Results for «Photographer»

Man of Courage

1h 44m

(Alnamar) a former intelligence man, who is expelled from the service, decides to blackmail senior officials for money. He convinces photographer (Antar) that he is still in service and asks him to video tape a senior official and then tries to get rid of (Antar) by various ways after taking the video.

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The Borderless Sky - In Search of the Aurora Borealis in Canada

51m 04s

To the polar lights of Canada – Yuichi Takasaka has a dream. Since the Japanese-born astrophotographer read a book about northern Canada as a child, he has a picture that he wants to capture with his camera: the Aurora Borealis over the Arctic Ocean. Yuichi has undertaken many excursions around the world on the hunt for polar lights. Now he wants to fulfill his childhood dream: Travel through up the Yukon to Beaufort Lake on the northern edge of America.

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