Results for «Apartheid-era»

The Other Man

52m 19s

It could have been a bloodbath of historic proportions. But instead, one man made the end of apartheid possible. In February 1990, President F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the African National Congress and ordered the release of Nelson Mandela. As the world celebrated, Mandela would go on to become South Africa’s first democratically elected president - with de Klerk as his Vice President. But de Klerk’s history is complicated.

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In Search Of The Viking Horse

51m 09s

The programme will provide a rich mythological and historical background to this unique breed of horse. As well as covering the Landsmot festival, the film will trace the ancestry of the breed, which has been kept pure by the banning of all imported horses.

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Alexandre Dumas, The Flamboyant

52m 01s

Alexandre Dumas is one of the most prolific writers of his time, with an exceptional romantic sense. At the center of a veritable "novel workshop", reinventing the history of France, he is the "showrunner" of his soap opera, infusing his energy into characters and situations often drawn from his own life.

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Nelson Mandela

52m 06s

Nelson Mandela is a shining example of what one man can do to change the world. Born into an oppressive regime, he fought to overcome prejudice and hate to unify a nation. Nelson Mandela's dedication resulted in his inauguration as the first black President of South Africa; his award of the Nobel Peace Prize and ultimately, his role in overthrowing the Apartheid regime.

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