Food & facts

Getting a Taste for Natural Wine

52m 00s

In recent years, the consumption of organic wine has become a growing trend. It’s what Europeans expect: traceability of products and respect for the environment. But the new phenomenon is the consumption of so-called natural and biodynamic or ‘raw’ wines that go even further. A new generation of winemakers has decided to banish all chemical inputs in the process of winemaking.

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Food of the future

44m 36s

What will we eat in the future? In order to reduce the consumption of food from animal sources, food technicians are looking for new plant-based proteins. One promising alternative product could be the lupin.

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Good, Better, Vegan?

52m 00s

Veganism is the new lifestyle of a young, healthy generation. Restaurants serve vegan haute cuisine, recipes for vegan cakes flood the Internet. It’s also a money-making area for research and business. Countless ways of replacing milk, eggs and sausage enter the market. But few realize that the manufacturing process involves biotechnology and additives. Being vegan without knowing about nutrients can lead to deficiencies, even death. Are we really on the threshold of a new, sustainable diet?

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Climate change and wine

51m 54s

Global warming could drastically alter the world wine map. Temperatures are expected to rise from 3° to 5°C by 2050, accompanied by a decrease in summertime precipitation, much more frequent heat waves (over 35°C) that are fatal to grapevines, increased soil erosion and irrigation problems. This investigative documentary surveys the research carried out and the decisions made by both vineyard owners and scientists to tackle the question of global warming.

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The Empire of Red Gold

54m 29s

The world’s most consumed fruit has an untold story. The industrialization of the humble tomato preceded the globalized economy that was to follow. It is now as much of a commodity as wheat, rice, or petrol. The tomato’s ability to create strongly identifiable products, such as ketchup, pizza sauce, soups, sauces, drinks or frozen dishes is unbeatable. As early as 1897, ten years before Ford started to mass produce cars, Heinz was already converting tomatoes into standardized cans of puree.

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Milk - Facts, Figures & Beliefs

52m 07s

Milk has long symbolized a healthy diet. But is it really true? Milk is not necessarily what we think it is. Experts explain the difference between traditional and industrial milk production. Increased efficiency through concentrated feed leads to cow diseases that are treated with antibiotics leaving drug residues in the milk. There are strong concerns that modern milk may cause allergies, even cancer. The dose makes the poison, and there are indications that our ‘dose’ of milk is an overdose.

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