Results for «Public service»

Gaza: Health Under Siege

43m 08s

After three wars in eight years and an ongoing eleven-year blockade, how are the people of Gaza coping? Many public employees, whether they are doctors in the large hospitals or waste management supervisors in the garbage dump, have been working without pay for over seven years. And yet despite this, the provision of basic public services continues through the tremendous efforts of people trying to keep the city functioning.

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Gaza: Health Under Siege

43m 08s

After three wars in eight years and an ongoing eleven-year blockade, how are the people of Gaza coping? Many public employees, whether they are doctors in the large hospitals or waste management supervisors in the garbage dump, have been working without pay for over seven years. And yet despite this, the provision of basic public services continues through the tremendous efforts of people trying to keep the city functioning.

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UN: Impunity for All

52m 58s

It's considered a temple of global diplomacy and the world's largest humanitarian organization. But for decades, one scandal after another has battered the UN's reputation. From the oil-for-food scandal in Iraq, to claims it was responsible for the cholera epidemic in Haiti and multiple accusations of waste, corruption and unaccountability at all levels, the UN's credibility and integrity has been repeatedly undermined. In this film, we investigate some of the most serious accusations.

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True or False?

45m 15s

It is the most serious scandal ever hitting the modern art market. An affair that has made experts and auction houses tremble and has re-proposed the ghost of forgery. The facts date back to 2017 in Genoa, where an exhibition dedicated to the painter Amedeo Modigliani from Livorno was closed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which put 21 paintings out of the 60 on display under seizure.

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Inspiring Women - Shakira

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Prison Dogs

1h 11m

A groundbreaking program allows prison inmates to care for and train puppies as service dogs for injured veterans.

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Kidnapped by North Korea

59m 02s

In the 1970s and 80s, hundreds, possibly thousands, of men, women and children were abducted by North Korea’s Secret Service on the orders of Kim Jung II. The majority of these victims came from Japan and South Korea but it’s believed that nationals from at least 11 other countries, including Thailand, Romania, Holland and France were also taken. Some were abducted to teach North Korean spies their language and culture so that their spies could integrate more easily in foreign countries.

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Putin, master of the game

52m 02s

Five years ago, in 2012, Russia was a second-rate power surrounded by the expanding NATO alliance. Putin was destabilized since his controversial reelection triggered waves of protest. Yet he turned out to be a brilliant strategist, exploiting the weaknesses of the West and positioning himself as the main player in international affairs.

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Future Food - India : Fat or Skinny

28m 07s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits India and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Future Food - India : Fat or Skinny

28m 07s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits India and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Digital addicts

53m 10s

Children as young as three are becoming addicted to mobiles, harming their development and causing possible long-term damage. We follow some of the youngest cases and hear how our brains are affected by exposure to screens. We also learn how platforms like snapchat or facebook are engineered to make them hyper-addictive. Today, scientists are convinced that screens affect our brain development.

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