Results for «Mystery»

The mysteries of the Holy Sepulchre

52m 23s

The historicity of Jesus Christ and his Resurrection has always been the subject of heated debates between atheists and believers, scientists, and religious people. There are, however, extraordinary findings to which even the most skeptical look

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Secret Towns - Piriapolis

30m 28s

This beautiful city of Uruguay, that signs the border between the banks of La Plata river and the sea ones, was created by a pioneer who, along its shores, saw the path of spiritual evolution and energetic connection with the Universe. Its founder was Fra

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The Mystery of the Holy House

50m 14s

An exclusive investigation on one of the most fascinating and controversial mysteries of Christianity: the translation of the Holy house of Virgin Mary from Nazareth to Loreto, in Italy.

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Mysterious Jerusalem

50m 11s

If the sources related to the mysteries and the history of Jerusalem are essentially based on the Bible and on archaeological discoveries with controversial interpretations, there is a kind of established unity between the mythological beginnings and the historical times. In this film, we revisit mysteries while bringing new informations.

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In Search Of The Viking Horse

51m 09s

The programme will provide a rich mythological and historical background to this unique breed of horse. As well as covering the Landsmot festival, the film will trace the ancestry of the breed, which has been kept pure by the banning of all imported horses.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Last Caravaggio

39m 40s

In the footsteps of Caravaggio’s Nativity, the canvas of the great master stolen 50 years ago in Palermo, among mafia, art dealers up to the Lugano vaults.

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The Last Caravaggio

39m 40s

In the footsteps of Caravaggio’s Nativity, the canvas of the great master stolen 50 years ago in Palermo, among mafia, art dealers up to the Lugano vaults.

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The Missing Tourist

50m 03s

When a Japanese tourist goes missing in Canada’s remote Northwest Territories during a trip to see the Aurora Borealis, a community is left reeling for answers. The Missing Tourist traces the investigation from southern Japan to the wilderness of the Canadian north, breaking down cultural boundaries to bring closure to this unsettling mystery.

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A Study in Scarlet

1h 09m

In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband.

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Blue World - Season 5 Episode 02 - Muck Diving in Florida + Iceland…The World’s Clearest Water

24m 00s

Jonathan travels to Iceland to investigate a giant crack in the ground filled with frigid runoff from melting glaciers. It’s rumored to be the clearest water in the world. But to find out, Jonathan has to brave some very cold water. Next, he heads down to sunny Florida, not to dive a coral reef or a spectacular shipwreck, but to dive in shallow, murky water under a busy bridge. This secret spot is home to some of the ocean’s most remarkable, and weird, animals.

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Haunted 2: Apparitions

1h 20m

Sequel to the 2013 film 'Haunted'. A private investigator looks into the Halloween horror nights phenomenon. On a rural farm in deepest, darkest England he encounters a series of bizarre paranormal events that lead to a mystery being solved with frightening consequences.

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Haunted 3: Spirits

1h 27m

A continuation of Haunted 2: Appartions. Andrew Robinson the private investigator returns as he looks into the Halloween horror nights phenomenon. On a rural farm in deepest, darkest England he encounters a series of bizarre paranormal events that lead to a mystery being solved with frightening consequences and ultimate finale.

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Mata Hari: The Naked Spy

1h 18m

A hundred years ago, Mata Hari faced the firing squad as a convicted German spy. Was she a dangerous spy, whose boldness and sexuality threatened the establishment, or a victim entangled in a climate of blame and desperation as WWI dragged on? How much of what we know about her is just myth? New documents reveal startling truths about her life.

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Dance and Mystery

44m 33s

“Dance and Mystery” by the Swiss choreographer Tiziana Arnaboldi is a homage to Charlotte Bara (1901 – 1986). This legendary Gothic dancer who was born in Belgium and lived in Ascona, bequeathed a rich body of work. Her essential movements and stance, depicted in some 30 photos, are revived in a contemporary choreography which in 2018 was awarded the Swiss Dance as Cultural Heritage Award.

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I Killed JFK

55m 45s

Answering the decades-old mystery of who really assassinated President John F. Kennedy this explosive documentary features a shocking confession from James Files, the man who claims to be the killer. The film presents compelling forensic and eyewitness evidence, previously unavailable to the public, supporting Files’ contention that he, and not Lee Harvey Oswald, fired the fatal shot at America’s 35th president.

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The Man Who Rules North Korea

57m 34s

He’s the world’s most enigmatic and dangerous dictator, cultivating an air of secrecy around himself and never giving interviews. Ruler of the hermit kingdom, he’s now closer than ever to developing nuclear weapons. But what do we really know about Supreme Leader and ’Rocket Man’, Kim Jung Un? Posing as tourists, we travelled to Pyongyang to experience life under his autocracy.

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Spotlight Murder - The Sadist

41m 27s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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Spotlight Murder - Real Murders, Real Investigators, Real Thrills

41m 59s

The series is presented by real investigators, crime scene technicians and medical examiners in charge of the original cases. They relate the investigation and explain it step by step. All episodes of the series are based on real murder cases solved by the Vienna police. The real killers were convicted — hence the clear message of the series: “There is no perfect murder. At the end of the day, everyone makes a mistake." Caution! Spotlight Murder is not for the faint of heart.

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