Results for «Liberty»

The secret Revolution

43m 44s

In deeply conservative Saudi Arabia, women are calling for change. A portrait of pioneers who want to reshape society: an editor-in-chief, a lawyer and a politician.

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I Will Dance In Spite Of It All

58m 01s

"I Will Dance In Spite Of It All" is a journey through modern Tunisia, that exposes the contradictions and recent fractures of the country, particularly due to the development of a new Islamist current. It is a story about dance, cinema and the human body. A story of freedom, guided by Bahri, Sandra and Selma. Although their paths are different, they all use the same weapon: art.

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I Will Dance In Spite Of It All

58m 01s

"I Will Dance In Spite Of It All" is a journey through modern Tunisia, that exposes the contradictions and recent fractures of the country, particularly due to the development of a new Islamist current. It is a story about dance, cinema and the human body. A story of freedom, guided by Bahri, Sandra and Selma. Although their paths are different, they all use the same weapon: art.

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Imminent Threat

57m 40s

Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents a documentary on the War on Terror’s impact on civil liberties. For the past 15 years, the phrase ‘War on Terror’ has been used to justify everything from mass surveillance and spying to the use of drones to kill suspected terrorists without evidence or trial.

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