Results for «Pollution»

Blame Game

48m 54s

Blame Game investigates the murky world of global electronic waste disposal, where legal grey areas, a lack of investment in recycling, unscrupulous businesses and politicised application of the existing laws lead to wasted opportunities, environmental degradation and for the people of Agbogbloshie – hellish living conditions in a toxic dumping ground.

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24m 32s

Settled down for over 100 years in the Isla Maciel, the boatmen that cross back and forward the Riachuelo,provide a service to the people on both sides of the most polluted watercourse in Argentina. But the re-building of a bridge between the island and the Federal Capital will check the job they inherited from their grandfathers and great grandfathers, a "collateral damage" that comes from the hand of progress.

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The Borderless Sky - Into the Darkest Night in Scandinavia

52m 15s

The darkest night of Scandinavia – In Europe, the special challenge is to find a clear night sky without light pollution. The journey takes us to the far north of Scandinavia. The astrofotographer arrives at Europe’s largest dugout dune, Rabjerg Mile, and finally to the Polar region, where spectacular northern lights complement the view of a starry sky – as our ancestors had experienced thousands of years ago.

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The Borderless Sky - Into the Darkest Night in Scandinavia

52m 15s

The darkest night of Scandinavia – In Europe, the special challenge is to find a clear night sky without light pollution. The journey takes us to the far north of Scandinavia. The astrofotographer arrives at Europe’s largest dugout dune, Rabjerg Mile, and finally to the Polar region, where spectacular northern lights complement the view of a starry sky – as our ancestors had experienced thousands of years ago.

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The Black Tears of the Sea – The Lethal Legacy of Wrecks

52m 12s

More than 70 years after the end of World War II an oppressive legacy from the past overshadows the future: ships sunken in the war rusting on the seabed. They pose a threat that is still completely ignored. Lying on the seabed are 6,300 wrecks which together contain an estimated 1.5 to 12 billion litres of oil.The question is: how long will the oil stay inside? It’s a journey that takes us back into history, on perilous salvaging missions, to the ocean bed, and into laboratories.

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The Black Tears of the Sea – The Lethal Legacy of Wrecks

52m 12s

More than 70 years after the end of World War II an oppressive legacy from the past overshadows the future: ships sunken in the war rusting on the seabed. They pose a threat that is still completely ignored. Lying on the seabed are 6,300 wrecks which together contain an estimated 1.5 to 12 billion litres of oil.The question is: how long will the oil stay inside? It’s a journey that takes us back into history, on perilous salvaging missions, to the ocean bed, and into laboratories.

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How environmentally friendly are electric vehicles?

44m 22s

Electric cars are supposed to be more environment friendly than vehicles with combustion engines. But how ecological is it to produce batteries, and are they used efficiently? We take a look at technical developments and ask how we can produce more environment-friendly batteries and make the energy management of electric cars more efficient.

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How environmentally friendly are electric vehicles?

44m 22s

Electric cars are supposed to be more environment friendly than vehicles with combustion engines. But how ecological is it to produce batteries, and are they used efficiently? We take a look at technical developments and ask how we can produce more environment-friendly batteries and make the energy management of electric cars more efficient.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep9 - OCEANS

51m 32s

The oceans are at the heart of the terrestrial climate machine. Without them, there is no life. However, they are subjected to significant changes: heating, acidification, pollution, a loss of biodiversity. In 2050, we will do all it takes to preserve them.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep9 - OCEANS

51m 32s

The oceans are at the heart of the terrestrial climate machine. Without them, there is no life. However, they are subjected to significant changes: heating, acidification, pollution, a loss of biodiversity. In 2050, we will do all it takes to preserve them.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep5 - WASTE

50m 02s

Today, 15 billion waste products are produced every year in the world: organic, plastic, electronic waste, sometimes toxic and dangerous. If we continue at this rate, in 2050 we will produce twice as much!

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Pipelines powers and democracy

1h 28m 08s

Pipelines, Power and Democracy is a striking documentary that follows the mobilization of ordinary people to thwart the ambitions of oil companies and halt, even if only temporarily, the advance of pipelines across Quebec. In the process, the film offers a sharp reminder that power can be accessible to all.

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Pipelines powers and democracy

1h 28m 08s

Pipelines, Power and Democracy is a striking documentary that follows the mobilization of ordinary people to thwart the ambitions of oil companies and halt, even if only temporarily, the advance of pipelines across Quebec. In the process, the film offers a sharp reminder that power can be accessible to all.

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Chernobyl, Fukushima: Living with the legacy

51m 59s

30 years after Chernobyl catastrophe, and 5 years after Fukushima, it is time to see what has been happening in the “exclusion zones”, where the radioactivity rate is far above normal. This film will offer a unique access to those territories, which gather millions of people within thousands of km2

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Chernobyl, Fukushima: Living with the legacy

51m 59s

30 years after Chernobyl catastrophe, and 5 years after Fukushima, it is time to see what has been happening in the “exclusion zones”, where the radioactivity rate is far above normal. This film will offer a unique access to those territories, which gather millions of people within thousands of km2

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The Mermaids' Tears: Oceans of Plastic

53m 51s

Oceans are rapidly becoming the world’s rubbish dump. Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A ‘plastic soup’ of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists researching the decline of the fulmar bird found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all samples; In Germany, chemicals leached from plastic have been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals...

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Green Warriors: Indonesia, the World's most Polluted River

54m 12s

The Citarum river in Indonesia, is the world's most polluted river. A reporter teamed up with international scientists to investigate the causes and consequences of this pollution. One of the main polluters is actually the fashion industry : 500 textile factories throw away their wastewater directly into the Citarum river.

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Green Warriors: Indonesia, the World's most Polluted River

54m 12s

The Citarum river in Indonesia, is the world's most polluted river. A reporter teamed up with international scientists to investigate the causes and consequences of this pollution. One of the main polluters is actually the fashion industry : 500 textile factories throw away their wastewater directly into the Citarum river.

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Green Warriors: Indonesia, the World's most Polluted River

54m 12s

The Citarum river in Indonesia, is the world's most polluted river. A reporter teamed up with international scientists to investigate the causes and consequences of this pollution. One of the main polluters is actually the fashion industry : 500 textile factories throw away their wastewater directly into the Citarum river.

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Data Center - What powers the Internet?

53m 34s

If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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Data Center - The true cost of the Internet

53m 34s

What, and who, powers the internet? If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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The High Cost of Cheap Gas

56m 09s

The environmental problems caused by fracking in America have been well publicised but what’s less known are the gas industry’s plans for expansion in other countries. This investigation, filmed in Botswana, South Africa, Alaska and North America, reveals how fracking plants are quietly invading some of the most protected places on the planet - including Africa’s national parks.

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The High Cost of Cheap Gas

56m 09s

The environmental problems caused by fracking in America have been well publicised but what’s less known are the gas industry’s plans for expansion in other countries. This investigation, filmed in Botswana, South Africa, Alaska and North America, reveals how fracking plants are quietly invading some of the most protected places on the planet - including Africa’s national parks.

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22m 55s

‘ĀINA: That Which Feeds Us’ – The best-kept secret on Kaua`i isn’t a secluded beach or local surf spot, it’s that four of the world’s largest chemical companies are using the island as an open-air testing ground for pesticides on genetically modified crops. Winner Accolades Global Film Competition.

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22m 55s

‘ĀINA: That Which Feeds Us’ – The best-kept secret on Kaua`i isn’t a secluded beach or local surf spot, it’s that four of the world’s largest chemical companies are using the island as an open-air testing ground for pesticides on genetically modified crops. Winner Accolades Global Film Competition.

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