Results for «Archeo»

The Quest of the Dead Sea Scrolls

50m 43s

The archaeological discovery of the twentieth century. The most ancient Biblical texts in the world. Seventy years after their recovery, the Dead Sea Scrolls are still a thought-provoking matter of debate.Who wrote those scrolls?

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Dream of the future S2 Ep8 - HERITAGE

48m 15s

Our cultural heritage is one of humanity’s most precious assets: how can we pass it on to the Future? It’s a crucial challenge: sharing it with the greatest number but also help it stand up against threats of destruction. New technologies and virtual reality open up unprecedented perspectives, like that of a digital memory.

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The Triunfante: Discovering an 18th century Warship

52m 41s

What’s the process of retrieving a sunken ship and preparing it for display in a museum? How do archaeologists work underwater? One of the biggest wrecks ever discovered in Spain was the ‘Triunfante’, sunk during a French siege in 1795. We follow the process from its discovery to its display in a museum and learn what makes this ship so special.

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H.O.N. Mission : Searching for the origins of mankind

52m 01s

A journey back in time to our origins by following the trail of a team of scientists in the heart of the Namibian Bush! The objective of the Human Origins in Namibia mission is to have Namibia recognized as “the cradle of humanity” in the same way as South Africa. To do this, new fossils must be found

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Hell's Belle

1h 26m

A supernatural horror in the vein of "The Woman in Black". While on an archeological expedition on a remote mountain, a group of young people stumble across a piece of jewelry that belonged to Belle Starr. One of them steals the piece and incites the wrath of Belle's ghost.

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