Results for «Franco»

30 Years of Darkness

55m 07s

Nominated for the Best Documentary Award at the 2012 Goyas, this is the unbelievable story of Manuel Cortés, the ‘mole of Mijas’. When the Spanish civil war ended and the borders closed, hundreds of people were forced to go into hiding to escape Franco’s repression. They lived for decades, hidden under floorboards or in holes behind walls in their own home, knowing they could be discovered at any time.

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H.O.N. Mission : Searching for the origins of mankind

52m 01s

A journey back in time to our origins by following the trail of a team of scientists in the heart of the Namibian Bush! The objective of the Human Origins in Namibia mission is to have Namibia recognized as “the cradle of humanity” in the same way as South Africa. To do this, new fossils must be found

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SEGUI GranTeatro

52m 13s

Antonio Segui is an Argentine painter who has lived in Paris since the 60s. He appears alone on the screen and is the only person to speak. In his studio, in which the filming took place over 24 days, spread over 2-and-a-half years, there is only the painter and the filmmaker.François Catonné films each stroke of charcoal, each dab of colour, in an intimacy that only the cinema can grasp, as if suddenly the mystery of painting is revealed to us by the camera.

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Françoise Sagan, the Elegance of Living

59m 06s

"People think you're futile and you're quiet," wrote Françoise Sagan (1935-2004). This beautiful documentary portrait in two voices, those of the director and Sagan's son, Denis Westhoff, reveals the delicate soul of a novelist who often hid behind a caption as convenient as it was cumbersome.

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