Results for «Diseases»

It's Better to Fast

38m 39s

Once upon a time, people fasted during Lent but few still do today. Yet from Jesus Christ to Gandhi, people have been hailing the virtues of fasting since the dawn of time. Research shows that fasting regularly helps prevent some serious diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. But skipping meals is neither popular nor easy: on the contrary, resisting hunger pangs is extremely difficult.

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Office 32

1h 00m

Six Middle-Aged women are learning to live with chronic pain and the associated symptoms of Fibromyalgia (FMS), but nothing compares to living with the shame that comes with this gender specific illness. In a general context of suspicion they live misdiagnosed, overmedicated and accused of exaggerating and faking their disease, but when they meet Dr. Palop and his team of humanist doctors things start to change.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep9 - MEDICINE

50m 00s

This episode will reveal how medicine in 2050 will be perfectly targeted and adapted to the individual as well as accessible to everyone. Just as science fiction already imagined, medicine in 2050 will be reparative and regenerative.

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Battle for Blood

52m 12s

Blood saves lives – for a long time, this has been accepted as a matter of course. However, scandals around contaminated blood donations have made many people feel uncertain about it. To resolve the doubts, scientists are working on finding a way to produce secure, artificial blood. Pioneers experiment with lugworms and stem cells to make industrial blood production possible in the future.

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Battle for Blood

52m 12s

Blood saves lives – for a long time, this has been accepted as a matter of course. However, scandals around contaminated blood donations have made many people feel uncertain about it. To resolve the doubts, scientists are working on finding a way to produce secure, artificial blood. Pioneers experiment with lugworms and stem cells to make industrial blood production possible in the future.

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The Proteom Code

51m 57s

When Craig Venter, the star of genome technology, joins forces with Apple and Google, in an investment, you know it’s something big! This documentary is an opportunity to demonstrate the DECODING of the protein structure: a production which could be seen as taking the last steps in a scientific sensation.

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Iron Heart

52m 54s

The first heart transplant conducted in 1967 was a breakthrough that would go on to save many lives. But those who get the organs are expected to have short lifespans. What can help in prolonging their lives? Amid the various challenges patients face, one man stands apart. Elmar Sprink completed a grueling triathlon two years after a heart transplant. What explains his exceptional health?

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Transgenic Wars

51m 45s

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close farms is the cause.

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Transgenic Wars

51m 45s

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close farms is the cause.

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Transgenic Wars

51m 45s

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close farms is the cause.

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Transgenic Wars

51m 45s

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close farms is the cause.

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Eyengui, the God of Dream

1h 25m

This is not fiction, it’s crude reality. This film tells a true story about the customs, problems and enigmas, of one of the most primitive ethnic groups on the planet- the Baka pygmies - as they fight to maintain their way of life. In the depths of the jungle of south-east Cameroon, recreating the scene, we see how a woman and her daughter are kidnapped by sorcerers for the start of a cannibal ritual, the woman is petrified, her face a mask of terror.

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