Results for «Digital»

Data Center - What powers the Internet?

53m 34s

If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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Data Center - The true cost of the Internet

53m 34s

What, and who, powers the internet? If the internet were a country, it would be the fifth largest consumer of electricity in the world. A whopping 247 billion emails are sent through the web every day, and growing. Though it is thought of as a ’green’ method of communication, the virtual universe is just as damaging for the environment as it is heavy in its energy consumption.

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Code - Debugging the Gender Gap

1h 18m

At a time when jobs in the tech sector are outpacing growth in all other sectors, where are all the women? Some of the most important pioneer coders were women but today, only 15% of software engineers in Silicon Valley are. This lack of diversity can have serious consequences – as was the case with airbags, designed by and modelled on men and often fatal to women, whose smaller size wasn’t taken into account.

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Code - Debugging the Gender Gap

1h 18m

At a time when jobs in the tech sector are outpacing growth in all other sectors, where are all the women? Some of the most important pioneer coders were women but today, only 15% of software engineers in Silicon Valley are. This lack of diversity can have serious consequences – as was the case with airbags, designed by and modelled on men and often fatal to women, whose smaller size wasn’t taken into account.

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Code - Debugging the Gender Gap

1h 18m

At a time when jobs in the tech sector are outpacing growth in all other sectors, where are all the women? Some of the most important pioneer coders were women but today, only 15% of software engineers in Silicon Valley are. This lack of diversity can have serious consequences – as was the case with airbags, designed by and modelled on men and often fatal to women, whose smaller size wasn’t taken into account.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep2 - ART

48m 02s

Art is undergoing a revolution brought about by advances in technology. Digital techniques, data flows, calculating power, and 3D visualisation are some of the tools that open the way to new ways and forms of expression and new artistic Practices.

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How I Became Invisible

57m 14s

Camera, tracking, data, homeland security, NSA… Can we really get over the technological control? How to become invisible in 2016 ?Listened, watched, tracked, Alexandra Ranz travels the world searching for new techniques to get rid of private life intrusion, to erase her personal data from the internet and get a total freedom again.This documentary gives you the keys of internet surveillance...

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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Dream of the future S2 Ep8 - HERITAGE

48m 15s

Our cultural heritage is one of humanity’s most precious assets: how can we pass it on to the Future? It’s a crucial challenge: sharing it with the greatest number but also help it stand up against threats of destruction. New technologies and virtual reality open up unprecedented perspectives, like that of a digital memory.

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Digital addicts

53m 10s

Children as young as three are becoming addicted to mobiles, harming their development and causing possible long-term damage. We follow some of the youngest cases and hear how our brains are affected by exposure to screens. We also learn how platforms like snapchat or facebook are engineered to make them hyper-addictive. Today, scientists are convinced that screens affect our brain development.

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Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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