Results for «Fauna»

ALERT - Threatened species EP 9

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 8

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 7

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 6

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 5

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 4

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 3

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 2

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 10

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 1

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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Owl's Odyssey

48m 11s

When a female barn-owl's home - an old disused barn - is demolished, she has to seek a new place to live. On the way, flying through forests and across grasslands, she encounters most of the common owl species in Central Europe: long- and short- eared owls, little, tawny and eagle owls, some she can live peace- fully beside, others she must shun or risk becoming their prey. During her journey, the film shows how owls fly so silently and hunt so efficiently.

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