Results for «Nutrition»

Future Food | Episode 2 | Kenya: Food or Fuel?

28m 04s

In the second episode of the Future Food series, Kenyan Farmer and campaigner, Moses Shaha is cynical about ‘biofuels’, energy extracted from crop plants. He journeys through southern Kenya where farmers are starting to grow jatropha, to understand if this biofuel crop is a threat to farmland and food security as he fears, or whether growing energy crops can inspire innovation and help the

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Future Food | Episode 1 | Peru: Old or New?

28m 09s

Behind an unmarked door in a Lima suburb, Javier Wong is planning a revolution in more than just stir-fry cooking. In fact the very future of food – and farming – is being re-imagined here in a city where nobody dined out 20 years ago, where there is no national tradition of gastronomy, and where there is considerable malnutrition. But in the capital of Peru, a city not so long ago wracked by Shining Path terrorist violence, the top chefs believe gastronomy can achieve social justice.

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Ancient Grains - Kamut/Khorasan

24m 34s

When you open your pantry, do images of the rugged mountains of South America, the colorful tablelands of Africa and the fertile river valleys of the Middle East dance before your eyes? If not, you have yet to discover amaranth, quinoa, spelt, kamut and teff, the quintet of nutritional powerhouses known as the ancient grains. The legends behind their origins many millennia past, their loss over time and their ultimate modern revival - literally tell the story of civilization.

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Is Sugar The New Fat?

44m 01s

Sugar! What’s not to like? But what if you were told sugar is the big contributor a worldwide explosion in obesity, diabetes, and something called ‘metabolic syndrome’? What if you discovered sugar is addictive? And what if you discovered that the sweet stuff is added to way more food products than you ever imagined?

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Is Sugar The New Fat?

44m 01s

Sugar! What’s not to like? But what if you were told sugar is the big contributor a worldwide explosion in obesity, diabetes, and something called ‘metabolic syndrome’? What if you discovered sugar is addictive? And what if you discovered that the sweet stuff is added to way more food products than you ever imagined?

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Is Sugar The New Fat?

44m 01s

Sugar! What’s not to like? But what if you were told sugar is the big contributor a worldwide explosion in obesity, diabetes, and something called ‘metabolic syndrome’? What if you discovered sugar is addictive? And what if you discovered that the sweet stuff is added to way more food products than you ever imagined?

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