Results for «Adventurer»

Ben Cropp - Wonders of a billabong

52m 02s

For this adventure, Ben selects the best billabong he has seen just outside Litchfield National Park in Northern Territory. This tropical billabong swarms with life. Filming in HD, Ben captures its pristine scenic beauty, amazing wildlife, their specialised behaviour and the drama of predator versus prey that is a daily battle in what appears a tranquil lagoon.

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Ben Cropp - The elusive mermaid

52m 02s

The Dugong is an elusive animal, thought to have given rise to the legend of the mermaid. Around the world, Dugong have been hunted to near extinction. Australia is their last sanctuary, and even here they are on the decline from gill netting and indigenous hunting.

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Ben Cropp - The corals Reefs are dying

56m 03s

Ben Cropp looks at the alarming deterioration of coral reefs around the world, caused by man's interference and pollution. Some countries have already ruined their coral reefs. Scientists predict that within 40 years two-thirds of the world's coral reefs will be dead.

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Ben Cropp - The Kimberley coast

52m 10s

Ben Cropp and his sons, Dean and Adam explore from their vessel, Freedom II, the vast and remote coastline of Australia's far north. It’s an adventure along the top end - Cape York, The Gulf of Carpentaria, Arnhem Land, and the Kimberly coast.

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Ben Cropp - Sea snakes of the marion reef

52m 03s

The sea snake, serpent of the sea, is a highly venomous creature, its venom is ten times more potent than the cobra. Many native fishermen die from sea snake bites in the islands north of Australia, but, fatalities are rare in Australi. Marine scientists accompany Ben Cropp on his vessel “Freedom” to Marion Reef.

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Ben Cropp - Plight of the pelican

52m 03s

Join Ben Cropp as he explores different breeding grounds of the pelicans such as the barren islands where they lay their eggs, to the rivers where many predators such as crocodiles and eagles prey on the young chicks. This film attempts to track the life of flocks of pelicans through an entire cycle of seasons.

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Ben Cropp - Exploring Cape York

52m 04s

The third film in the series of adventures undertaken by Ben Cropp and his two sons, Dean and Adam, around the top end of Australia’s wilderness. Here Ben catches mud crabs in Princess Charlotte Bay, and shows how he can immobilise the formidable claws by caressing the crab and putting it to sleep.

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Ben Cropp - Coral Sea: Emerald Isles in a raimbow sea

52m 02s

In the Coral Sea, east of Queensland and south of the Solomons lie many plateaus of coral that rise to the surface and are capped with coral islands. Ben Cropp and his team scuba dive these crystal waters with wonderful coral gardens, big fish, and many sharks, that go into a feeding frenzy when food is available.

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Ben Cropp - Australia's Wild North

52m 00s

Ben Cropp and his sons, Dean and Adam explore from their vessel, Freedom ll, the vast and remote coastline of Australia’ s far north. Ben visits his dream place, what he feels is the most spectacular and beautiful place in all of Australia.

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Ben Cropp - Where ocean giants meet

51m 33s

Ben Cropp and his team witness the close of the last whaling operation in Australia and dive with the great white sharks that are drawn to the slaughter. ben follows the migratory path of the whales to shark bay, where the ocean giants truly on underwater dives they encounter grey nurse sharks, great white sharks, a rare leatherback turtle, and a herd of dugong.

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Ben Cropp - Silent warriors

52m 01s

In 1942, the most bloody battle between the Japanese and the Allied Forces took place on the idyllic Solomon Islands north-east of Australia. 26,000 lives were lost. On expeditions which led to the Solomons from northern Australia via the Great Barrier Reef, Ben Cropp has explored many such wrecks in detail

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58m 00s

Karun: Misadventures On Iran’s Longest River' - British adventurers Tom Allen and Leon McCarron set out to follow Iran’s longest river, the Karun, by human powered means. Their aim is to go beyond the politics and explore the culture and geography of this most misunderstood of nations and have a great adventure doing so. But despite Tom’s previous experience of travel in Iran, they find that cultural differences run deeper than they’d realised.

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51m 55s

In the heart of the Antarctic, at the foot of the Holtanna mountain range, in the land of Queen Maud, four adventurers, all mountain professionals, are attempting to make the first base jump on the continent.Amongst them are Géraldine Facnacht, professional snowboarder and base jumper; Sébastien Collomb-Gros, skier and base jumper; Manu Pellissier, guide and Himalayan specialist; Sam Beaugey, polar expedition guide and base jumper.

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