Results for «Disaster»

Day Of Miracles

55m 24s

The true-life story of the Miracle Survivors of 9/11/01 when the World Trade Center was destroyed, the Pentagon hit, and a plane full of heroes headed for the White House crashed in Pennsylvania. Reenacted by Hollywood Notables.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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The Earth's Furies: Volcanic Explosions

52m 22s

Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island... The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over. This threat requires humans to continually come up with new ways to both foresee the danger to come and to tame the violence of volcanoes; a violence that is indispensable to life on Earth. What do these volcanoes reveal about the way the Earth works?

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The Earth's Furies: Volcanic Explosions

52m 22s

Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island... The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over. This threat requires humans to continually come up with new ways to both foresee the danger to come and to tame the violence of volcanoes; a violence that is indispensable to life on Earth. What do these volcanoes reveal about the way the Earth works?

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