Results for «Leon McCarron»


58m 00s

Karun: Misadventures On Iran’s Longest River' - British adventurers Tom Allen and Leon McCarron set out to follow Iran’s longest river, the Karun, by human powered means. Their aim is to go beyond the politics and explore the culture and geography of this most misunderstood of nations and have a great adventure doing so. But despite Tom’s previous experience of travel in Iran, they find that cultural differences run deeper than they’d realised.

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H.O.N. Mission : Searching for the origins of mankind

52m 01s

A journey back in time to our origins by following the trail of a team of scientists in the heart of the Namibian Bush! The objective of the Human Origins in Namibia mission is to have Namibia recognized as “the cradle of humanity” in the same way as South Africa. To do this, new fossils must be found

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