Results for «Computer»

Girl Wired

1h 40m

A Preteen computer prodigy, Glory Vinci has invented an advance medical Ray Gun that can read peoples moods. She has been offered a scholarship to a prestigious Graduate Research Program but her guardian Grandfather is in gambling trouble with the mob, and when the nefarious gangsters discover that Gloria's device can read and steal anybody's credit card number they want to get their hands on it.

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The Power of Thought

52m 00s

We are already able to control computers, use devices and move prostheses by thought alone. Thoughts have a major influence on our physical well-being and can bring about cures spontaneously. But what are thoughts? Just brain waves? Or are there serious indications that they are linked to more far-reaching forces? “The Power of Thoughts” is a fascinating journey into mankind’s inner world.

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