Law Enforcement

RAID: Inside France's Anti-Terrorist Unit

52m 23s

Dealing with the most delicate and dangerous issues of security and safety, the RAID unit intervenes not only in terrorist attacks, but also in dismantling drug networks, transferring dangerous prisoners, and handling hostage situations. It was this unit charged with neutralising and arresting those behind the deadly attacks in Paris in November 2015 and on Charlie Hebdo. We follow these elite men at work and through their difficult training period and see what makes them so special.

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24 Hours Police - Episode 3 - Violence & Guns

44m 59s

We’re on patrol with police on the streets of four major cities. Comparing crime rates and policing methods and to see what we can learn from overseas experience. We filmed for 24 hours, starting at 8am on a Saturday in Auckland, Perth, San Francisco and Oslo.

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Shame penalties

58m 02s

In America, tough sheriffs and judges use shame penalties to punish convicted criminals. They claim these punishments act as a deterrent to others but critics say these penalties are demeaning and ineffective.

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USA: Locking up Children

54m 03s

The United States is the only UN member that has not ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits sentencing under 18s to the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. In states like Texas, 10 years olds can be sent to prison and children who commit a serious crime can be tried as adults and incarerated with them. It’s thought there are 10,000 Americans serving life sentences for crimes committed as a children.

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