Results for «Cub»

The Cat Report - S01 E01 - Episode 1

28m 06s

Leopardess Thandi and her 9-month old cub feed on a duiker kill in a quiet grove in Djuma; in Kenya, aging hyena matriarch Waffles must guard against an impending take-over while the Sausage Tree Pride of lions have their meal taken over by other hyenas; and cheetah Kakenya must feed five hungry mouths.

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The Revolutionary Cure

45m 34s

The revolutionary cure. In Cuba, they have more than 15 years researching a treatment based on a type of indigenous Scorpion venom, which is a great palliative for some types of cancer patients since the venom attacks the cancer cells. We will visit the facilities of the pharmaceutical company (Labiofam) that makes it, we'll go hunting the Scorpion with Cuban biologists, we sure the director of Labiofam, as well as doctors and Cuban patients and foreigners who had come from all over the world.

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The Blue Realm - Deep White

44m 28s

Believe it or not, many scuba divers want to see great whites up close, and photographers want dramatic shots. But how do you get the sharks to where you want them? For decades, it's been done by baiting, or “chumming” – attracting sharks with food. This practice is being questioned and banned in many countries because of a dramatic increase in shark attacks.

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Finding Fidel

55m 06s

Finding Fidel tells the remarkable story of war cameraman Erik Durschmied, who in 1958 journeyed to Cuba’s Sierra Maestra mountains to interview a little-known rebel leader named Fidel Castro. A month later, Castro’s band of fighters rolled into Havana, and the world would never be the same.

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The Blue Realm - Deep White

44m 28s

Believe it or not, many scuba divers want to see great whites up close, and photographers want dramatic shots. But how do you get the sharks to where you want them? For decades, it's been done by baiting, or “chumming” – attracting sharks with food. This practice is being questioned and banned in many countries because of a dramatic increase in shark attacks.

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The Blue Realm - Deep White

44m 28s

Believe it or not, many scuba divers want to see great whites up close, and photographers want dramatic shots. But how do you get the sharks to where you want them? For decades, it's been done by baiting, or “chumming” – attracting sharks with food. This practice is being questioned and banned in many countries because of a dramatic increase in shark attacks.

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The Age of Robots - Humanoid Robots

51m 29s

They look like us. They move like us. And very soon they will live among us. They are humanoid robots. Meet an astonishing group of humanoids, among them: iCub, the world's first baby robot, and REEM, the Service Robot, ready to be launched as a guide in public spaces. Get to know humanoids!

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Pablo Picasso

4m 20s

Picasso is still one of the most famous artist in the world. His art has been showed everywhere. How did he become this iconic painter ?

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Inspiring Women - Celia Cruz

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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59m 51s

Havana is still alive. Its people are in the streets, in the squares, in the churches, in the parks, in dance halls, in schools. And it continues to transmit an inheritance made of laughter ancient, with African rhythms, with strong overtones. From Changó and Fidel.

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