Results for «Bells Beach»

Yvan Bourgnon - 70'

1h 09m

In 2015, the Swiss skipper Yvan Bourgnon - a regular offshore racer and winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre in 1997 alongside his brother Laurent - completed the first around the world solo voyage in a cabin-less catamaran the size of a beach yacht, "Ma Louloutte". 220 days and 55,000 km at sea, with no protection from the elements. To find his way across the world’s oceans, he decided to navigate the old way, using a sextant.

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Sessions: King Island

4m 54s

Located in the notoriously windy Bass Strait between Victoria and Tasmania, King Island can produce some of the best beach breaks in the world. This adventure with Harry Bryant and crew showed just how good!

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Bondi Forever

1h 43m

Bondi Forever is an entertaining and engaging journey from Bondi Beach’s past to its present, exploring the emergence of Bondi from a tranquil beachside suburb to one of the most recognised places on earth. Full of colourful characters and rich history, Bondi is no ordinary beach; over the years it has shaped Australia’s lifestyle, its culture and the way Australia is viewed as a nation throughout the world.

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Rip Current Heroes

49m 41s

Rip currents can be found on any beach that has waves breaking across a surf zone. On average they cause more deaths in Australia per year then cyclones, floods and sharks combined, and are responsible for most beach rescues.

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Singapore, Asia

6m 05s

A lovely city, luxurious, clean and safe, how not to love Singapore ? Carolyne takes us to the Marina Bay Sands and Garden by the Bay and it is … wonderful !

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Phuket, Thailand

4m 58s

Welcome to Thailand paradise with white sunny beaches, crystal blue water and tropical jungles. Follow Susannah in this exciting adventure.

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Greek Islands, Greece

6m 11s

Join Carolyne to discover one of the most desirable holidays in the world : the Greek Islands. Join Carolyne to discover one of the most desirable holidays in the world : the Greek Islands. Join Carolyne to discover one of the most desirable holidays in the world : the Greek Islands.

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Bali, Indonesia

5m 34s

Why is Bali such a hotspot for many travellers? Let's join Lyndon to discover what exciting activities this Indonesian island has to offer!

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