Results for «Amal»

Story of 3 Girls

1h 47m

The story of three girls, each with their ambition and dreams: Shahira who dreams of wealth and fame without caring about principles, Amal the secretary who wants to marry her boss, although he's married and has a family and Raja who tries to learn from the experiences of her friends.

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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Without a Date

1h 52m

Salwa (Soad Hosni) secretly loves Waheed (Mohamed Sultan) . While Waheed loves Nadia (Nadia Lotfy). Meanwhile, Kamal (Moharram Fouad) falls in love with Nadia too, and keeps his love discreet .But when he knows that his friend ,Waheed, loves her, he decides to keep a distance from Nadia.

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