Results for «Internet»

Mapping the Future: The Power of Algorithms

51m 04s

In the last few years, the data stream flowing through the internet has turned into a tsunami: Ninety percent of the information sitting on the world’s servers was created in the last two years. This total digitization opens up completely new possibilities. Suddenly, our entire lives can be modelled mathematically - and become predictable. We show how predictive analytics is being used today and ask how our lives will change if our future becomes computable.

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Post Truth Times

1h 42m

Why do so many people distrust the media? How has the internet changed journalism? Many have questioned the role of fake news and false information in the American election and in the Brexit referendum. Donald Trump actively brands journalists, experts and the media as liars. Opinions seem more important that facts. So is truth absolute or are there levels of truth?

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Post Truth Times

1h 42m

Why do so many people distrust the media? How has the internet changed journalism? Many have questioned the role of fake news and false information in the American election and in the Brexit referendum. Donald Trump actively brands journalists, experts and the media as liars. Opinions seem more important that facts. So is truth absolute or are there levels of truth?

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Data Center - What powers the Internet?

53m 34s

If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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Data Center - The true cost of the Internet

53m 34s

What, and who, powers the internet? If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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I've Cheated on You

38m 47s

According to various statistics, 40% of marriages in Europe have seen at least one of the two partners be unfaithful. With such astonishing figures, the phenomenon is perhaps only fuelled further by the many opportunities provided by the Internet, where the chances of meeting new people at any time are even greater. The documentary takes a closer look at infidelity today, a reality deeply entrenched in social attitudes.

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Rise of the Trolls

52m 03s

Smartphones have put the internet into our pockets and billions of people around the world are now connected online. Our lives have improved greatly, but this “freedom” has also made us vulnerable to a new kind of predator – the internet troll.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep10 - SEX

52m 53s

In our modern society, having a successful sex life is now an obligation. If the Internet has changed the way we meet or flirt, and increased the number of potential partners, a new revolution is coming with the dematerialization of the sexual act.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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Taboo - S01 E02 - Perversion

43m 44s

Sweetie is a girl that lives in the Philippines. Her daily routine is to sit down in front of her computer and talk with men. Luckily, Sweetie is not real, it is a software created by a dutch foundation to hunt pedophiles. In this episode, filmed in Spain, Holland and the Philippines, Jon Sistiaga investigates the horrifying world of child pornography. We meet underaged webcam girls in the Philippines who, with their families support, fall victim to the Western demands for child pornography.

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Russian Laundering

44m 58s

“Money mules” are people lured on the Internet and forced to launder money for hacker gangs and organized crime. Apparently serious jobs offers which become a nightmare. The documentary follows the money flow from Switzerland to Russia.

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Russian Laundering

44m 58s

“Money mules” are people lured on the Internet and forced to launder money for hacker gangs and organized crime. Apparently serious jobs offers which become a nightmare. The documentary follows the money flow from Switzerland to Russia.

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Digital addicts

53m 10s

Children as young as three are becoming addicted to mobiles, harming their development and causing possible long-term damage. We follow some of the youngest cases and hear how our brains are affected by exposure to screens. We also learn how platforms like snapchat or facebook are engineered to make them hyper-addictive. Today, scientists are convinced that screens affect our brain development.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 2

42m 03s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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