
Fight Hate With Love

51m 55s

Michael Ta’Bon spent 15 years in prison, where he promised himself that one day he would start a movement to prevent young people from repeating his mistakes. Now married and with two kids, his fierce commitment to community activism may ultimately cost him his family.

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Higher Education

1h 23m

"With the birth of the knowledge society, higher education is booming. There were 13 million university students in 1960. In 2015, their ranks had swollen to nearly 200 million. The number of students attending university is exploding around the globe, as a gigantic global student market is being forged… It’s a simple fact: for the past two decades, the new wealth producing champions have been business executives and members of the intellectual and scientific professions.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep4 - SCHOOL

50m 14s

We all dream of having the best school possible for our children - one that nourishes their curiosity, makes them eager to learn, provides them with the technological, intellectual and human tools and prepares them for the future in store.

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