Results for «Climate»

Black Summer

48m 34s

Incredible footage from ordinary Australians captured the ferocity of the bushfires that raged across the country this summer. These videos have been viewed tens of millions of times across the world, but who filmed them and how did their stories end? A team of reporters and producers fanned out across the country to track down the people who found themselves in the centre of the firestorms. What emerges are incredible stories of survival, bravery and heartbreak.

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Black Summer

48m 34s

Incredible footage from ordinary Australians captured the ferocity of the bushfires that raged across the country this summer. These videos have been viewed tens of millions of times across the world, but who filmed them and how did their stories end? A team of reporters and producers fanned out across the country to track down the people who found themselves in the centre of the firestorms. What emerges are incredible stories of survival, bravery and heartbreak.

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Water Is Our Future - The Netherlands - The Pact with Water

52m 49s

For centuries, the Dutch have tamed the sea with dykes and criss-crossed their country with canals and waterways. Lately, climate change is whipping up storms and raising the sea level and the Netherlands is now seeking a new pact with water in order to protect the low-lying country. They’re making use of state-of-the-art technologies and the power of nature and are systematically making space for the water elsewhere.

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Future Food | Episode 2 | Kenya: Food or Fuel?

28m 04s

In the second episode of the Future Food series, Kenyan Farmer and campaigner, Moses Shaha is cynical about ‘biofuels’, energy extracted from crop plants. He journeys through southern Kenya where farmers are starting to grow jatropha, to understand if this biofuel crop is a threat to farmland and food security as he fears, or whether growing energy crops can inspire innovation and help the

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Future Food | Episode 1 | Peru: Old or New?

28m 09s

Behind an unmarked door in a Lima suburb, Javier Wong is planning a revolution in more than just stir-fry cooking. In fact the very future of food – and farming – is being re-imagined here in a city where nobody dined out 20 years ago, where there is no national tradition of gastronomy, and where there is considerable malnutrition. But in the capital of Peru, a city not so long ago wracked by Shining Path terrorist violence, the top chefs believe gastronomy can achieve social justice.

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The Yupiks prophecy

52m 35s

Decades before scientists called the world's attention to the imminent dangers of global warming, the elders of one of Alaska's last remaining indigenous communities, the Yupik people, warned their children: "When the world will change, the climate will change and then men will change ”.

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The Yupiks prophecy

52m 35s

Decades before scientists called the world's attention to the imminent dangers of global warming, the elders of one of Alaska's last remaining indigenous communities, the Yupik people, warned their children: "When the world will change, the climate will change and then men will change ”.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Climate: A few degrees less

52m 45s

Famous American economist and Director of The Earth Institute in New York, Jeffrey Sachs, has a vision. He intends to avoid world temperature rising by more than 2°c before 2050. The challenge is crucial because beyond these extra 2°c, the Earth is bound to experience dramatic situations, or worse big catastrophes. It is essential to divide by two the greenhouse gas emissions, which mainly come from the production and use of fossil fuels in transport, building, and industry.

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Climate: A few degrees less

52m 45s

Famous American economist and Director of The Earth Institute in New York, Jeffrey Sachs, has a vision. He intends to avoid world temperature rising by more than 2°c before 2050. The challenge is crucial because beyond these extra 2°c, the Earth is bound to experience dramatic situations, or worse big catastrophes. It is essential to divide by two the greenhouse gas emissions, which mainly come from the production and use of fossil fuels in transport, building, and industry.

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Living The Change

1h 25m 29s

Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative way.

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Living The Change

1h 25m 29s

Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative way.

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Living The Change

1h 25m 29s

Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative way.

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Sustainable Futures - Global Warming

24m 22s

In the past few years, the world has experienced many devastating natural disasters. There is much speculation that these phenomena are due to global climate changes and Global Warming. In Western Greenland, scientists say that they have found evidence that the island's massive glaciers are melting. In the USA, the Rocky Mountain labs offer a rare long-term view of the environment and the mountain's local ecosystem.

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