Results for «Full moon»

The Borderless Sky - The Aboriginal Sky of Australia

51m 15s

On the road to the Milky Way – In Australia, we travel with John Goldsmith deep into the West Australian Outback. His photographs show the sky of the southern hemisphere spectacularly in the footsteps of the Aborigines: hours pass by as if in flight, the rising full moon shines bright as the sun, the Milky Way moves as a luminous band over the landscape.

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The Borderless Sky - The Aboriginal Sky of Australia

51m 15s

On the road to the Milky Way – In Australia, we travel with John Goldsmith deep into the West Australian Outback. His photographs show the sky of the southern hemisphere spectacularly in the footsteps of the Aborigines: hours pass by as if in flight, the rising full moon shines bright as the sun, the Milky Way moves as a luminous band over the landscape.

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Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon

49m 31s

Each crewman of Apollo 11 had made a spaceflight before this mission but never set foot on the moon. Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed the first humans on the moon. This unique documentary, profiles this historic mission through the eyes of all three astronauts and several top Nasa officials who participated in it.

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African Beauties - Hair Art In Mali

42m 53s

Antelope moon, golden dates, desert flowers. There are hundreds of words which convey the beauty of African women. Copious amounts of time have been dedicated to this subject, in particular the amazing hair creations. Works of art, based on ancient knowledge, adorn the heads of women from the busy Malian metropolis of Bamako on the river Niger to the Sahara, the world's largest desert, on which the Tuareg nomads roam.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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Apollo 16: The Men, Moon, and Memories

49m 50s

After 25 years the untold human side of the Apollo 16 moon mission is now made available to the public, as the crew members finally reveal their riveting experience. An engaging and definitive documentary looking at this historic mission through the eyes of those who participated in it. Included in this program are interviews with all three astronauts, Commander John Young, Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke, and Command Module Pilot Thomas Mattingly.

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Apollo 16: The Men, Moon, and Memories

49m 50s

After 25 years the untold human side of the Apollo 16 moon mission is now made available to the public, as the crew members finally reveal their riveting experience. An engaging and definitive documentary looking at this historic mission through the eyes of those who participated in it. Included in this program are interviews with all three astronauts, Commander John Young, Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke, and Command Module Pilot Thomas Mattingly.

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A place in space

53m 15s

Neil Armstong in 1969 was the first and, Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, was the last man to leave his footprints on the moon in 1972. He believed “Man would be on his way to Mars by the turn of the century…” Instead, 40 years later, it is “Curiosity” and “Opportunity”, two robots, who are roaming the surface of Mars today.What happened to the astronauts’ dream to return to the moon, set foot on Mars and go further still?

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A place in space

53m 15s

Neil Armstong in 1969 was the first and, Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, was the last man to leave his footprints on the moon in 1972. He believed “Man would be on his way to Mars by the turn of the century…” Instead, 40 years later, it is “Curiosity” and “Opportunity”, two robots, who are roaming the surface of Mars today.What happened to the astronauts’ dream to return to the moon, set foot on Mars and go further still?

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Moon Wars

52m 28s

50 years after man’s first step on the moon in 1969, the earth’s satellite is today – more than ever – at the core of geopolitical and economic stakes. The stepping stone to any mission to Mars, the Moon has also become a new source of energy and resources. Despite International treaties stating it cannot be appropriated by any state or company, the Americans, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and Indians are already making plans for the Moon, alongside companies privately funded by billionaires.

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Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration Series 1, Episode 3

25m 52s

Saturn and its disc of rings has become more bewildering the more closely we are able to observe it. The dynamic system of moons, moonlets and orbiting dust are drawing scientific attention. This episode looks at the Saturnian system, its unique moons and the probes that have began penetrating this planetary mystery.

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Zenith - Advances in Space Exploration Series 1, Episode 3

25m 52s

Saturn and its disc of rings has become more bewildering the more closely we are able to observe it. The dynamic system of moons, moonlets and orbiting dust are drawing scientific attention. This episode looks at the Saturnian system, its unique moons and the probes that have began penetrating this planetary mystery.

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To The Moon - From Dream To Reality

1h 24m

Between 1969 and 1972 twelve men walked on the surface of the moon. It was seen as the first chapter in an ambitious program of space exploration. But what started with NASA’s Apollo missions ended with the Apollo missions. Humanity’s boldest venture is now 50 years in the past. Although the Apollo missions were relatively short, it can not be underestimated just how groundbreaking its achievements were.

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To The Moon - From Dream To Reality

1h 24m

Between 1969 and 1972 twelve men walked on the surface of the moon. It was seen as the first chapter in an ambitious program of space exploration. But what started with NASA’s Apollo missions ended with the Apollo missions. Humanity’s boldest venture is now 50 years in the past. Although the Apollo missions were relatively short, it can not be underestimated just how groundbreaking its achievements were.

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