Results for «Jungle»

China's Hidden Monkeys

52m 06s

In Shangri-La, the remote mountains of southwest China, live one of the most remarkable, elusive and endangered primates in the world. CHINA'S HIDDEN MONKEYS will give viewers their first look at the living link between monkeys and apes.

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Bastion of the Giants

52m 02s

«Bastion of the Giants» takes the world into an engrossing journey of the lives of Asian Elephants, and the stunning bio-diverse North Eastern jungles of India around the river Brahmaputra. The challenges of the survival of the Asian Elephant and other endangered species including Bengal Tigers, Indian Rhinos and more, with intense human animal conflicts as human populations explode around these ecological hotspots and ancient elephant lands.

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Bastion of the Giants

52m 02s

«Bastion of the Giants» takes the world into an engrossing journey of the lives of Asian Elephants, and the stunning bio-diverse North Eastern jungles of India around the river Brahmaputra. The challenges of the survival of the Asian Elephant and other endangered species including Bengal Tigers, Indian Rhinos and more, with intense human animal conflicts as human populations explode around these ecological hotspots and ancient elephant lands.

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Eyengui, the God of Dream

1h 25m

This is not fiction, it’s crude reality. This film tells a true story about the customs, problems and enigmas, of one of the most primitive ethnic groups on the planet- the Baka pygmies - as they fight to maintain their way of life. In the depths of the jungle of south-east Cameroon, recreating the scene, we see how a woman and her daughter are kidnapped by sorcerers for the start of a cannibal ritual, the woman is petrified, her face a mask of terror.

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Phuket, Thailand

4m 58s

Welcome to Thailand paradise with white sunny beaches, crystal blue water and tropical jungles. Follow Susannah in this exciting adventure.

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