Results for «AMA»

Wonder Women S1E2 Japan

22m 03s

For centuries, the Ama free divers of Japan have plunged into icy waters to depths of 50 feet without air tanks to retrieve shellfish to feed their families. But today, a pair of women in their eighties are among the last practitioners of this endangered tradition.

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Wonder Women S1E2 Japan

22m 03s

For centuries, the Ama free divers of Japan have plunged into icy waters to depths of 50 feet without air tanks to retrieve shellfish to feed their families. But today, a pair of women in their eighties are among the last practitioners of this endangered tradition.

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Finding Fidel

55m 06s

Finding Fidel tells the remarkable story of war cameraman Erik Durschmied, who in 1958 journeyed to Cuba’s Sierra Maestra mountains to interview a little-known rebel leader named Fidel Castro. A month later, Castro’s band of fighters rolled into Havana, and the world would never be the same.

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1h 44m

Raquel has done everything to get over he ex Isaac, but he comes back decided to get her back at any cost.

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Who Would You Call?

1h 22m

A lonely 40 year old man lives an intense crisis. Walking down a street, he comes across his couple who is on her way to meet up with her ex boy friend. Beggining to feell that his relationship with her is about to end, he remains still, without reacting, daring only to look at her.

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Days Of Light

1h 27m

During five days a solar storm hits Central America. People In each of these countries will have to face life in its most basic terms, disconnected from the technology they normally depend on. Fear, friendship and love emerge as they come together with others, while the skies are lit by tropical lights never seen before.

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Days Of Light

1h 27m

During five days a solar storm hits Central America. People In each of these countries will have to face life in its most basic terms, disconnected from the technology they normally depend on. Fear, friendship and love emerge as they come together with others, while the skies are lit by tropical lights never seen before.

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Samadhi - We are the One

1h 48m

Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “we are one”. Through seven extraordinary stories of pure love and friendship, this film shows that the only existing barriers between humans and animals are actually those we have created ourselves. From the forests of Germany, where Tatjana was “adopted” by a pack of wolves, to the junglesof Borneo, where Shaulé’s best friend is a tiger, we will discover the magic of these unpredictable but deeply moving relationships.

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African Beauties - Hair Art In Mali

42m 53s

Antelope moon, golden dates, desert flowers. There are hundreds of words which convey the beauty of African women. Copious amounts of time have been dedicated to this subject, in particular the amazing hair creations. Works of art, based on ancient knowledge, adorn the heads of women from the busy Malian metropolis of Bamako on the river Niger to the Sahara, the world's largest desert, on which the Tuareg nomads roam.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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Yvan Bourgnon - 70'

1h 09m

In 2015, the Swiss skipper Yvan Bourgnon - a regular offshore racer and winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre in 1997 alongside his brother Laurent - completed the first around the world solo voyage in a cabin-less catamaran the size of a beach yacht, "Ma Louloutte". 220 days and 55,000 km at sea, with no protection from the elements. To find his way across the world’s oceans, he decided to navigate the old way, using a sextant.

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the beat of the Gamba

55m 56s

Gamba is a fusion of African music brought to Amazonia by the slaves with Indian songs and missionary hymns. In the 19th century, slaves fleeing the plantations and the hardships of captivity took refuge in the forest. They lived there with the Indians, who taught them to survive in the hostile environment of the big forest. From their meeting sprang this astonishing Afro-Indigenous music, based on drums, song and dances.

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the beat of the Gamba

55m 56s

Gamba is a fusion of African music brought to Amazonia by the slaves with Indian songs and missionary hymns. In the 19th century, slaves fleeing the plantations and the hardships of captivity took refuge in the forest. They lived there with the Indians, who taught them to survive in the hostile environment of the big forest. From their meeting sprang this astonishing Afro-Indigenous music, based on drums, song and dances.

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the beat of the Gamba

55m 56s

Gamba is a fusion of African music brought to Amazonia by the slaves with Indian songs and missionary hymns. In the 19th century, slaves fleeing the plantations and the hardships of captivity took refuge in the forest. They lived there with the Indians, who taught them to survive in the hostile environment of the big forest. From their meeting sprang this astonishing Afro-Indigenous music, based on drums, song and dances.

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The Lady of Cao

51m 47s

The Lady of Cao is the first female ruler of pre-Columbian Peru to be discovered. She is believed to have governed in the Chicama valley, very close to the city of Trujillo, about 1700 years ago. The discovery of her tomb in 2006 was a major breakthrough in all previous theories about the Moche civilization. Through historical recreations, we will learn how the Moche society of the area was like and the importance of this mysterious tattooed mommy in her times.

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The Lady of Cao

51m 47s

The Lady of Cao is the first female ruler of pre-Columbian Peru to be discovered. She is believed to have governed in the Chicama valley, very close to the city of Trujillo, about 1700 years ago. The discovery of her tomb in 2006 was a major breakthrough in all previous theories about the Moche civilization. Through historical recreations, we will learn how the Moche society of the area was like and the importance of this mysterious tattooed mommy in her times.

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The Lady of Cao

51m 47s

The Lady of Cao is the first female ruler of pre-Columbian Peru to be discovered. She is believed to have governed in the Chicama valley, very close to the city of Trujillo, about 1700 years ago. The discovery of her tomb in 2006 was a major breakthrough in all previous theories about the Moche civilization. Through historical recreations, we will learn how the Moche society of the area was like and the importance of this mysterious tattooed mommy in her times.

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Inspiring Women - Michelle Obama

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Inspiring Women - Gloria Trevi

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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37m 24s

In home, stadiums, offices and pubs around the world, there is an ongoing generational debate over whose country had the best sports era. Sabbatical Entertainment settles the debate in this exclusive original production, Maradona and Messi from Argentina, Pelé and Neymar from Brazil, Valderrama and James from Colombia, Chicharito and Hugo Sánchez from Mexico. Their triumphs, defeats, unique characteristics and statistics. Between each of these pairs of stars, who is the best? What unites them?

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Following the Messiah E7

28m 03s

Visit some of the places Jesus taught some of His most powerful lessons. Visit the Cove of the Sower and the site where Jesus had a conversation with a Samaritan woman while resting by a well

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Domestic Hell

1h 56m

Jack and Julia are a couple with secrets. Jack lust has exploded into the bizarre from an initial foray into sexual swinging into kidnapping a women, named Dahlia, and keeping her as his prisoner and sex slave. Juila, Jack's wife lives in terror of Jack while still protecting his dark secret. Olivia is hellbent on finding the truth about what happen to Dahlia. When four lives collide, there is no escape. From the creators of Bloody Drama comes a story of survival, trust and darkness.

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Call Me Dad

1h 21m

A group of fathers confront the pain they have caused, and take hold of a chance to transform their most precious relationships

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Almost Perfect Crimes S03E02: The Rodez Rumourmill

52m 01s

Rodez, 1817, the public prosecutor Antoine Bernardin Fualdes is discovered floating in the Aveyron waters. France is in the heart of the restoration period, and the struggle between imperialists and Bonapartists is burning on. There are many scores yet to be settled. Fualdes’ trial is the first one in which the media are invited to report the investigation. Rumors and fake confessions are everywhere as the sordid circumstances of his murder come out bit by bit.

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Death in León Episode Two: 7 years

1h 06m

Seven years before the crime, Isabel Carrasco comes to power in León. At the same time, Triana Martínez, a young telecommunications engineer, started work in the provincial council. The relationship between the two is very good until one day, all of a sudden, everything changes. In the trial, Triana reveals the reason for the fall out: she rejected Isabel’s sexual advances. Triana loses her job in the council. Isabel uses her influence to damage her career for years.

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Death in León Episode Three: 10 hours

1h 07m

No one understands the involvement of the local policewoman, and Triana’s friend, Raquel Gago. The prosecution is convinced that she was part of the plan, but she maintains her innocence. The defence calls up two police inspectors as witnesses. They are accused of misleading the defendants and lying in their testimonies. Serious suspicions emerge surrounding the police investigation which had been heavily politicized. The testimonies are over and the jury goes out to deliberate.

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Death in León Episode Four: Life After

59m 15s

The jury finds the three defendants guilty of murder. The prosecutor’s case wins. Isabel Carrasco’s memory becomes increasingly distant in León; no one wants to look back. The three defendants are pinning all of their hopes on the Supreme Court. At the last minute, the filmmakers discover something that was never investigated by the police. A political shadow hangs over the investigation once again.

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Almost Perfect Crimes S03E03: The Bloody Hostel

52m 17s

Jean-Antoine Angelras is found dead by the river, he was killed by a blow to the head but who did it? Set in a country where people say winter lasts 9 months a year and that the other 3 months are like hell is the Peyrbeilles hostel; now known as the bloody hostel. The bloody hostel massacre has inspired a lot of films and books. The 600 square metre hostel was built in 1820 and was owned by farmer Pierre Martin. He was an ambitious man and possibly a murderer.

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Death in León Episode One: 3 minutes

1h 01m

Leon, 12th of May 2014. Isabel Carrasco, the president of the provincial government of Leon, is murdered in broad daylight in the centre of Leon. Feared and hated for her autocratic rule, many people wanted her dead. Two women were quickly arrested, mother and a daughter, Montserrat González and Triana Martínez. The following day a local policewoman, Raquel Gago, handed in the murder weapon and she too was arrested. All three women were charged with the murder of Isabel Carrasco.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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The World According to Amazon

52m 42s

It’s a global empire run by the world’s richest man. Amazon, the world’s top online retailer, has revolutionised the global economy and the flow of goods. How does this hidden empire work? Who is Jeff Bezos, its iconoclastic boss? What is the essence of this company as it prepares to completely transform capitalism in the twenty-first century? We speak to Amazon employees, from workers to executives, who describe a model that they have experienced from the inside.

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9/11: Through the Eyes of Al Qaeda

53m 02s

Filmed in extremely difficult circumstances, Al Qaeda operatives describe how they planned and prepared for 9/11. Their exclusive interviews provide a rare look at life inside Al Qaeda, into the personality of Osama Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri. Intercut with the interviews is archive of 9/11, some of it never before seen, and footage from hidden cameras. 9/11, as it's never been seen before - through the eyes of Al Qaeda.

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9/11: Through the Eyes of Al Qaeda

53m 02s

Filmed in extremely difficult circumstances, Al Qaeda operatives describe how they planned and prepared for 9/11. Their exclusive interviews provide a rare look at life inside Al Qaeda, into the personality of Osama Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri. Intercut with the interviews is archive of 9/11, some of it never before seen, and footage from hidden cameras. 9/11, as it's never been seen before - through the eyes of Al Qaeda.

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Putin, master of the game

52m 02s

Five years ago, in 2012, Russia was a second-rate power surrounded by the expanding NATO alliance. Putin was destabilized since his controversial reelection triggered waves of protest. Yet he turned out to be a brilliant strategist, exploiting the weaknesses of the West and positioning himself as the main player in international affairs.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 2

42m 03s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 1

42m 19s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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5 Elements

45m 18s

This film is the compilation of several of the most epic windsurfing travel adventures ever undertaken by Thomas Miklautsch. Furthermore, this is one of our favorite videos in the New World Spirits line-up. Considered as one of the most free-spirited windsurfers ever, in '5 Elements' Thomas Miklautsch travels to The Amazon, Antarctica, Chile, Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, The Andes, and even...San Francisco, among other places.

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Ancient Grains - Amaranth

24m 22s

When you open your pantry, do images of the rugged mountains of South America, the colorful tablelands of Africa and the fertile river valleys of the Middle East dance before your eyes? If not, you have yet to discover amaranth, quinoa, spelt, kamut and teff, the quintet of nutritional powerhouses known as the ancient grains. The legends behind their origins many millennia past, their loss over time and their ultimate modern revival - literally tell the story of civilization.

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Michelle Obama

23m 36s

As Michelle Obama dutifully followed her husband on the campaign trail, she began making headlines of her own with her impeccable style. Mixing bold colours and clean lines with funky accessories, Obama has brought a sense of fun to corporate clothing. Featuring graphics that highlight her iconic outfits, and packed with interview footage from designers, fashion commentators, and stylists, this is a fun, fresh, fashion fest!

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Pura Vida

44m 05s

Story of an incredible journey, from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean: over a period of 20 months, Hervé Neukomm covered 7,500 kilometers on 26 different rivers. In 2004, Hervé leaves Switzerland by bike to reach Tibet, but his journey takes another turn.

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36m 17s

Numerous climatic, political and civilising changes have a great impact on the settlements in the central Amazon area. Step by step the local people develop their own mentality regarding a sustainable and well-adapted life in the heart of the Amazon rain forests. In 2012, the film maker Thomas Miklautsch from Carinthia, together with his assistant Anja Krois, set off to travel for several months along the Amazon, from the Columbian Leticia to Rio Ampiyaco near Iquitos in Peru, always in harmony

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36m 17s

Numerous climatic, political and civilising changes have a great impact on the settlements in the central Amazon area. Step by step the local people develop their own mentality regarding a sustainable and well-adapted life in the heart of the Amazon rain forests. In 2012, the film maker Thomas Miklautsch from Carinthia, together with his assistant Anja Krois, set off to travel for several months along the Amazon, from the Columbian Leticia to Rio Ampiyaco near Iquitos in Peru, always in harmony

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36m 17s

Numerous climatic, political and civilising changes have a great impact on the settlements in the central Amazon area. Step by step the local people develop their own mentality regarding a sustainable and well-adapted life in the heart of the Amazon rain forests. In 2012, the film maker Thomas Miklautsch from Carinthia, together with his assistant Anja Krois, set off to travel for several months along the Amazon, from the Columbian Leticia to Rio Ampiyaco near Iquitos in Peru, always in harmony

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