Results for «Danger»

An Invisible Threat

1h 11m

An Invisible Threat looks at the relationship between microwave technology and health, investigating the conflicts of interest among industry representatives, politicians, scientists and consumers that leave us unprotected to the effects of radiation.

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Gambling on Extinction

51m 35s

Unscrupulous investors, speculating on the disappearance of rare animals, and increased demand for animal products from Asia are pushing endangered animals into extinction. Worldwide, the illegal trade in endangered animals is booming. No longer just the work of individuals or small gangs, it is now dominated by well-organised and equipped international cartels. Wildlife poaching has become the most lucrative illegal business, after the trade in drugs and weapons...

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Uncharted Lines

1h 05m

Every climbing reward comes at the cost of a potential risk, but when you are a climbing pioneer, driven by the unknown and unexpected, you are willing to risk whatever it takes for the chance to find the perfect first ascent line. This is a story of exploration and discovery, a journey of friendship and solitude, a quest to fuel an obsessive passion. Starring Paul Robinson, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods, Chris Sharma and Niky Ceria.

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Bad Hombres

53m 52s

A dutch film maker, married to a Nicaraguan, sets himself a goal of finding out what kind of people is risking life trying to emigrate over the borders to USA, and if some of the reach the American dream.

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Rise of the Trolls

52m 03s

Smartphones have put the internet into our pockets and billions of people around the world are now connected online. Our lives have improved greatly, but this “freedom” has also made us vulnerable to a new kind of predator – the internet troll.

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Reportage series - S01 E04 - Holy Land

57m 46s

Half a million Israeli settlers live within the Palestinian territories forming the main barrier to a two-state solution. They do not see themselves as colonists or invaders, but rather pioneers. Some see themselves as the vanguard that will welcome the arrival of the Messiahs to the lands of Abraham, and others consider themselves a barrier against Islamic extremism.

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Reportage series - S01 E04 - Holy Land

57m 46s

Half a million Israeli settlers live within the Palestinian territories forming the main barrier to a two-state solution. They do not see themselves as colonists or invaders, but rather pioneers. Some see themselves as the vanguard that will welcome the arrival of the Messiahs to the lands of Abraham, and others consider themselves a barrier against Islamic extremism.

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47m 28s

In this climbing documentary we analyze the concepts of fear, death and life. Jordi Salas (Pelón) is a free solo climber. He performs alone without using any ropes, harnesses or other protective equipment, relying entirely on his ability instead. His mind controls everything. He continues to learn throughout his progression while getting up close with life, even though it may seem paradoxical.

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Reportage series - S01 E05 - No Country for Women

48m 44s

It’s one of the biggest economies in the world and one of the most powerful members of the G-20 club. But India is not a country for women. Every hour a woman is killed. Mothers will abort when they know the gender of the baby, and many women in India will suffer every kind of humiliation and violence.

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Reportage series - S01 E05 - No Country for Women

48m 44s

It’s one of the biggest economies in the world and one of the most powerful members of the G-20 club. But India is not a country for women. Every hour a woman is killed. Mothers will abort when they know the gender of the baby, and many women in India will suffer every kind of humiliation and violence.

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Gober - On the Fate of an Orang-Utan Mother

52m 00s

Over the course of years, we follow the dramatic life of Gober, the orang-utan mother. This is a scarcely believable but true story from Sumatra, the large Indonesian island. Gober is first noticed by conservationists when she struggles to meet her daily nutritional needs. It soon becomes clear that she is suffering from creeping sight loss, and her daughter will still be dependent on her for years to come.

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Blue World - Season 5 Episode 04 - Cave Training in the Bahamas

24m 00s

Cave diving is the most difficult and dangerous type of diving, so the training to become a certified cave diver is arduous. This episode documents Jonathan’s actual cave training in the Bahamas and follows him as he learns how to dive safely in the overhead environment of a cave in an attempt to earn his full cave diver certification.

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Certain Adverse Events

52m 46s

Dangerous antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, have been destroying the lives of healthy people. For years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration turned a blind eye to this tragedy. Washington, D.C. consumer advocacy group, Public Citizen, successfully sued the FDA, in 2008, forcing stronger warnings on name brands like Cipro and Levaquin. How can 5 pills change one's life forever?

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Reportage series - S01 E03 - Honduras: The Mara's life

57m 48s

Nineteen people are murdered every day in Honduras, the most violent country without a war in the world. Sistiaga experiences the daily horror of life on the streets in the cities of Honduras. Within three days of arriving he has already witnessed 12 murders: taxi drivers, engineers, drug dealers, gangsters

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Reportage series - S01 E09 - Walking on Bombs

51m 13s

Afghanistan is full of landmines, which emerged as the most lethal weapon used against North American military forces and their allies. We travel to the south of the country – the most dangerous zone – to enter the world of bomb disposal officers; men and women that walk on bombs. None of them match the stereotype seen in The Hurt Locker and none of them are adrenalin junkies. In their own words, this is the quickest way of getting killed in Afghanistan. War is over but the bombs remain.

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Reportage series - S01 E11 - At Hell's Gate

42m 22s

In this episode we visit Kawah Ijen´s active volcano in Indonesia to investigate the labour conditions that miners bear everyday in extracting its sulphur. In the mouth of the volcano labourers carry upon their backs over 70 kilos of sulphur blocks, double their own weight. We follow the trail of these men - suffering the worlds worse working conditions – in to ‘the gates of hell’.

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Reportage series - S01 E11 - At Hell's Gate

42m 22s

In this episode we visit Kawah Ijen´s active volcano in Indonesia to investigate the labour conditions that miners bear everyday in extracting its sulphur. In the mouth of the volcano labourers carry upon their backs over 70 kilos of sulphur blocks, double their own weight. We follow the trail of these men - suffering the worlds worse working conditions – in to ‘the gates of hell’.

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Nomads Seeking Adventure 303 - Mountain Biking the Alps

25m 59s

This episode of Nomads will spend more time with Team Cannondale and riders Mick Hannah, Wayne Goss, and George Ryan as they set out on a wild ride through Europe, exploring every different aspect of mountain biking that Europe has to offer. Again, Nomads will go from the single track and big dirt jumps, to meeting with dealers, going to trade shows and meeting the fans. This journey will truly allow the viewer to dive into the life of a pro mountain biker in the home of all mountain sports.

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Blue World - Season 5 Episode 03 - Tiger Shark as a Camera Operator + Florida Cave Diving

23m 59s

Jonathan joins an expedition to recruit a new Blue World camera operator in the form of a 1,000 pound Tiger shark! Working with experienced shark handlers, he puts a camera on the dorsal fin of the shark to see what it can film all by itself. But will Jonathan get his camera back? Next, he joins an experienced cave diver to explore a famous underwater cave in Northern Florida (USA).

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Mount Infinity EN

30m 51s

Mount Infinity is a film about achieving huge goals, freedom, and about growing older. This film follows successful acro pilot Judith Zweifel for two years as she sets out on a journey to learn to Infinite Tumble. Infinity Tumbling means a continuous series of loops during which the pilot flies vertically over the wing. During that time Judith has to overcome her fears and doubts – the result is a uniquely honest and often surprising look into the private world of an extreme sportswoman.

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Nomads Seeking Adventure 307 - Freestyle Snowmobile Madness Across America

26m 00s

The world’s best freestyle snowmobilers tour in Alaska to perform for their fans. Long time pro Ryan Britt struggles to perform the death defying back flip in front of his home crowd while newcomer Nathan Moncrief copes with the struggles of being a newcomer. While touring in Alaska the whole group drives to Valdez, the home of extreme snowmobiling, for some fun in the deepest snow these flatlanders have ever seen!

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Nature's Keepers Bolivia

46m 36s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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Blue World - Season 5 Episode 01 - Tiger Sharks in the Bahamas + Crystal Cave of Abaco, Bahamas

23m 59s

In the series pilot, host Jonathan Bird travels to the Bahamas, where, in the past few years, diver interactions with Tiger sharks have become up close and personal. These large and dangerous animals are not only being hand-fed, but actually handled by divers. Jonathan learns how to flip a Tiger shark from experienced shark handlers. Next, Jonathan joins world-renown cave explorer Brian Kakuk to investigate the Crystal Cave of Abaco, Bahamas…

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Mata Hari: The Naked Spy

1h 18m

A hundred years ago, Mata Hari faced the firing squad as a convicted German spy. Was she a dangerous spy, whose boldness and sexuality threatened the establishment, or a victim entangled in a climate of blame and desperation as WWI dragged on? How much of what we know about her is just myth? New documents reveal startling truths about her life.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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1h 25m

Rabdoulah and Pemba are two ten-year-old boys who live in two of the most inhospitable regions on the planet - the Teneré desert and the Himalaya mountains. And though their lives are separated by thousands of miles, they have something in common which, moreover, will represent a before and an after in their lives. For the first time, they are going to accompany their families, who for generations have worked in the salt trade, on a long and dangerous journey.

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1h 25m

Rabdoulah and Pemba are two ten-year-old boys who live in two of the most inhospitable regions on the planet - the Teneré desert and the Himalaya mountains. And though their lives are separated by thousands of miles, they have something in common which, moreover, will represent a before and an after in their lives. For the first time, they are going to accompany their families, who for generations have worked in the salt trade, on a long and dangerous journey.

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Bastion of the Giants

52m 02s

«Bastion of the Giants» takes the world into an engrossing journey of the lives of Asian Elephants, and the stunning bio-diverse North Eastern jungles of India around the river Brahmaputra. The challenges of the survival of the Asian Elephant and other endangered species including Bengal Tigers, Indian Rhinos and more, with intense human animal conflicts as human populations explode around these ecological hotspots and ancient elephant lands.

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Bastion of the Giants

52m 02s

«Bastion of the Giants» takes the world into an engrossing journey of the lives of Asian Elephants, and the stunning bio-diverse North Eastern jungles of India around the river Brahmaputra. The challenges of the survival of the Asian Elephant and other endangered species including Bengal Tigers, Indian Rhinos and more, with intense human animal conflicts as human populations explode around these ecological hotspots and ancient elephant lands.

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The Mermaids' Tears: Oceans of Plastic

53m 51s

Oceans are rapidly becoming the world’s rubbish dump. Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A ‘plastic soup’ of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists researching the decline of the fulmar bird found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all samples; In Germany, chemicals leached from plastic have been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals...

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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The High Cost of Cheap Gas

56m 09s

The environmental problems caused by fracking in America have been well publicised but what’s less known are the gas industry’s plans for expansion in other countries. This investigation, filmed in Botswana, South Africa, Alaska and North America, reveals how fracking plants are quietly invading some of the most protected places on the planet - including Africa’s national parks.

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