Design for you

Design for you - S2E5 - Introducing Color

21m 51s

Design For You explores ways of introducing colour into the home. Cathrin Bolt takes us through a “colour splash” inspired interior. Makers of Stuff presents their inspiring product range and Vintage Vista shares their colour palette in an open plan home.

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Design for you - S2E8 - Industrial Home

24m 01s

Explore industrial interior design styles. Our design makers Mike Made This give us a glimpse of their wood and steel furniture. Then our featured guest Shruthi Nair of Propertuity takes us deeper into what defines the industrial home.

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Design for you - S2E10 - What About The Walls?

21m 00s

Go bold in the color choices for your home. Leighton Clapton shares his color choices in one of his interiors. Our design maker gives us a glimpse of their vibrant prints and Derrick Tabbert gives us a visual understanding of the term ‘accent color’.

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