Sacred History

Untold History TVPUK

Saint-Martin, 1700 Years of Sharing

52m 48s

In the harsh winter of 324, a dazzling cavalry officer from the Roman Imperial Guard stop his horse in front of a nearly naked man, then take from his shoulders his immense white cloak, made from two pieces of fabric, one lined with sheepskin, and separate the two parts with his sword to make the unfortunate wretch warm. His charitable gesture contains all the force of this emblematic character from the dawn of Western Christianity.

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Mary Magdalene - The secrets revealed

45m 59s

Mary Magdalene, the faithful disciple of Jesus. She is one of the most important female figures in the Bible, resigned for centuries to the role of a repentant prostitute. According to an ancient tradition she died in France

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Mysterious Jerusalem

50m 11s

If the sources related to the mysteries and the history of Jerusalem are essentially based on the Bible and on archaeological discoveries with controversial interpretations, there is a kind of established unity between the mythological beginnings and the historical times. In this film, we revisit mysteries while bringing new informations.

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Meroes's Kingdoms - El-Muweis, a City Hidden in the Sand

50m 45s

In the heart of Sudan lays an ancient Egyptian royal city deep in the sand. Under the lead of archaeologist and Egyptologist Michel Baud, an international team has been granted the exceptional authorization to dig the area. Through modern and traditional archaeological tools, they unveil the little known times of the Black Pharaohs.

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