Results for «Myth»

Mata Hari: The Naked Spy

1h 18m

A hundred years ago, Mata Hari faced the firing squad as a convicted German spy. Was she a dangerous spy, whose boldness and sexuality threatened the establishment, or a victim entangled in a climate of blame and desperation as WWI dragged on? How much of what we know about her is just myth? New documents reveal startling truths about her life.

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In Search Of The Viking Horse

51m 09s

The programme will provide a rich mythological and historical background to this unique breed of horse. As well as covering the Landsmot festival, the film will trace the ancestry of the breed, which has been kept pure by the banning of all imported horses.

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Empire Games - S01 E03 - The Egyptians: Splendor and Treachery

48m 05s

For almost 3000 years, Egypt was the dominant civilization in the Mediterranean world. From the Great Pyramids to the cruel ocial Pyramid – Ancient Egyptian pharaohs, nobility, and priests enjoyed lavish lives of wealth and comfort while farmers and slaves struggled to survive under their ruthless reigns. Tyrants ruled in the face of violent uprisings, assassinations and religious revolutions.

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Empire Games - S01 E06 - The Celts: Magic and Brutality

48m 35s

At their height of power the Celtic Empire stretched over the ancient world from Ireland and Britain to Turkey and Czechoslovakia, from Belgium to Spain and Italy. They sacked Rome, invaded Greece, and even attempted to conquer the Pharaohs of Egypt. Yet theirs was an empire without an emperor, a civilization that encompassed the continent but had no central government. The religion of the Celts, led by a priesthood known as the Druids, was described by ancient writers as crude and violent.

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