Results for «Marine Mammals»

Animal Society - Episode 2

23m 42s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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The Perseus Survivor

54m 46s

The documentary drama tells the story of the only man who survived the wreckage of the World War II Submarine HMS Perseus, which sank unnoticed in 1941. With the help of a team of historians, famous underwater wrecks researcher, writer and professional diver Richie Kohler tries to understand why a simple submariner got involved in the transportation of a secret cargo as part of the high-end spy games between the Axis and the Alliance.

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The Perseus Survivor

54m 46s

The documentary drama tells the story of the only man who survived the wreckage of the World War II Submarine HMS Perseus, which sank unnoticed in 1941. With the help of a team of historians, famous underwater wrecks researcher, writer and professional diver Richie Kohler tries to understand why a simple submariner got involved in the transportation of a secret cargo as part of the high-end spy games between the Axis and the Alliance.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 403

28m 00s

On a trip to Hawaii, Jonathan meets the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal, then he travels to Bonaire to dive with a group of wounded veterans learning to dive. Finally, he participates in a fish census in Massachusetts.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 403

28m 00s

On a trip to Hawaii, Jonathan meets the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal, then he travels to Bonaire to dive with a group of wounded veterans learning to dive. Finally, he participates in a fish census in Massachusetts.

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Inside the Russian Info War Machine

59m 02s

Acclaimed journalist Paul Moreira investigates how Russia manipulates public opinion, undermines democratic governments and attempts to alter world events. The public face of foreign policy: the state news channels, Sputnik and Russia Today. But working in the shadows is the hidden part: the hackers and trolls pushing the Russian agenda... The Russians know that public perception of their country has reached a new low. Russophobia is massive. Their message is tainted with illegitimacy.

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Inside the Russian Info War Machine

59m 02s

Acclaimed journalist Paul Moreira investigates how Russia manipulates public opinion, undermines democratic governments and attempts to alter world events. The public face of foreign policy: the state news channels, Sputnik and Russia Today. But working in the shadows is the hidden part: the hackers and trolls pushing the Russian agenda... The Russians know that public perception of their country has reached a new low. Russophobia is massive. Their message is tainted with illegitimacy.

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Police Tactics: The Interrogation

51m 29s

How can a policeman know if a suspect is lying or not? What makes a good interrogation? In America, an estimated 25% of confessions are thought to be false. The old ‘good cop, bad cop’ trick’ is one of the oldest and most famous interrogation methods in the book. Despite its Hollywood status, the overbearing demeanour of one investigator combined with the seemingly supportive nature of another is an real-life method used in getting confessions out of suspects.

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Adopted by Dolphins - Flipper's Family Secrets

52m 23s

Adopted by Dolphins' follows a group of researchers who are accepted as companions by bottlenose dolphins in the Red Sea. A group of divers and marine biologists accompany up to 100 wild dolphins for days and for the very first time watch their behaviour from a dolphin’s perspective. Willingly, the animals expose their social behaviour and games, their exciting love life and even the use of medical substances provided by corals. This is a capturing story of love, war and drama.

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Adopted by Dolphins - Flipper's Family Secrets

52m 23s

Adopted by Dolphins' follows a group of researchers who are accepted as companions by bottlenose dolphins in the Red Sea. A group of divers and marine biologists accompany up to 100 wild dolphins for days and for the very first time watch their behaviour from a dolphin’s perspective. Willingly, the animals expose their social behaviour and games, their exciting love life and even the use of medical substances provided by corals. This is a capturing story of love, war and drama.

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