Results for «Mona»

Empire M

1h 44m

After the death of her husband, Mona (Faten Hamama) is raising her six kids besides her work. Mona Gradually falls in love with businessman Ahmed (Ahmed Mazhar), but doesn't give in to her feelings easily because she's torn apart between her devotion to her children, and her future with Ahmed.

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Princesses of the World

48m 01s

Presenting a fascinating portrait of the most beautiful and beloved royal women of the past 50 years, we take a regal tour of the romance, happiness, heartache, tragedy and controversy that is the life of these modern-day fairytale princesses. Diana, Fergie, Mary, Grace and more are covered here.

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Trajectory, Milestones in space exploration - Episode 5

24m 00s

Project Gemini Advances - NASA refines the techniques needed for rendezvous; Cassini At Saturn - In the Cassini probe’s final years of activity, its handlers are asking it to do more complex and risky assignments; Learning More About Mars - An interlinked group of satellites and rovers are paving the way for a manned mission to Mars

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Trajectory, Milestones in space exploration - Episode 6

24m 00s

Project Gemini – Docking and EVA - In the final phase of the Gemini program NASA struggles with docking and spacewalks; Curiosity - Roving Mars - On the surface of Mars the Curiosity rover is changing the way we think about the red planet; Swarm - A constellation of satellites is trying to discover why the Earth’s magnetic field is diminishing rapidly.

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