negri

25m 17s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford

25m 08s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - David W. Griffith & Lilian Gish

25m 12s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Cecil B de Mille & Gloria Swanson

25m 08s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Carole Lombard & Clark Gable

28m 26s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Bette Davis & William Wyler

25m 05s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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1h 39m

Rusty Young, author of best-seller Marching Powder, returns to Bolivia to uncover the brutal realities of the cocaine trade. His investigation sees him cross paths with notorious assassins and traffickers, as well as the undercover informants fighting them. What emerges is a world driven by addiction: to the drug, to the game, to the chase. This enthralling and shocking exposé lays bare the inner workings of the war on drugs.

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1h 39m

Rusty Young, author of best-seller Marching Powder, returns to Bolivia to uncover the brutal realities of the cocaine trade. His investigation sees him cross paths with notorious assassins and traffickers, as well as the undercover informants fighting them. What emerges is a world driven by addiction: to the drug, to the game, to the chase. This enthralling and shocking exposé lays bare the inner workings of the war on drugs.

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1h 39m

Rusty Young, author of best-seller Marching Powder, returns to Bolivia to uncover the brutal realities of the cocaine trade. His investigation sees him cross paths with notorious assassins and traffickers, as well as the undercover informants fighting them. What emerges is a world driven by addiction: to the drug, to the game, to the chase. This enthralling and shocking exposé lays bare the inner workings of the war on drugs.

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Relic Wine Hunters - The Land of the Cathars

44m 59s

In the deep south of France, a Mediterranean climate, fertile soil and wide skies kept bright blue by the Mistral winds that sweep in from the north make the perfect conditions growing wine. But a turbulent past haunts this beautiful land, plagued for centuries by religious, political and industrial upheaval, not to mention a deadly vine parasite that wiped out its vineyards.

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Relic Wine Hunters - The Land of the Cathars

44m 59s

In the deep south of France, a Mediterranean climate, fertile soil and wide skies kept bright blue by the Mistral winds that sweep in from the north make the perfect conditions growing wine. But a turbulent past haunts this beautiful land, plagued for centuries by religious, political and industrial upheaval, not to mention a deadly vine parasite that wiped out its vineyards.

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Dream of the Settlers - Along the Great Lakes

44m 00s

The Great Lakes are among the most mythical landscapes of North America: endless water, endless forest. Many Native American peoples lived there; later European settlers followed on the heels of the white hunters and trappers. They hunted in the forests and transported their furs and other goods across the water to the south where a small river situated at the southern tip of Lake Michigan flows onward towards the southern states.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep8 - HERITAGE

48m 15s

Our cultural heritage is one of humanity’s most precious assets: how can we pass it on to the Future? It’s a crucial challenge: sharing it with the greatest number but also help it stand up against threats of destruction. New technologies and virtual reality open up unprecedented perspectives, like that of a digital memory.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep1 - ENTERTAINMENT

49m 05s

Theme parks, cinema, video games...Today, virtual reality headsets are reaching the masses and can already let users dive into spectacular new worlds. From our couches, we can now float through space, fly over New York, or zip along roller coasters.

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The Perseus Survivor

54m 46s

The documentary drama tells the story of the only man who survived the wreckage of the World War II Submarine HMS Perseus, which sank unnoticed in 1941. With the help of a team of historians, famous underwater wrecks researcher, writer and professional diver Richie Kohler tries to understand why a simple submariner got involved in the transportation of a secret cargo as part of the high-end spy games between the Axis and the Alliance.

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The Perseus Survivor

54m 46s

The documentary drama tells the story of the only man who survived the wreckage of the World War II Submarine HMS Perseus, which sank unnoticed in 1941. With the help of a team of historians, famous underwater wrecks researcher, writer and professional diver Richie Kohler tries to understand why a simple submariner got involved in the transportation of a secret cargo as part of the high-end spy games between the Axis and the Alliance.

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1h 21m

Desert is the story of Jenny, pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend on their wedding day and increasingly isolated as she is rejected by the people around her.

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Cerulean Blue

1h 12m

An introvert's urgent road trip to reclaim his lost love is derailed when he meets a free-spirited woman who challenges all of his ideals

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Tokyo Trial : Judging Japan

56m 52s

The Tokyo Trial – or the "International Military Tribunal for the Far East" - had been convened in 1946 to prosecute the leaders of the Empire of Japan for war crimes. It was to be the Nuremberg trial of the Far East, decided upon by the Allies to avenge decades of misery and death. But it would prove to be divisive from the start, the more so, since each of the judges represented one of the nations which had been at war with Japan.

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Double life, a short history of sex in the USSR

54m 53s

The young Soviet Union ushered in an era of sexual freedom: out with bourgeois conventions! But in the ensuing social chaos, the regime soon operated a U-turn, exalting the virtues of toiling for the glory of communism. Sexual activity had been relegated to its strict reproductive function. 70 years of communist rule through the prism of sexuality!

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China, the empire of time - Episode 2

50m 11s

Part 2 : The Trial of the Jesuits. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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China, the empire of time - Episode 2

50m 11s

Part 2 : The Trial of the Jesuits. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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China, the empire of time - Episode 2

50m 11s

Part 2 : The Trial of the Jesuits. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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China, the empire of time - Episode 1

50m 13s

Part 1 : The Jesuits Conquering the Forbidden City. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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China, the empire of time - Episode 1

50m 13s

Part 1 : The Jesuits Conquering the Forbidden City. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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China, the empire of time - Episode 1

50m 13s

Part 1 : The Jesuits Conquering the Forbidden City. Matteo Ricci, a young Jesuit would be the first European to enter China at the end of the 16th century. Trained in geometry and algebra, he would soon discover that cosmology and the art of measuring time was at the very centre of Chinese civilization and imperial authority, the Emperor’s Mandate of Heaven.

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Afghanistan 1979, the war that changed the world

57m 49s

40 years ago, in December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. This was a pivotal event in the history of the 20th century; it launched Bin Laden and Al Qaeda… It was the war that changed the world. ... Despite its “limits”, the war lasted ten years and played a key role in the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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Afghanistan 1979, the war that changed the world

57m 49s

40 years ago, in December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. This was a pivotal event in the history of the 20th century; it launched Bin Laden and Al Qaeda… It was the war that changed the world. ... Despite its “limits”, the war lasted ten years and played a key role in the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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Blue World - Season 5 Episode 01 - Tiger Sharks in the Bahamas + Crystal Cave of Abaco, Bahamas

23m 59s

In the series pilot, host Jonathan Bird travels to the Bahamas, where, in the past few years, diver interactions with Tiger sharks have become up close and personal. These large and dangerous animals are not only being hand-fed, but actually handled by divers. Jonathan learns how to flip a Tiger shark from experienced shark handlers. Next, Jonathan joins world-renown cave explorer Brian Kakuk to investigate the Crystal Cave of Abaco, Bahamas…

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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Cocteau, I’ll Stay with You

52m 29s

This fresh and unique approach of Jean Cocteau’s life, unveils both the man and the artist. Through Cocteau’s influence on contemporary artists we will discover Cocteau’s modernity. Each one will tell us about one period of the poet’s life, one artistic field in which he excelled. Director Arnaud Xainte created a set to evoke Cocteau’s fairy tale and surrealist atmosphere: shadows, set inside the set,apparitions/disparitions of characters, etc.

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Cocteau, I’ll Stay with You

52m 29s

This fresh and unique approach of Jean Cocteau’s life, unveils both the man and the artist. Through Cocteau’s influence on contemporary artists we will discover Cocteau’s modernity. Each one will tell us about one period of the poet’s life, one artistic field in which he excelled. Director Arnaud Xainte created a set to evoke Cocteau’s fairy tale and surrealist atmosphere: shadows, set inside the set,apparitions/disparitions of characters, etc.

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Cocteau, I’ll Stay with You

52m 29s

This fresh and unique approach of Jean Cocteau’s life, unveils both the man and the artist. Through Cocteau’s influence on contemporary artists we will discover Cocteau’s modernity. Each one will tell us about one period of the poet’s life, one artistic field in which he excelled. Director Arnaud Xainte created a set to evoke Cocteau’s fairy tale and surrealist atmosphere: shadows, set inside the set,apparitions/disparitions of characters, etc.

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