Results for «Experts»

Real Health S5E9 - Thoughts Becoming Actions

54m 10s

We explore Guillian Barre Syndrome, a rare condition where our muscles find it difficult to connect to our brain which causes paralysis or even death if untreated. What we thing about we bring about. We chat to international New York Times, best seller Mike Dooley about how to apply the law of attraction in our lives. Milk teeth assist in the child’s early physical, social and emotional development. We explore how to care for our children’s milk teeth.

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Real Health S5E8 - Blood Tests

55m 27s

How to read your blood tests and understanding the difference between normal and optimal results. Also, tummy fat that is difficult to shed might be the result of metabolic syndrome. We look at an integrative approach to treating metabolic syndrome that may lead to a smaller waist line. We also look at identifying triggers that may lead to depression so that you can stop them early. We make better life decisions by applying our mind, heart and gut feel at the same time.

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Real Health S5E7 - Depression

54m 17s

We look at the human body’s amazing self-healing properties that are designed to protect the body against diseases; A natural and integrative treatment approach can change the chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression; We look into a natural form of birth control without any of the harmful physical and emotional side effects; Adrenal fatigue is a stress-related condition that often causes symptoms like body ache, sleep disturbances and digestive problems.

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Real Health S5E6 - Cholesterol

55m 39s

This week Stacey gets the ins and outs on cholesterol, finds out how to relieve negative emotions and she explores why more people turn to electromagnetic stimulation for their weekly fitness regime.

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Real Health S5E13 - Menopause

54m 03s

This week on Real Health… Menopause symptoms may include hot flushes, weight gain and insomnia, but simple lifestyle changes can alleviate these symptoms. A life coach explains how to change our poverty belief system to that of a wealth belief system. Bigorexia is a condition that causes people, and predominantly men, to constantly obsess about being too small or underweight, while actually, they have large muscle mass. We explore the cause of this body Dysmorphic disorder.

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Real Health S5E12 - Breast Cancer

48m 47s

We look at how living healthy can improve your changes of surviving breast cancer. Not being able to forgive may be the cause of many of life’s problems. It can even cause disease in our bodies. We explore how to forgive those who have harmed us. Binge Eating is consuming abnormal amounts of food while feeling unable to stop. We look at how to treat this eating disorder. Between 60-80% of our immune system is situated in our gut. We look at ways to boost our digestive health.

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Real Health S5E11 - Treating Cognitive Decline

50m 57s

Our level of self-esteem determines how well we get on with collegues and how quickly we’re in line for a promotion. We explore how to improve our self-esteem in the workplace. We get spiritual advice on how to experience abundance in all areas of our lives. We find out how to re-programme your mind to rid yourself from limiting believes in a therapy called Access Bars.

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Real Health S5E10 - Parasitic Infections

53m 39s

We look at how to treat parasitic infections that may be responsible for conditions, like diarrhoea, joint pain and immune dysfunction, to name a few. We chat to a spiritual advisor who uses her psychic and clairvoyant abilities to assist her clients. We empower moms-to-be about their birthing rights and that for the benefit of mom and baby, a c-section should really be the last resort. And, we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual health benefits of yoga.

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Real Health S4E4 - Gut Health

54m 04s

Research is linking practically everything that goes wrong in our bodies to an unhealthy gut. This week Real Health explores how a healthy gut can rid you from almost any disease and illness.

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Real Health S4E1 - Osteoporosis

49m 12s

This week Real Health looks at the holistic approach to prevent and treat osteoporosis. We explore the lifestyle causes, easy-to-prepare high calcium meals and what type of exercises to do for strong bone density.

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Real Health S3E9 - Work Life Balance

53m 34s

In this episode of Real Health – we explore the concept of Work Life Balance which has now evolved to what has be termed Work Life Integration. We discuss the importance of getting this balanced integration to your holistic health.

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Real Health S3E8 - Prolonging Aging

51m 05s

You can’t stop ageing altogether but you definitely can make the journey a little smoother and it doesn’t always have to cost a fortune. On this episode of Real Health we explore what causes us to age, different ways of slowing down or prolonging the ageing process when it comes to our hilistic health.

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Real Health S3E4 - Living Orgainc / Green Health

54m 58s

On this episode of Real Health: We discuss what it means to living an organic lifestyle and also the benefit it has on our overall health. Our guests in studio share their stories on how they’ve gone about living organic and and going green and they also share small steps that on e can take in mmaking a transition to living a healthier organic lifestyle

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Real Health S3E3 - Skincare

53m 18s

This episode of Real Health is all about skincare. We discuss factors that affect the health the skin; we find out how to treat certain conditions such dry skin and acne. Our expert guests also share their insights on caring for the skin.

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Real Health S3E2 - Leaky Gut

54m 13s

On this episode of Real Health we look at what causes a leaky gut, the symptoms to look out for and how to go about healing a leaky gut. Our panel of experts share their opinion measures that can be taken to ensure good gut health.

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Real Health S3E12 - Weightloss

55m 02s

It’s probably arguably one of, if not the world’s most hottest health topics especially in the past twenty years – Weightloss. We look at why we struggle to lose weight, how we can go about losing weight safely and with lasting results. We also explore the effectiveness of diets and why an active lifestyle is beneficial to maintaining a healthy weight.

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Real Health S3E10 - Teenage Health

55m 36s

On this episode of Real Health– we focus on teenage health – we look at how both parent and teen can better communicate and understand each other; we also discuss nutrition, weight issues, skin care and coping strategies for teens.

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Real Health S3E1 - Food Label Health

50m 21s

Today’s episode focuses’ on making wise and informed food choices when out shopping, understanding the food labels and the ingredients they contain. We also discuss the benefits of eating a balanced diet that provides good nutrition and changing our mindsets.

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Real Health S2E9 - Food Addiction

52m 43s

Having a desire for something sweet is a craving, eating an entire bag of sweets is a loss of control. Something characterised as a food addiction. So in today’s episode we unpack food cravings and addictions and provide you with valuable tips to overcoming

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Real Health S2E9 - Food Addiction

52m 43s

Having a desire for something sweet is a craving, eating an entire bag of sweets is a loss of control. Something characterised as a food addiction. So in today’s episode we unpack food cravings and addictions and provide you with valuable tips to overcoming

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Real Health S2E8 - Back Pain

54m 38s

It’s considered one of the most common physical complaints in the world affecting 8 out of 10 people and is one of the most important factors in time lost from work.On today’s episode we talk about back pain and developing the correct posture to ensure that we either prevent it or minimise it.

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Real Health S2E8 - Back Pain

54m 38s

It’s considered one of the most common physical complaints in the world affecting 8 out of 10 people and is one of the most important factors in time lost from work.On today’s episode we talk about back pain and developing the correct posture to ensure that we either prevent it or minimise it.

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Real Health S2E7 - Alkalinity And Acidity

48m 32s

On today’s show – we take a look at a very controversial topic: the Alkalinity and Acidity of the body. Does acidity really lead to disease? Our expert guests will help us bust some of the myths surrounding this complex topic! We also have a detox juice to help keep your bod’s PH in balance.

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Real Health S2E7 - Alkalinity And Acidity

48m 32s

On today’s show – we take a look at a very controversial topic: the Alkalinity and Acidity of the body. Does acidity really lead to disease? Our expert guests will help us bust some of the myths surrounding this complex topic! We also have a detox juice to help keep your bod’s PH in balance.

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Real Health S2E4 - Mental Health

45m 57s

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act and it also determines how we respond to stress. We investigate how it influences our weight-loss efforts and leading nutritional expert, Patrick Holford, shares his thoughts on optimum nutrition for the mind.

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Real Health S2E4 - Mental Health

45m 57s

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act and it also determines how we respond to stress. We investigate how it influences our weight-loss efforts and leading nutritional expert, Patrick Holford, shares his thoughts on optimum nutrition for the mind.

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Real Health S2E3 - Inflammation

48m 33s

This episode looks at the impact of inflammation on our overall health .While low levels of inflammation are actually needed by the body to prevent injury and trigger a healing response, chronic inflammation can result in a number of conditions and diseases. We look at ways of treating inflammation natural as well as lifestyle changes that can be adopted to minimize inflammation.

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Real Health S2E3 - Inflammation

48m 33s

This episode looks at the impact of inflammation on our overall health .While low levels of inflammation are actually needed by the body to prevent injury and trigger a healing response, chronic inflammation can result in a number of conditions and diseases. We look at ways of treating inflammation natural as well as lifestyle changes that can be adopted to minimize inflammation.

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Real Health S2E2 - Boosting Your Immune System

48m 45s

We explore what the immune system is and how it affects our health holistically. Our expert guests share their knowledge on how we can go about boosting our immunity and some of the lifestyle habits we can adopt to ensure a strong and resilient immune system. We also show you a recipe to boost your immune system this winter.

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Real Health S2E2 - Boosting Your Immune System

48m 45s

We explore what the immune system is and how it affects our health holistically. Our expert guests share their knowledge on how we can go about boosting our immunity and some of the lifestyle habits we can adopt to ensure a strong and resilient immune system. We also show you a recipe to boost your immune system this winter.

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Real Health S2E13 - Holistic Health

53m 49s

On this episode of Real Health- we look at the issues affecting women’s holistic health and wellbeing – from emotions, hormones relationships, image and lifestyle. Our experts also share tips on how women can keep their health at optimum.

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Real Health S2E13 - Holistic Health

53m 49s

On this episode of Real Health- we look at the issues affecting women’s holistic health and wellbeing – from emotions, hormones relationships, image and lifestyle. Our experts also share tips on how women can keep their health at optimum.

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Real Health S2E12 - Adrenal Fatigue

55m 05s

Adrenal Fatigue affects large group of the population but very few actually understand what it really is. On this episode of Real health, we look at the symptoms of Adrenal fatigue, find out the root cause and explore alternative treatments that can be employed.

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Real Health S2E12 - Adrenal Fatigue

55m 05s

Adrenal Fatigue affects large group of the population but very few actually understand what it really is. On this episode of Real health, we look at the symptoms of Adrenal fatigue, find out the root cause and explore alternative treatments that can be employed.

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Real Health S2E11 - Hormones

54m 37s

Hormones are vital chemical messengers that are responsible various functions in the body. So what happens when then are out of balance and not performing accordingly? Our expert guests share all there is to know when it comes to hormones and the impact they have to your overall health.

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Real Health S2E11 - Hormones

54m 37s

Hormones are vital chemical messengers that are responsible various functions in the body. So what happens when then are out of balance and not performing accordingly? Our expert guests share all there is to know when it comes to hormones and the impact they have to your overall health.

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Real Health S2E10 - Stress

53m 32s

Modern day life has constantly put us under immense stress. On this episode of Real Health, we take a closer look at the impact of stress on the body mind and soul. Our experts share some solutions and strategies for better stress management.

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Real Health S2E10 - Stress

53m 32s

Modern day life has constantly put us under immense stress. On this episode of Real Health, we take a closer look at the impact of stress on the body mind and soul. Our experts share some solutions and strategies for better stress management.

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Real Health S2E1 - Hair Care

47m 41s

Today’s show is all about hair care. We discuss ways of looking after your scalp and hair naturally; we find out what factors influence hair health, as well as what causes balding. Our experts will also share hints and tips on how to maintain beautiful hair.

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Real Health S2E1 - Hair Care

47m 41s

Today’s show is all about hair care. We discuss ways of looking after your scalp and hair naturally; we find out what factors influence hair health, as well as what causes balding. Our experts will also share hints and tips on how to maintain beautiful hair.

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True or False?

45m 15s

It is the most serious scandal ever hitting the modern art market. An affair that has made experts and auction houses tremble and has re-proposed the ghost of forgery. The facts date back to 2017 in Genoa, where an exhibition dedicated to the painter Amedeo Modigliani from Livorno was closed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which put 21 paintings out of the 60 on display under seizure.

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