Results for «Corpse»

Death of an Immigrant

46m 09s

In 2016, a German tourist holidaying in Switzerland made a grim discovery: in the woods he stumbled upon a leg, partially mauled by animals. Who did it belong to? It triggered both a police and journalist inquiry and marked the beginning of a story that takes us back in time. Starting at the end, it progresses slowly, taking weeks to discover that the human limb belonged to a Macedonian farm labourer.

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The Godfather

1h 02m

It has been 10 years since Antonino Belnome, 38-year-old Godfather and killer of the 'Ndrangheta, the bloody and powerful Calabrian mafia, changed his life becoming a collaborator of justice. With his testimonies he revealed unsolved crimes, buried corpses, dirty deals between weapons, drugs and corruption in the rich Northern Italy.

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The Godfather

1h 02m

It has been 10 years since Antonino Belnome, 38-year-old Godfather and killer of the 'Ndrangheta, the bloody and powerful Calabrian mafia, changed his life becoming a collaborator of justice. With his testimonies he revealed unsolved crimes, buried corpses, dirty deals between weapons, drugs and corruption in the rich Northern Italy.

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