Results for «Ice»

Antarctica - A Year On Ice

57m 42s

A visually stunning chronicle of what it is like to live in Antarctica for a full year, including the never before seen deep Antarctic winter, completely isolated from the rest of the world, while enduring months of unending darkness, in the coldest place on Earth.

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Antarctica - A Year On Ice

57m 42s

A visually stunning chronicle of what it is like to live in Antarctica for a full year, including the never before seen deep Antarctic winter, completely isolated from the rest of the world, while enduring months of unending darkness, in the coldest place on Earth.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E49 - With a Little Help from a Friend

5m 29s

Jasper is terrorised by a little red fire engine that seems to have a life of its own. Until he discovers Emma is behind the controls. They have lots of fun whizzing it around. Jasper spots Paulo on the other side of the harbour and swims across to get Emma and himself an ice-cream. But he has to walk the long way back…by the time he gets there the ice-creams have melted! So Jasper finds a quicker way to get their ice-creams.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E32 - The Winning Ticket

5m 29s

Outside the park Jasper and Emma buy a lottery ticket. Luckily Jasper wins a prize, but before he can find out what it is, he loses the ticket. They chase after Jasper’s winning ticket, through the park, onto a pleasure boat, until they finally catch it. But what has Jasper won...?

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E41 - The Sculptor

5m 29s

Jasper is horrified to see a man attacking a lady with a hammer and chisel, until he finds out that the man is a sculptor and the lady is a statue. Jasper decides to make his own sculpture, so he and Emma set to work chipping away at a block of stone. But they don’t seem to be making much progress and the neighbours are complaining about all the noise. So Jasper makes a ‘sculpture’ out of himself instead!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E19 - The Scarecrow

5m 29s

Jasper is frightened by a scarecrow in Emma’s garden, so Emma explains what its for. Back at his place Jasper finds a dog that won’t let him go down the steps. A police man comes along and the dog quietens down. Jasper jumps to the conclusion that the dog is scared of the policeman, he does not notice the policeman giving the dog a sausage. So Jasper makes a scarecrow that looks like a policeman to try and frighten the dog away.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E15 - The Museum

5m 29s

Emma’s school class has a day trip to the museum and Jasper tags along. Distracted by the fascinating exhibits he gets lost and ends up in the dinosaur room. He has an argument with a T-Rex, but disaster strikes when the dinosaur collapses into a disorderly pile of bones. Now Jasper and Emma must reconstruct the T-Rex, if Jasper can remember what it looked like...

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E12 - The Jasper Show

5m 29s

Jasper is hanging his fish up to dry when he bumps into something. He suddenly hears voices and runs off in fright. Emma arrives and they go to investigate and discover that he had just accidentally switched on an old TV. They move the aerial around to try and get better reception, but they get either sound or picture, but not both together. So Jasper and Emma make up their own words to the film.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E06 - The Giant Penguins

5m 29s

Jasper sees some penguins but on closer examination he finds out that they are people dressed as penguins. He goes to investigate. In the opera house the diva finishes a spectacular performance. The audience showers the stage with flowers, so Jasper kindly throws her his biggest fish, but disaster, it falls into the orchestra pit. As the second act starts, Jasper chases his fish as it is blown, barged and bounced from musician to musician.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E35 - Squeaky Clean

5m 29s

Jasper arrives at Emma’s house bouncing a ball, he bounces his way up to Emma’s room. They play catch until they notice that Jasper’s dirty ball has left mud everywhere. Emma and Jasper get to work cleaning the house but it is very boring. So they strap the sponges, mops and cloths to themselves and have fun sliding around the house cleaning as they go until the whole house is squeaky clean.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E13 - Sports Day

5m 29s

Jasper is hanging his fish up to dry when he bumps into something. He suddenly hears voices and runs off in fright. Emma arrives and they go to investigate and discover that he had just accidentally switched on an old TV. They move the aerial around to try and get better reception, but they get either sound or picture, but not both together. So Jasper and Emma make up their own words to the film.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E47 - Snowy Day

5m 29s

Jasper is amazed to see snow “just like at home”. Then he discovers that not everyone likes snow, big machines pile it all up out of the way & an old lady can’t cross the road. So he invents a pair of snow shoes for the lady and he and the kids push all the snow back onto the path. So every one can have fun and still get around.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E48 - Snowdog

5m 29s

It’s a cold snowy day and Jasper is carrying his bumper catch of fish back home. Along the way he is being tailed by a greedy cat. Just as he stops to talk to some kids that are making a snowman, the cat dives for his fish. He sets a trap later to catch the culprit but only manages to catch Emma. So Jasper has to find a way to stop the cat from stealing in future and frighten him away...

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E16 - Reader's Corner

5m 29s

Emma is reading a book about horses and Jasper can’t seem to get her attention. What could be so interesting in a book about horses? Emma explains how fascinating books can be and takes Jasper to the library to find some books that will interest him. Jasper settles down with a big pile of books about fish. But things keep distracting him; there must be a way to find some peace and quiet..

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E10 - Prohibited

5m 29s

Jasper and Emma are looking for somewhere to play, but every where they go there seem to be signs telling them “don’t do this” and “don’t do that”. So they make their own signs to stop things they don’t want and start things that they do. But it all gets a bit out of hand when a policeman insists that they must not take down a Jasper sign that tell the kids to play football on one leg, he even demonstrates how it’s done.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E21 - Penguin Crossing

5m 29s

Emma is waiting for Jasper at the ice-cream parlour but he does not arrive. Jasper is stuck on the other side of the road. Then he discovers the zebra crossing, but he still can’t reach Emma because of the number of pedestrians. Jasper makes his own zebra crossing with paper and paint so he can reach Emma.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E45 - Optical Illusions

5m 29s

Emma is going to the opticians to have her eyes tested. While she is reciting the letters on the board, Jasper browses around and spots a pair of colourful fish-shaped glasses. Jasper hops into the chair and recites the wrong letters on purpose. But the truth comes out when the optician can’t find a pair of glasses that will work. So Jasper has to find another way to get a pair of fish-glasses.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E29 - Old Junk

5m 29s

Jasper is fishing at the park lake but he just seems to be pulling out piles of old junk and not a single fish. Emma says that they will have to get rid of it all. On the way to find a place to dump the “junk” they pass a flea market. Jasper finds all kinds of unusual uses for his junk and swaps it for some other things that he does want.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E14 - Lost in the City

5m 29s

Jasper chases after a cat who has stolen one of his fish just as he was pulling it out of the water. Emma goes to the harbour to meet Jasper but discovers he is not there. The cat escapes, but Jasper finds he is lost in the city. He gets the idea to follow his fishing line back to where he was. At the harbour Emma has the same idea and so they both find each other, thanks to Jasper’s line.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E08 - Lost and Found

5m 29s

Jasper discovers the newspaper boy’s cap on the ground and gives it back to him. Then he notices that the newspaper boy has “dropped” all of his papers. He rushes around picking them all up and gives them all back to the boy. By now people want there morning paper so Jasper rolls up a newspaper like a megaphone and reads the news out loud.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E04 - Lighting the Way

5m 29s

Jasper keeps on bumping his head in the dark so Emma gives him a torch “but it only works in the dark”. Jasper goes in search of a dark place, but he accidentally drops his torch down a drain. So issues an exiting chase through this new found underworld. Jasper eventually fishes his torch out of the sea in the harbour with a shopping net.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E05 - Jasper's Special Lemonade

5m 29s

It is the day of the school fête and Emma has cooked lots of cakes to sell. Jasper decides to make some lemonade to sell to the kids. To his amazement nobody seems to like his lemonade. What could be wrong with squid, mackerel and herring lemonade? Jasper finds he has a new type of customer, because cats just love his special lemonade.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E11 - Jasper's Special Hairdo

5m 29s

Emma is reluctantly getting her hair cut. At the hairdresser’s Jasper plays around with a hairdryer that makes the feather on his head stand on end. He tries various ways to stick them back down again. But nothing seems to work until he ties them together around a fishbone. Now every one wants a fishbone hair-do.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E39 - Jasper works out

5m 29s

Emma’s dad is working out in the garden so Jasper and Emma decide to workout too. But it’s not as easy as it looks and Jasper gets very hot. After a while they decide it might be better to take it easy and relax in the shade while Emma’s dad’s pedal power - with the help of a big leaf and Jasper’s fishing line - provides a nice cool breeze.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E30 - Jasper the Magician

5m 29s

In the park a magician is performing for the kids. Jasper is amazed and back at Emma’s place decides that he will try a few tricks of his own. He attempts to turn a handkerchief into a fish, but it doesn’t work. Then to his horror he discovers that he has turned Emma into a fish! Jasper panics and tells Emma (the fish) that it’s OK and that he won’t eat her. Jasper hears Emma giggling and her trick is discovered!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E44 - Jasper the Film Star

5m 29s

In the park Paulo is helping to make a TV commercial for ice-cream. But Jasper doesn’t understand what is going on and keeps interrupting the filming; he just wants an ice-cream. The director is about the give up the shoot, until Jasper, who finally has his ice-cream, says: “Ice-cream in winter is even cooler”. So Jasper gets his ice-cream and a part in a commercial!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E52 - Jasper takes the Train

5m 29s

Emma is going on a train trip with her mother and is waiting for Jasper, who is supposed to come and wave goodbye. But Jasper is lost in the crowd further down the platform. When the announcer calls “stand clear of the doors please” Jasper does as he is told but hops the wrong way and into the train. So Jasper take his first train ride and goes in search of Emma.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E07 - Jasper gets the Measles

5m 29s

Emma is in bed with a cold. “A cold?” Jasper likes the sound of having a “cold”, nice and cool and you get loads of yummy food to eat. So they attempt to give Jasper a cold with ice cubes and cold air. It does not seem to work, but at least Emma feels better after all the excitement.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E34 - Jasper decorates

5m 29s

Emma’s father is decorating the house. Jasper decides to help out by decorating Emma’s room. He finds that decorating is not quite as easy as it looks. Emma arrives to see Jasper covered in wallpaper and her room plastered with bits and pieces of blue wallpaper. Now Jasper and Emma have to find a way to make Emma’s room look nice again.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E25 - Jasper Calling

5m 29s

Jasper has something very important to tell Emma. But he keeps on being interrupted by the phone. Jasper goes to find a phone so he can call Emma himself. He meets Paulo and learns that he needs Emma’s number and money to call her. So Jasper makes his own phone out of string and ice-cream tubs and calls Emma from the street outside her house.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E02 - Ice Cream Float

5m 29s

Outside the park Jasper discovers an ice-cream cart, finding it to be cool, he climbs under the canopy for a snooze. Paulo the ice-cream man is so shocked to find Jasper in his cart he falls over and the cart races down the hill, splashing into the lake. Emma and Jasper attach life savers and sell ice-cream to the people swimming in the lake, while Paulo relaxes on the shore.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E20 - Hotel

5m 29s

Jasper's bucket of fish is accidentally picked up by the hotel porter and Jasper is left with a hat box. So he runs into the hotel, hat box in hand, chasing after his bucket. During his search he accidentally damages the hat and by the time he finds the lady who has his bucket, the hat is small and black, instead of pink and grand. But the lady is pleased with her remodelled hat and Jasper even decorates it with one of his tail feathers.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E01 - Hot Feet

5m 29s

It's a summer day and Jasper is having problems walking on the sizzling hot pavement. Emma explains that he needs a pair of shoes. At the shoes shop Mr Steps is unable to find a pair of shoes that will fit Jasper unusual “feet”. Then Jasper has an idea, he makes his own shoes out of a pair of empty shoeboxes.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E43 - Holiday at Home

5m 29s

Jasper finds that Paulo’s ice-cream bike is locked and closed for business. Paulo explains he is going away on holiday. So Jasper and Emma decide they need a holiday too, but they are not sure where to take one. After an exhausting search they find that the best place to be is right where they are.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E09 - Happy Birthday Emma!

5m 29s

It is Emma’s birthday and Jasper wants to get her a present. He spots a lovely pair of skates in the toy shop but is disheartened when he discovers he needs money to get them. So Jasper gets a job! He paints a ship but manages to cover the captain with paint, then tries his hand at being a waiter, but serves a customer raw fish. Emma is sad because Jasper is not at her party until a ‘special delivery’ package arrives. It is Jasper, he has posted himself to her!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E53 - Flying Fish

5m 29s

In Emma’s attic Jasper discovers a kite. They go outside to try and fly it but there isn’t enough wind and during their attempts to make it fly, they manage to break it. So Jasper makes a new, lighter, fish shaped kite out of a paper bag; now every kid in town wants a Jasper kite.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E37 - Fish Cakes

5m 29s

Emma is baking a cake and Jasper & Paulo are helping out. Emma studies the recipe closely and tells Jasper what ingredients should go into the bowl. But in all the confusion Jasper empties his bucket of fish into the mixing bowl. Excitedly Paulo takes a piece of “cake” and shares it out. “Yuk” say Emma and Paulo, But Jasper thinks it’s delicious!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E38 - Dancing on Ice

5m 29s

Jasper sees Emma at her ballet dancing class. Looking at the line of girls twirling round with their arms outstretched he decides that they must be learning to fly. And as he has an ambition to fly too, he decides to learn as well. It turns out that Jasper has two left feet when it comes to ballet. But later in the park he discovers that although he might not be any good at ballet, he certainly can dance on ice!

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E33 - Carnival Time

5m 29s

Jasper is confused to find lots of strangely dressed people around town. He goes to tell Emma all about it, but discovers that she is dressed as a princess and that it is Carnival Day. Jasper and Emma go up to the attic to find a costume for Jasper but in the end they decide Jasper is always dressed up with his black and white feather tuxedo.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E03 - Camping out

5m 29s

Emma & Jasper are camping in the garden but there is not enough room for both of them in the tent. Jasper makes his own tent but can’t go to sleep for all the disturbances - ants, falling apples, but mostly because it is just too hot. Meanwhile in the tent Emma is petrified by all the strange noises she is hearing.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E40 - Bus Ride

5m 29s

Jasper & Emma take a bus ride to the harbour; along the way Jasper casts his fishing line out of the window to catch a fish from a passing fish truck. But disaster strikes when his hook gets stuck in the bus’s tyre. The passengers are not happy about the delay as they all have things to do. But they soon find that the bus is good place to get things done too.

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Jasper the Penguin - S01 E36 - Bottled Mail

5m 29s

Jasper wants to send Emma a message so he pops his message into a bottle and tries to post it. But he doesn’t know how the postal system works: little by little Jasper learns about addresses, stamps and how long it takes a letter to get to its final destination. But in the end he decides it’s quicker to deliver it himself.

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